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updated Mon. August 19, 2024

A young Swedish activist who has been walking from Sweden to Palestine to raise awareness of human rights violations in the occupied territories reached Turkey's capital Ankara on Sunday. Benjamin Ladraa, 25, trekked across Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria before getting to ...
The report uses the word “occupation” only three times: once to refer to the prosecution of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons under Israeli military law, ... At a time when the human rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinian residents of the occupied Palestinian Territory are under severe threat, ...

The report states that "the most significant human rights issues included Palestinian terror attacks against Israeli civilians and security forces in the West Bank and Jerusalem, which killed 13 Israelis. Israeli forces killed 68 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, four of whom nongovernmental ...
While militarily strong and facing no existential threats, Zionism and Israel's policies toward the Palestinians has been taking a beating in world opinion. ... Israel is now proposing to enforce its anti-BDS law against Amnesty International, after the human rights organization embarked on a campaign calling ...
Israeli forces excessively used lethal force against Palestinian civilians, who participated in peaceful demonstrations organized on the 42nd anniversary of the Earth Day, particularly in the Gaza Strip, which witnessed peaceful demonstrations along the eastern Gaza Strip border area, where ten thousands ...

The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) reported that their teams handled 700 of the injured, including over 320 of the live ammunition injuries. The casualties occurred in the context of ongoing mass demonstrations by Palestinians on the Gaza side of the perimeter fence with Israel, where the Israeli ...
(Jerusalem) – Senior Israeli officials who unlawfully called for use of live ammunition against Palestinian demonstrations who posed no imminent threat to .... In 2017, Human Rights Watch documented that some senior Israeli officials encouraged soldiers and police to kill Palestinians in the West Bank they ...

On 4 January 2018, when Raed Amira, human rights representative of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) in Palestine, shared on social media the news about Amira's arrest, I immediately felt that I needed to take action on his behalf. I launched a petition demanding his ...
Human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem - Report of the Secretary-General (A/HRC/37/42) (Advance unedited ... an accurate picture of the various forms of arbitrary deprivation of liberty to which Palestinians are exposed in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
Under the new measure, Israel's Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, leader of the ultra-Orthodox political party Shas, will be able to strip the residency documents of any Palestinian whom he deems a threat. Hanan Ashrawi, a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), described the law as "an ...
... human rights defender Salah Hamouri. Hamouri, who works with the prisoners rights group Addameer, has been held in “administrative detention” since Israeli forces detained him last August. Under this holdover from British colonial rule, Israeli occupation authorities can hold Palestinians without charge ...
At her bail hearing in January, Tamimi's lawyer noted that international human rights law permits the detention of children only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time. But the military judge ruled that he “did not think the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child ...
Israel is dragging down human rights standards because organizers cannot even pass neutrally worded resolutions for fear they will hurt Israel which must, it seems, be allowed at all costs to continue oppressing Palestinians. Coalitions are confronting the nauseating question of whether Palestinian rights ...
In the last week of this 37th session, the Council will once again discuss the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) in a ... international humanitarian and human rights law and that these breaches continue to be committed with impunity, Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) and many ...
However, the Israeli authorities neglect to fulfil this responsibility and do not do enough to prevent Israeli civilians from attacking Palestinians, their property and their lands.” Imad Abu Shamsiyya is the co-founder of the Human Rights Defenders Palestine, and works specifically on documentation and video ...


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