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updated Wed. June 26, 2024

NEW YORK -- The U.S. ratcheted up criticism of North Korea over its "egregious human rights violations" in the State Department's annual human rights report on Friday as the two countries prepared for their first-ever summit. North Korea is one of the most repressive and abusive regimes in the world, ...
(New York) – Nepal's newly elected government led by Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Oli should take steps to address key human rights issues, Human Rights Watch said today. The rights organization sent a letter to the prime minister outlining major areas to address.

Human rights' ideals have inspired the mobilization of many people worldwide. Human rights defenders conceive human rights as a tool to oppose unfair policies and to hold political leaders accountable for their decisions. However, as they are politically ambivalent and socially constructed, human rights ...
Trending rights tweets this week: The US is on track to admit the fewest refugees in four decades; brave voices from the Middle East and North Africa come together to say #NoLongerAlone; the first anniversary of a major anti-government protest in Venezuela and HRW's #TodosConVenezuela campaign; ...
A new report by the human rights group Safeguard Defenders, for which I was asked to provide testimony, reveals what goes on backstage. My experience, and that of the others who went through this ordeal, shows that these so-called confessions are produced in close collaboration with Chinese media ...
In Syria, almost every conceivable atrocity has been committed in the last few years, says UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein. Al Hussein joins Judy Woodruff to discuss the U.S. role in the destruction of Raqqa, the investigation into a suspected chemical weapons attack by the ...

"Reproductive rights are human rights, and omitting the issue signals the Trump administration's latest retreat from global leadership on human rights," Amnesty International said in a statement. Human Rights Watch pointed out that the report is silent on the obstacles many women face in countries from ...
He's just finished his six-year term as the Council of Europe's human rights commissioner, the continent's main human rights watchdog. "My mandate was marked by a whole succession of crises," Muiznieks tells NPR. "The economic crisis and the fallout that had on human rights, the Ukraine crisis and the ...
South Korea's Ministry of Unification (MOU) plans to establish an integrated online information management system on North Korean human rights, a tender proposal for potential bidders seen by NK News this week showed. The ministry said it was necessary to accumulate data, including details on victims ...
The US withheld a proportion of military aid to Egypt, due to stated concerns about human rights abuses, specifically a law that places onerous restrictions on nongovernmental organizations. Yet, by and large, Egypt's allies focused on investment, migration, and counterterrorism, and ignored Egypt's ...
2018 Grigor Yeritsyan Since Friday, protests have swept Armenia's capital, Yerevan, on news that the country's outgoing president – who has served the maximum two terms – plans to become prime minister. Many Armenians believe this would amount to a de facto third term as president. Parliament is set ...
Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon announces £2.9 million for human rights projects across the Commonwealth, with particular focus on the South Pacific and small states. UK Minister for Human Rights today announces 3 projects to support human rights across the Commonwealth, with particular focus on the ...
Pakistan Watchdog Says Country Failing on Human Rights. An independent rights group in Pakistan says the country has failed to make progress on several issues over the past year, ranging from forced disappearances to women's rights and protection of religious minorities. April 16, 2018, at 10:23 a.m.. April 16, 2018, at ...
Three Bundestag members from different parties joined forces with a British-Iranian actress in Berlin on Monday to condemn the human rights situation in Iran — even as the precarious state of the Iran nuclear deal, and Tehran's influence in the Syrian crisis, is weighing heavily on diplomats' minds.
Ida Sawyer, Human Rights Watch director for Central Africa, said senior security and intelligence officials in Congo told the organization about a scheme being carried out by President Joseph Kabila's powerful supporters in the government and security sector to derail elections scheduled for December and ...
(Bishkek) – Two detained Tajik activists face deportation to Tajikistan, where they are at risk of possible torture or ill-treatment, Human Rights Watch and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee said today. Turkish police detained Suhrob Zafar and Nasimjon Sharipov, senior members of the Tajik opposition ...
“From his inflammatory statements regarding Muslim Americans, to his positions rejecting equal rights for LGBT people, to his past support for torture, every American concerned with U.S. leadership on human rights should question Director Pompeo's fitness to serve as America's top diplomat,” said Human ...

