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updated Wed. June 19, 2024

The PNC meeting will also discuss calls to suspend PLO recognition of Israel, cut all ties and agreements with it, and discuss resistance to the Israeli occupation of Palestine in peaceful means. In addition ... In that session, the parts of the PLO Charter that denied Israel's right to exist were nullified. In 2009 ...
The notion that there is a fundamental distinction between the righteousness of Israeli policy and Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state has enabled countless American Jews to reconcile their liberal values with unconditional support for the latter premise. Radicals might have insisted that illiberalism and ...

The Israeli government and other critics say the boycott movement is anti-Semitic and aims to delegitimize Israel and undermine its right to exist. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said the movement wants “to see the end of the Jewish state.” In a letter to Ms. Portman on Friday, Gilad Erdan, Israel's ...
Treasurer Scott Morrison has come out in support of Israel Folau following his recent homophobic comments, saying the footballer is “a good man” and showed “a lot of ... I'll give a fuck about your right to "freedom of speech" when you start giving a fuck about my right to exist without fear of persecution.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman made history on April 2 by recognizing Israel's right to exist in an interview with The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg ... “It isn't changing and Hamas is still hosted in Qatar, as well as other extremists and anti-Israel voices, such as former Israeli member of Knesset Azmi ...
He added that by officially recognizing Israel's right to exist, "Saudi Arabia relieved itself of the burden of secrecy from informal meetings with Israeli politicians and the military." Afghahi predicted that the establishment of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel is just a matter of time given that ...

The Israel Project's CEO and President Josh Block praised Wisconsin's decision: “The Israel Project is grateful to Governor Walker for his leadership in fighting against BDS discrimination. For years, Israel – and only Israel – has been targeted by this deceptive attempt to delegitimize its very right to exist.
Saudi King Salman reaffirmed Riyadh's support for a Palestinian state less than a day after his son and heir to the throne made waves by de facto recognizing Israel's right to exist. In a phone call with U.S. President Donald Trump, the Saudi leader reiterated his kingdom's “steadfast position towards the ...
Living in Israel, it has been a surreal experience watching the international community's response to the riots on the Gaza border. It is as though context, history, identity, and motive don't matter. This apathy would be unthinkable in any other context and any other country. Imagine the mobilization of 30,000 ...
... Israel's “apartheid” government, it is merely a way to deceive socially just-minded students into falsely demonizing Israel. Evidently, this is part of SJP's broader agenda to delegitimize the only Jewish state's right to exist and promote anti-Zionism on college campuses. Critical discourse on Israeli policy ...
Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman has defended Israel's right to exist in a controversial interview with a US magazine. ... Since 2002, Saudi Arabia has been the main sponsor of the Arab Peace Initiative, which envisions a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But no such senior ...
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman did something that is extraordinarily uncommon for an Arab leader: recognize Israel's right to exist. In an interview with The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg that was published on April 2, Salman declared, “I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to ...
They declare again and again that they do not recognize Israel's right to exist. That is why they leave us no choice but to block them by force, no matter what the cost.” The cost is the essential issue that makes Israel's achievement on Friday problematic. The far left was critical of what transpired, while the ...
This kind of public recognition of Israel's right to exist in an area associated with ancient Jewish history is rare from a senior Arab leader. It is, of course, not unprecedented. Egypt and Jordan already have a kind of peace with Israel. And many might argue that the Saudi-sponsored Arab Peace Initiative - a ...
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is responsible for the “the worst manmade humanitarian crisis of our time.” His government (with the help of ours) has been bombing and starving Yemen for three years now, in a bid to prevent a Shia-led group from taking power in that country. He has overseen ...
International community boycotts the government over its refusal to renounce violence, recognize Israel's right to exist and accept past interim peace agreements. ... Hamas has been weakened by years of an Israeli-Egyptian blockade, international isolation and three devastating wars with Israel.
Jewish and Arab protesters march during a demonstration against the occupation, calling the Israeli government to resign, in central Tel Aviv, May 28, ... Only a tiny minority of Americans oppose Israel's right to exist or would even identify themselves as generally “anti-Israel,” and many are impressed by the ...

Whereas 66% of Arabs recognized Israel's right to exist in the 2015 survey, the rate declined to 59% in the 2017 survey. Only a minority, 47%, of Israeli Arabs are reconciled to Israel as a state with a Jewish majority compared to a majority of 60% two years earlier. In addition, the study discerned a significant ...
He went on to talk about international agreements that confirmed Israel's right to exist, the second pillar of his argument. ... Comparing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to 'The Troubles' in Northern Ireland, Havardi said while the IRA fought for a united Ireland against the British, they never demanded the ...
There was remarkably little variation in this pattern between Coalition and Labor voters, and across different demographic groups.” Only 7 per cent of voters believed the greatest obstacle to peace was Israeli settlements, with three times as many claiming it was Palestinian rejection of Israel's right to exist.
The Building Bridges program brought Israeli Defense Force reservists to share their personal stories and answer tough questions. This was intended to ... The BDS Movement applies double standards to Israel and delegitimizes Israel's right to exist as a peaceful, democratic Jewish state. The protesters ...
Why Is It So Quiet About Israel's Right to Exist? ... Yesterday Jewish schools around the country celebrated Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day — but how many teachers even mentioned Palestinians or the ... Palestinian, Israeli, and American leaders are all failing to do what needs to be done.
... the Book Culture owners regret that they did not fully understand “the political or communal ramifications of the children's book,” and they write that they “oppose terrorism or other forms of violence perpetrated against Israeli civilians during the intifada.” They also state that they support Israel's right to exist ...
Organisers said the protest was supported by several Palestinian factions, including Gaza's dominant Hamas group that rejects Israel's right to exist. The factions, the organisers added, would have no formal presence at the venue, where portable toilets and food would be supplied. In the town of Khan ...
Almost half of Israel's Arab minority doesn't recognize the country's right to exist, according to the University of Haifa's Index of Arab-Jewish Relations for ... state dropped from 74.9% to 68.1%, and the percentage of Jews who accept Arabs as full members of Israeli society declined from 69.5% to 61.1%.


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