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updated Tue. June 25, 2024

The NATO Western military alliance risked going to war with itself as Turkey butts heads with the U.S. and France over Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's plan to battle Kurdish groups backed by Washington but considered terrorist organizations by Ankara. Erdogan rejected on Friday a French offer ...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has rejected France's offer to mediate in northern Syria, saying he is "saddened" by its position. "We have no need for mediation," he said. "We are extremely saddened by France's... wrong stance on this." Turkey is battling to drive out the Kurdish YPG militia, which ...

World War 3 Turkey invade Iraq Erdogan Macron Kurdish Terrorist YPG SDF news GETTY. World War 3: Erdogan stressed that Turkish soldiers were there to fight terrorists. France and other Nato states have urged Turkey to show restraint as its army seized Afrin in north-west Syria this month. Mr Erdogan ...
During the peace process, Turkey asked PKK guerrillas to go outside Turkish borders. Most PKK partisan units went to the Kurdistan Region. Because of the ISIS war and events in Rojava, the PKK pulled out its remaining forces in Turkey, despite indications that the peace process was reaching deadlock.
The French offer was swiftly dismissed by a Turkish presidential spokesman. Ibrahim Kalin said countries should instead take a "clear stance against all types of terrorism". Separately on Friday, Turkey said five soldiers were killed and seven wounded in an attack by the PKK in the south-eastern province of ...
Both Russia and the U.S. appeared to suggest Thursday that their missions in war-torn Syria were coming to an end as the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) and other insurgents were mostly defeated. As the Moscow-backed Syrian military and its allies forced rebel and jihadi groups in the Damascus ...

Conflict between NATO members and Aegean Sea neighbours Greece and Turkey is increasingly possible as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan flexes his regional muscle, writes John Psaropoulos for the Weekly Standard. The combination of upcoming elections in Turkey, Erdogan's concerns ...
As Brookings experts have analyzed, the United States, Russia, Turkey, Iran, and other regional powers are entangled in the conflict in one way or another, with varying aims. With the seventh anniversary of the Syrian conflict—March 15—come and gone, Brookings experts have offered their insights on the ...
Pakistan's role-reversal and rehearsal of democratic diplomacy in theatre of Kurdish-Turkish war ... In such manner, an exemplary stand and courageous approach was witnessed through Erdogan's visionary leadership as Turkey denied Pro-Israeli Nato's insistence to attack Bashar's Syria in 2016 for ...
To humiliate and draw to the negotiating table a fully weakened Cyprus president in order to impose upon him the terms for the solution of the Cyprus problem on the basis of essentially a condominium with Turkey via the Turkish Cypriots in a confederation wherein Ankara would monopolise Cyprus' ...
Operation Olive Branch was launched by Turkey on Jan. 20 to remove the PKK/PYD/YPG/KCK and Daesh terrorists from Afrin in northwestern Syria. The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) entered Afrin town center and liberated it from terrorists on March 18. According to the ...
Turkey's president has criticized anti-war students at a top university, calling them terrorists following a fight there. Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday that "communist, traitor youth" tried to mess up a student stand opened by "religious, nationalist, local youth" at the public Bogazici University. Erdogan ...
Protestors blockade BAE Systems office over Turkey's war on the Kurds and death of Bristol woman Anna Campbell ... Friends and supporters of Anna Campbell, who was killed in the Turkish bombing of the Kurdish town of Afrin last week, joined members of the Bristol Kurdish Solidarity Network (BKSN) in ...
The Turkish lira (TRY) tested a new record low of 4.0368 against the dollar during early trading hours of March 23 as anxiety over Donald Trump triggering a US-China trade war combined with existing concerns over worsening economic imbalances in Turkey's economy. The TRY also tested a record low ...
That portrayal signifies how far President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) have progressed in rebranding Turkish nationalism in their own, Islam-rooted image. The results, analysts say, have been an extension of the AKP's conservative and religious agenda; less ...
Turkey has acknowledged that many were killed as a result of the war, but it has denounced allegations it intentionally targeted civilians. It has even insinuated that ... On February 23, for instance, Human Rights Watch published a report, Civilian deaths in Turkish attacks may be unlawful. Even so, Turkey's ...
The U.S. and Turkey have offered conflicting statements as to whether Washington had agreed to allow Ankara to expand its war against Kurdish fighters operating alongside U.S. Special Forces in Syria. Meanwhile, new Turkish airstrikes targeted other Kurdish fighters in Iraq on Wednesday, signaling a ...