With Argentina in the global spotlight as it holds the G20 presidency this year, its government must commit to tackle human rights challenges and play a leading role in addressing other key regional and global issues, said Amnesty International during its Secretary General's visit to the country. “Argentina ...
(Johannesburg) – The Mozambican authorities' failure to credibly investigate recent killings and assaults of prominent critics of the government has created an environment of fear among the country's activists, Human Rights Watch said today. The abduction and beating of a journalist and human rights ...
United Nations experts have urged Viet Nam not to crackdown on civil society or stifle dissent, after the authorities jailed several human rights defenders for “conducting activities to overthrow the people's government” – a charge that carries the possibility of the death sentence or life imprisonment.
Seoul, South Korea - The agenda for the third inter-Korean summit scheduled for April 27 is unlikely to have North Korean human rights issues despite calls for the inclusion by more than 200 NGOs earlier this week. The NGOs, including Human Rights Watch, sent a joint letter to South Korean President ...
Regional leaders must prioritize the protection of human rights in their final declaration at the VIII Summit of the Americas and take immediate action to fulfil that commitment in their respective countries, Amnesty International said ahead of the summit in Lima, Peru, tomorrow. “From the discriminatory polices ...
New York City—Human Rights First today condemned a policy shift by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that it will no longer generally release from detention pregnant women, including those seeking asylum. The agency states that it will instead determine release on a case-by-case basis, ...
(Tunis) – Mauritania's national civil registration process is preventing some children from attending public school and taking mandatory national examinations, Human Rights Watch said today. The government should change its policies to ensure that no school-age child is deprived of the right to education ...
... says Select Committee's invitation not in 'good faith'. Social media and internet giant reps at DOF hearing Representatives from social media and Internet giants Facebook, Twitter and Google at the public hearings by the Select Committee on Deliberate Online Falsehoods on Thursday (Mar 22). 30 Mar 2018 09:02AM ...
A wise man can teach you ways of wisdom. A strong man can teach you how to rely on your inner stregth. A rich man can teach you how to invest your money. A good leader can teach you how to follow your dreams. A good human rights activist can teach you all your rights. But no one can ever teach you to ...
However, in passing this legislation, Congress voted to enact a law that poses new threats to privacy and human rights for Americans as well as millions of people abroad who use the services of U.S. tech companies. Going forward, the task now falls to Congress to hold the executive branch accountable ...
The UN Human Rights Council passed five more anti-Israel resolutions last week. This was not a great surprise, and U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley called the Council “grossly biased against Israel.” She added that “our patience is not unlimited” and again threatened to leave the Council unless its obsession ...
(Nairobi) – Guinea's government should ensure that its security forces act with restraint and respect to preserve human life in responding to opposition protests, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International said today. Since local elections on February 4, 2018, at least 15 people have been killed and ...
Ethiopia's incoming prime minister must prioritize addressing the deep-rooted human rights crisis in the country, said Amnesty International following the election of Abiy Ahmed as chairman of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) party, paving the way for him to become the next ...
The two countries have used the UN budget panel, known as the fifth committee, to cut funding for human rights monitors and for a senior post in the secretary general's office which is supposed to ensure that human rights – one of three pillars of the UN's function – are not forgotten in its day-to-day work.
Khartoum / Port Sudan — In a memorandum to the UN Human Rights Council, the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, and the Arab Commission for Human Rights, the Sudan Human Rights Network (SHRN) appeals to the international community to urge the Sudanese authorities to ...
The Human Rights Tribunal has ruled that the Attorney-General broke the law by withholding information from Kim Dotcom, which he says means his extradition case is "over". In July 2015, Mr Dotcom sent an urgent information privacy request to all 28 Ministers of the Crown as well as almost all ...
Australia has been an enthusiastic supporter of human rights. After World War II, victorious nations were busy putting the world back together. The US pushed a new global confederation, the United Nations and 50 nations signed on. The most important addendum to the UN Charter was the Universal ...
