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updated Sat. July 20, 2024

Lt. Gen. Rafael Eitan, then-Sharon's chief of staff who Bergman claims was pushing for the operation, scrambled Israeli jets to follow the aircraft suspected of carrying Arafat. “You don't fire without my OK. Clear? Even if there's a communications problem, if you don't hear my order - you don't open fire,” Eitan ...
All eyes were on the commanding officer. Everyone expected an order to open fire, but the air-force commander in chief, Maj. Gen. David Ivry, usually a .... In the wake of the Nahariya atrocity, Raful Eitan, the I.D.F. general, gave the regional commander Avigdor Ben-Gal a simple order: “Kill them all,” ...

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, chief rabbi of Safed and a member of the Chief Rabbinate Council, said in an interview last week with Army Radio that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should fire IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot over his decision to allow female soldiers in combat units. Rabbi Shlomo ...
Thursday saw rioting in a number of areas, as Arab terror groups organized angry demonstrations in advance of the United Nations General Assembly vote on the U.S. announcement. Riots took place in Shechem, Chevron, Kalkilya, Bethlehem, Tul Karem, and Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza. IDF soldiers ...
IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis warned Hamas Thursday to completely halt rocket fire into Israel from the Gaza Strip or face a blistering Israeli response. But another senior IDF source told TPS that while the terror group would like to maintain the current period of relative quiet, Hamas could ...
Segments released Wednesday of an interview given by a retired Israeli major general show an especially combative side to the man seen by many as a hopeful to serve as Israel's future defense minister. Amiram Levin, who spoke with the Israeli newspaper Maariv's weekend edition, would be considered ...

In September 2017 the Jerusalem District Court held that the Israel Defense Force (IDF) had no obligation to designate the name of a soldier ... the Yom Kippur War, without his name being mentioned as the work's author; rather, the publishing company gave general credit to the IDF spokesperson only.
The IDF also hopes to install joint programs with the Education Ministry for 11th graders to stress the importance of combat service. “There is no model for the IDF that isn't the people's army,” Maj. Gen. Moti Almoz, the head of the IDF's Manpower Directorate, told reporters Sunday. But after the briefing, ...
The IDF is awaiting the results of the investigation before making a decision on the future of the brigadier general's military career. A preliminary ...
IDF General to Resign on Charges of Hoarding Equipment ... Gen. Mordechai Kahane, the military's chief combat intelligence officer and head ...
IDF Launches Major Anti-Cigarette Campaign on Army Bases ... Starting November 1, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will ban the sale of cigarettes on 65 ... Gen. Meirav Kirshner, head of the IDF's manpower department.
Gen. Yair Golan, the IDF's former deputy Chief of Staff, says Israel would strongly require assistance from the US in order to achieve military ...
IDF medics operate a field hospital of injured Syrians near Israel's ... said MDA Director General Eli Bin as reported by Israel National News.
Earlier this month, Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel retired from active service in the ... war in Syria, and in the general upheaval in the Middle East, is probably the most .... Outgoing Israel Air Force chief Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel in 2015. IDF ...
Former IDF deputy chief Maj. Gen. Yair Golan expressed support for Kurdish independence at a conference in Washington last week, saying ...
After spending a total of 115 days in military prison, the Israeli army decided to release Tamar Ze'evi on Thursday, after formally recognizing her as a conscientious objector.
Nitzan Nuriel, a former IDF Brigadier-General and head of the counter-terrorism bureau in the National Security Council, said on Monday that "Syria's options of attacking Israel are very limited" but he warned that, at the same time, "Israel has only ...