Syrian Arab militiamen leading the Turkish attack on Afrin in northern Syria are threatening to massacre its Kurdish population unless they convert to ... He suspected that Isis fighters would be used as cannon fodder in Turkey's war against the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) and then discarded.
The administration of President Bill Clinton averted a possible war with the skillful diplomacy of now-deceased diplomat Richard Holbrooke. However, since 1999, Turkish-Greek relations have warmed to the extent that, although no single issue was resolved, the prevailing sentiment was that Turkey and ...
A deputy for Turkey's opposition People's Democratic Party (HDP) was censored in parliament as she condemned the Turkish military offensive against Kurdish forces in the northwest Syrian ... “The war in Afrin did not start because of security problems in Turkey, friends,” said Kaya during her speech.
Only Turkey has the credibility, resources and geopolitical heft to steward U.S. interests in Northern Syria. Alternatively, if left unmanaged, Turkey can spoil America's plans. We need to consider a Turkish security zone, which can function as a military and humanitarian buffer in Northern Syria. This is a ...
He said that Isis recruits had been instructed by Turkish trainers not to use their traditional tactics, such as the of extensive use of car bombs, because this would identify them as terrorists. He suspected that Isis fighters would be used as cannon fodder in Turkey's war against the Kurdish People's Protection ...
Thousands of passengers faced delays at Manchester Piccadilly as activists held placards and waved flags reading: “Stop Turkey from helping Isis terrorists”. The action appeared to be in opposition to Turkey's war with the Syrian Kurds. Police were called shortly after 1pm and all trains through the station ...
BEIRUT: Turkey's war on a Syrian Kurdish militia that is closely aligned with the United States is forcing the group to give up positions against Daesh (ISIS) militants in the Syrian desert to defend against the advancing Turkish troops. Ankara's go-it-alone campaign against the Kurdish People's Protection ...
This photo released February 21, 2018 by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows a convoy of militiamen loyal to the Syrian government on their way to aid the Kurds against Turkish forces, in the northern city of Afrin, Syria. Turkey's shattering war on a Syrian Kurdish militia that is closely aligned with ...
A daily columnist at Turkey's Cumhuriyet Newspaper, in his column, says that in today's Turkey an anti-war citizen, against every kind of war, would have a tough time standing by his/her persuasions. Turkish playwright and columnist Aydin Engin wrote: "In the news media that defines themselves politically ...
Violence has continued in all of at least four conflicts raging concurrently in Syria, inflating the death toll of a seven-year war that showed little signs of calming down anytime soon. The state-run Syrian Arab News Agency reported Friday that military helicopters dropped leaflets with instructions on how ...
The air strike followed one of the bloodiest days for Turkish troops since they began the offensive in January. Eight Turkish soldiers were killed and another 13 were injured on Thursday in fighting in Afrin. Five "heroic comrades fell as martyrs and seven were wounded", an initial statement from Turkey's ...
Eight Turkish soldiers were killed and another 13 were injured on Thursday in fighting in Afrin. Five "heroic comrades fell as martyrs and seven were wounded", an initial statement from Turkey's military said. A second statement announced three more soldiers had been killed and six more wounded.
With a handful of exceptions, Turkey's media have followed the government's recommendations to the letter. The main channels have competed to be first to report on the number of villages captured and the numbers of Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) killed by Turkish troops. (The government ...
Turkey has raised the possibility of opening a new dialogue with Syria, as its supporters threatened to join Kurds in resisting a Turkish invasion in the northwestern district of Afrin. Ankara initially denied Tuesday that a massive convoy of fighters supportive of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad— an ally of ...
Pro-Syrian government forces have entered the contested canton of Afrin to help Kurdish forces defend against a Turkish offensive - a further escalation in Syria's already complex civil war. Footage broadcast by Hezbollah and Syrian regime-allied outlets showed convoys of tanks carrying Syrian flags and ...
Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal visits a military camp inside Syria - where Turkey has been training Free Syrian Army fighters. ... Turkish forces and their allies, the Free Syrian Army (FSA), say they have captured the town of Sheikh Horuz on the road to Afrin - a stronghold of the Kurdish-led People's Protection ...
The Turkish military has suffered the deadliest day in its offensive against Kurdish militias inside northern Syria, with seven soldiers killed. Five of the troops died when their tank was attacked in the Afrin region. PM Binali Yildirim vowed to make the militias "pay for this twice as much" and jets later struck ...
In the northern Afrin region, people fled as Turkish war planes struck the main town, Syrian Kurdish forces and the monitor said. More than ... The two offensives - one by the Syrian army with Russia's support, the other led by Turkey with allied Syrian rebels - entered decisive phases this week. Both have ...
The two-month Turkish-led operation aimed to rid the border region of a Kurdish militia that Turkey considers a terrorist group. Activists say 280 civilians have died, although this is denied by Ankara. Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that "units of the Free Syrian Army... took ...


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