updated Sat. June 15, 2024
legal Insurrection (blog)
December 22, 2017
How do “e-bombs” work? Devices, called jammers, send out can low level electromagnetic pulses would temporarily disable electronics systems. Weapons that can send out more intense pulses could corrupt computer data and even more powerful bursts would completely fry electric and electronicÃâà...
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
October 13, 2017
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is an intense burst of electromagnetic (EM) energy that causes, or can be used to cause, damage. Though natural EMP is .... E-bombs could prove to be more effective than explosive bombs since they would not spare even the dugout or blast protected targets. A single wave EMP attackÃâà...
Money Morning
October 11, 2017
South Korean banks are looking to shield themselves from the threat of a North Korean "e-bomb," or EMP attack (electromagnetic pulse attack). U.S. banks need to do so too – now. That's because once an EMP bomb is detonated high up in the earth's atmosphere, over its intended target, it would instantlyÃâà...
October 2, 2017
E-bombs use an intense electromagnetic field to create a pulse of energy that affects electronic circuitry without harming humans or buildings, temporarily disabling electronics systems or corrupting computer data. The last time I saw Bob was at his office: A wire-caged area in a massive garage, with a deskÃâà...
Sputnik International
September 29, 2017
During a drill on Wednesday, some 20 real cellphone-controlled explosive devices were planted along the route of a column of Yars mobile ballistic ... The unique radio-electronic weapons based on new physical principles, which were successfully tested in Russia last fall use mobile electromagneticÃâà...
Times of India
August 28, 2013
HYDERABAD: The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is developing an E-bomb which will emit electromagnetic shock waves that destroy electronic circuits and communication networks of enemy forces, its chief and scientific advisor to the defence minister Avinash Chander said.
Nashville Scene (blog)
March 22, 2013
Did one of those scary electromagnetic pulse bombs really go off outside Shelbyville a couple of years ago? That's the question that's captivated all of us here at Pith in the Wind World Headquarters since state Rep. Rick Womick made that claim during a House subcommittee meeting this week. WomickÃâà...
IEEE Spectrum
January 11, 2012
The most common reaction researchers encounter when discussing electromagnetic weapons, and E-Bombs in particular, is simple disbelief. The notion that devices exist which can produce mass destruction effects against the modern digital infrastructure is frequently rejected as impossible, often byÃâà...
Wired News
July 21, 2011
The U.S. already spent gobs to money on an arsenal of radio frequency and electromagnetic weapons — from pain rays to circuit-frying “e-bombs” to jammers that shut communications down. So maybe it's no surprise that Chinese have been looking into the idea of building some RF arms of their own.
October 28, 2007
A presentation given by a US Air Force official may have - temporarily, at least - laid to rest one of the wilder and wackier secret superweapon conspiracy theories of recent times. The superweapon in question is the dreaded "E-bomb", aka "Electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP)" "High Power MicrowaveÃâà...