YERUSHALAYIM - An IDF official revealed on Monday that the Syrian surface-to-air missile that triggered Israel's first use of an Arrow missile in defense was in response to a perceived threat to the home front, according to media reports.
Gen. Muhammad Abbas, a Syrian Army officer closely informed with the situation, provided Sputnik Arabic with new details about Friday morning's engagement.
NEW YORK - The World Jewish Congress has launched a petition asking the International Committee of the Red Cross to press Hamas to return the bodies of IDF Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, 23, and Staff Sergeant Oron Shaul, 20, who were killed in action during ...
That doesn't mean demanding the release of hundreds of terrorists or returning the IDF to Gaza in a new war to retrieve the bodies.
One of the reasons the Azaria case captivated Israel was because, since almost all young Israelis serve in the IDF, each Israeli parent could imagine his or her own son or daughter in the same situation in which Azaria found himself: in the West Bank ...
Commander of the US European Command (US EUCOM) General Curtis M. Scaparrotti is in Israel on an official visit as the guest IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot. The purpose is to continue strengthening the military relationship between the two ...
Elor Azaria's lawyer Yoram Sheftal responded to the IDF Military Advocate General's decision to appeal the sentence that his client received for fatally shooting a neutralized terrorist in Hebron.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has significantly stepped up the scope and frequency of its combat training, as sub-state jihadist enemies around the Jewish state build up their power.
"This was an emotional, impressive and bonding day for all who attended," told Brigadier General Yehiel Gozal, CEO of Yahad-United for Israel's Soldiers, the only Israeli government and Ministry of Defense sanctioned organization filing the financial ...
A network of organizations monitoring and reporting on children in conflict has recommended that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres add the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to a blacklist of countries and armed groups "known to commit grave violations ...
The legal team representing IDF Sergeant Elor Azaria, convicted of manslaughter for shooting dead an already neutralized Palestinian attacker, filed an appeal with Israel's military court, despite reportedly being coerced by the prosecution against the ...
Former Israeli Defense Minister, IDF Chief of General Staff reject criticism in Operation Protective Edge report. Several days before the publication of the State Comptroller's report about Operation Protective Edge, former Israeli Defense Minister ...
TEL AVIV, Israel - For nearly two years, Yoel Strik's mission as head of Home Front Command was preparing Israeli civilians, government agencies and local authorities to carry on as normally as possible and for as long as possible during protracted ...
Eli Reiter, a brigadier general in the IDF reserves, manages the Firepower Division for state-owned IMI Systems. A former head of the IDF's Training and Doctrine Command, Reiter said the mating of doctrine with technology that allows ground forces to ...
Alleging that Israeli Defence Force (IDF) soldiers under Stern's control killed innocent civilians, the AOHR claim that, as Senior Commander, his failure to investigate the incident leaves him liable.
Early last year, a former director of AIDC who was known in Taiwan as "the father of the IDF" publicly criticized the plan to develop the XT-5, which will be derived from the existing two-seat operational conversion version of the IDF. Retired ROCAF ...
Early last year, a former director of AIDC who was known in Taiwan as "the father of the IDF" publicly criticized the plan to develop the XT-5, which will be derived from the existing two-seat operational conversion version of the IDF. Retired ROCAF ...
Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser, formerly the head of the research division of Israeli military intelligence and later the director general of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, told reporters last May that the tunnels were a sign that Hamas is preparing for ...
The Head of Mission and Force Commander of UNIFIL, Major General Michael Beary, today chaired a regular tripartite meeting with senior officials from the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at the UN position at Ras Al ...
A former Israel Defence Force (IDF) general has warned that Israel could enter another conflict with the Gaza-based militant Palestinian group Hamas before the end of the year.
Manlis currently serves as Eizenkot's aide and will be promoted to Brigadier General in order to replace Major General Moti Almoz, who has been in the post for the last 3 years. Almoz himself was appointed to Head of the Personnel Directorate following ...
IDF: Bedouin receives colonel rank for first time in 70 years. The IDF Chief of General Staff approved the promotion of Hassan Abu Saleb, the West Bank Tracking Officer, making him the most senior level Bedouin officer in the past 70 years.
Gen. Amikam Norkin, IDF head of planning (J-5), said the additional US aid - codified in a September 2016 US-Israel memorandum of understanding - allows the military to plan for long-term procurement aimed at preserving superiority through 2030 ...
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The researchers, from Tel Aviv University, the University of Haifa, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in cooperation with the IDF Medical Corps, say the increased smoking prevalence among military personnel, and the increase during military ...
General News · Social · Health · Education · Religion · Technology · Crime & Justice · Travel/Tourism · Science/Environment.
In this futuristic procurement plan, IDF artillery forces will be equipped with innovative self-propelled long-range cannons with a high degree of accuracy and rate of firing, and which can be deployed easily and quickly according to the dynamic ...
Israel's military will be relaxing its disciplinary actions against soldiers accused of consuming cannabis while they are on leave, a general in charge of the reform ...
Dr. Ofer Merin, Director of the Trauma Unit and Preparedness of Mass Casualty Events at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem and Commander of the IDF Field Hospital and General Staff's Surgical Hospital Unit, told Breaking Israel News.
The former head of Israel's military intelligence on Monday presented the country's president with an annual security assessment, which highlights Hezbollah as ...
Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser, formerly the head of the research division of Israeli military intelligence and later the director general of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, told reporters in May of last year that the tunnels were a sign that Hamas is ...
A former spokesman of the Israel Defence Forces has warned that Donald Trump's "unlimited" support for Israel will cause "unimaginable harm" to Israel, Arabi21.
The Ministry of Defense said that the program for large-scale procurement of ammunition from IMI would enable the IDF to renew its inventory.


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