Abraham Funchess speaks to the crowd at the Civil and Human Rights March re-enactment of the Selma march Sunday in Waterloo. .... Though it's been a few decades since, Martin still came out to Sunday's Civil and Human Rights March, using a cane to walk across the Fourth Street bridge from Lincoln ...
LAHORE - Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar on Sunday formed two human rights cell to address the grievances of the citizens – one of them dedicated to minorities' problems. “We don't decide matters merely on hue and cry rather we do that on the basis of evidence,” he said while hearing several ...
(File) Htin Lynn, ambassador of the Permanent Representative Mission of Myanmar to Geneva, addresses his statement on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, during the 34th session of the Human Rights Council, at the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, Monday, ...
Man lodges complaint to Human Rights Commission over Julie Anne Genter's 'old white men' comments. 47 minutes ago. Newshub ... A Christchurch man has lodged a formal complaint with the Human Rights Commission over comments made by Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter. On Thursday, Ms ...
The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) will hold its first public hearing this week on a landmark complaint alleging that several multinational oil and mining firms have violated the human rights of Filipinos by causing global warming that has led to natural disasters. Among those named in the complaint ...
FAIRMONT — With the November election only months away, supporters of the Human Rights Commission ordinance have started holding monthly informational meetings for the public, hoping for good news once the item reaches this year's ballot. The group met earlier this month for the first of these ...
Last week, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights said that 60% of its visitors in 2016-17 came from outside of Winnipeg. “The Museum is increasingly recognized as a place where we can better understand who we are as Canadians and where we aspire to go together,” CMHR president and CEO Dr.
Yet another Human Rights Day was celebrated on Wednesday, and I can't help but wonder what the average person understands about the concept. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and various pieces of legislation are at pains to articulate the value of the human being – itemising a litany of rights, including ...
Miloon Kothari, a former special rapporteur to the UN Human Rights Council, wrote in The Diplomat that “China has in recent years adopted a vocal and assertive role in a range of international spaces, and has put significant resources into two pillars of the UN — peace and security development.”.
JOHANNESBURG - The Constitution Hill in Johannesburg continues its exciting and informative Human Rights Festival activities on Saturday. On the programme are various exhibitions, a film festival which will screen controversial film Inxeba: The Wound followed by discussions, poetry showcases and a ...
Diplomats have openly admitted it, journalists have written about it, human rights organizations have declared it - several times over in the past seven years. But what happened this week was deplorable and unacceptable, even by the very low standards we now have for the Council when it comes to Syria.
Restrictive legislation which denies access to safe abortion is one of most damaging ways of instrumentalizing women's bodies and a grave violation of women's human rights.” If the Legislature continues to support bans on abortion such as this one, it will be contributors to the denial of human rights in ...
He cited a U.N. Human Rights Committee member who said during an official meeting that if a woman is told her unborn child has Down syndrome or some other permanent handicap, “it should be possible for her to resort to abortion to avoid the handicap as a preventive measure.” Defending those with ...
In mid-February, Human Rights Watch spoke by phone with 21 Syrians about their repeated failed attempts to cross into Turkey with smugglers. Eighteen of them said that intensified Russia-Syrian airstrikes in Deir al-Zour and in Idlib had repeatedly displaced them until they finally decided they had no ...
Australia is just taking up its seat on the United Nations Council on Human Rights so it's an interesting time to think about what our role in promoting human ... the Executive Director of the Human Rights Law Centre join us to explain what our obligations are as a community when it comes to human rights.
Yesterday, March 21st, was Human Rights Day. A brief history is appropriate, the struggle for human rights in South Africa was long, painful and protracted. The struggle was worth it, we now have a bill of human rights that is the envy of the world. But in recent times, the debate has shifted. Many South ...


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