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updated Sun. August 4, 2024

In the Bush administration, Renne was hired in 2004 as deputy special counsel of the Office of Special Counsel, the small federal agency that is supposed to protect employees across the government from retaliation for whistleblowing. The tenures of Renne and his boss, Special Counsel Scott Bloch, were ...
Law360, Los Angeles (February 9, 2016, 10:18 PM EST) -- A Virginia federal judge on Tuesday tossed a $202 million Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act suit that former special counsel Scott Bloch, who previously pled guilty to ordering the deletion of emails on government computers, filed against former ...

Nonprofit accountability groups that were party to a whistleblower complaint against former Special Counsel Scott Bloch for prohibited workplace practices during the George W. Bush administration hailed the release on Wednesday of an inspector general's report largely confirming their charges. Bloch ...
Scott Bloch, the former Bush administration official who pleaded guilty to misdemeanor contempt of Congress, was sentenced to one month in prison by a D.C. federal court today. The former head of the Office of Special Counsel, Bloch had pleaded guilty in connection with his use of 'Geeks On Call' to ...
... basic inaction and also to remake the country's huge network of social services through the funneling of massive amounts of money to religious organizations-well, only then do stories like the exquisitely odd tale of Scott J. Bloch begin to make sense. Employed as the head of the Office of Special Counsel ...
Law enforcement sources said agents seized computers belonging to Scott Bloch, the head of the Office of Special Counsel, an agency established in the 1970s to protect whistle-blowers and shield federal employees against improper management. The sources said Bloch was the subject of a 2005 inquiry ...

The investigation into Special Counsel Scott Bloch is much broader than originally believed. Investigators are looking into ... The federal inquiry into Special Counsel Scott J. Bloch, who oversees protection for federal whistle-blowers, appears to be broader than originally believed. Sources close to the ...
In 2004, when Special Counsel Scott Bloch made a similar move, President George W. Bush's White House disavowed the action and ...
St. Paul's final Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party ward conventions — a classic rite of election-year politics — were overshadowed Sunday by ...
While serving as deputy special counsel for the Office of Special ... Special Counsel Scott Bloch to transfer gay federal employees to an office in ...

The tenures of Renne and his boss, Special Counsel Scott Bloch, were almost immediately mired in controversy after career employees said ...
The tenures of Renne and his boss, Special Counsel Scott Bloch, were almost immediately mired in controversy after career employees said ...
The Office of Special Counsel issued the warning in a letter to Democratic senators, obtained by Government Executive, who asked OSC to ...
Way back in 2004, Scott Bloch was the canary in the coal mine, and the ... known Office of Special Counsel, an executive branch investigative ...
After its initial investigation, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel forced the ... A year later, in May of 2004, Special Counsel Scott Bloch, of the U.S. ...
FBI agents removed boxes from the Office of the Special Counsel Scott Bloch in downtown Washington after a subpoena search of Bloch's ...
But it was what happened to a lawyer named Scott Bloch that stands as an object lesson for how far the LGBTs are willing to go to ruin those who may stand in their way in the halls of power.
But it was what happened to a lawyer named Scott Bloch that stands as an object lesson for how far the LGBTs are willing to go to ruin those who may stand in their way in the halls of power.
Perez's predecessor, Hilda Solis, resigned amid an Office of Special Counsel probe into whether she violated the law by fund raising for Obama's 2012 re-election, according to statements issued in 2014 by the House Oversight and Government Reform ...
Scott Bloch (W) United States Special Counsel. pleaded guilty to criminal contempt of Congress for "willfully and unlawfully withholding pertinent information from a House Committee investigating his decision to have several government computers wiped .


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        scott bloch

US officials:
        a b krongard
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        c. stephen allred
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        carol haave
        carol m. browner
        caspar weinberger
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        george p shultz
        george tenet
        greg theilmann
        harvey l. pitt
        henry kissinger
        henry paulson
        howard h. baker, jr
        jack kemp
        james a baker
        james b. comey
        james c. oberwetter
        james forrestal
        james p. rubin
        james roche
        james webb
        jeane j. kirkpatrick
        joe mcmillan
        john ashcroft
        john e. mclaughlin
        john foster dulles
        john mccone
        john negroponte
        john p. stenbit
        john p. walters
        john p o'neill
        john poindexter
        john r. bolton
        john stern wolf
        john william snow
        joseph a. christoff
        joseph s. nye, jr
        joshua bolten
        kathleen cooper
        ken adelman
        ken salazar
        l paul bremer
        laurence silberman
        lawrence summers
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        louis freeh
        madeleine albright
        mark a. weinberger
        martin indyk
        max c. hugel
        melvin laird
        michael brown
        michael chertoff
        michael j. copps
        michael o. johanns
        nicholas johnson
        norman mineta
        oliver (buck) revell
        otto reich
        pat wald
        patricia harrison
        patrick h. wood iii
        paul craig roberts
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        paul o'neill
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        paul wolfowitz
        pete aldridge
        peter orszag
        philip heymann
        philip zelikow
        r. alexander acosta
        r. james woolsey, jr
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        richard allen
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        richard m. helms
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        robert blackwill
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        robert joseph
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        robert w jordan
        robert zoellick
        rod paige
        roger morris
        roger noriega
        samuel bodman
        scott bloch
        stanley sporkin
        stansfield turner
        stephen cambone
        steve hadley
        steven bryen
        steven g. bradbury
        steven griles
        steven mann
        stewart simonson
        stuart e eizenstat
        teresa mchenry
        thomas a. twetton
        thomas e. white
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        webster hubbell
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        william j. bennett
        william j. casey
        william kennard
        william s. cohen
        william webster
        zbigniew brzezinski