

  cross-referenced news and research resources about

 Najm Faraj Ahmad


September 2002: Arrested at Amsterdam airport; the FBI questions him twice during his detention

January 2003: Krekar is deported to Oslo

February 2003: Oslo says it plans to deport Krekar to Iraq

March 2003: Krekar held on charges of planning terror attacks

April 2003: Krekar released while probe continues

June 2003: Terror charges dropped

January 2004: Krekar held on charges of plotting to murder political rivals

February 2004: Cleric released while inquiry continues

June 2004: All charges against Krekar dropped


September 2002: Arrested at Amsterdam airport; the FBI questions him twice during his detention
January 2003: Krekar is deported to Oslo
February 2003: Oslo says it plans to deport Krekar to Iraq
March 2003: Krekar held on charges of planning terror attacks
April 2003: Krekar released while probe continues
June 2003: Terror charges dropped
January 2004: Krekar held on charges of plotting to murder political rivals
February 2004: Cleric released while inquiry continues
June 2004: All charges against Krekar dropped

Mullah Krekar

Mullah Krekar denies links to terror groups

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updated Wed. September 4, 2024

Mullah Krekar - born Najmaddin Faraj Ahmad - is the founder of the defunct Islamic group Ansar al-Islam, but distanced himself from the ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Norway-based Kurdish radical preacher Mullah Krekar could be extradited to Italy to face terrorism charges ...

Norway's Supreme Court upheld on Thursday a ruling to expel the founder of the radical Islamist group Ansar al-Islam, Mullah Krekar, saying ...
Najmaddin Faraj Ahmad, also known as Mullah Krekar, can be deported to Italy, a court in Oslo has ruled. Rome suspects the Kurdish cleric of ...
The cleric, Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, commonly known as Mullah Krekar, arrived in Norway as a refugee in 1991, but is not a citizen. He has ...
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - The Iraqi-Kurdish cleric Mullah Krekar, who was released from police custody last month after a Norwegian court found him not ... Mullah Krekar, whose real name is Najmuddin Faraj, is suing the Norwegian government for 200,000 kroner ($24,500) for enduring more than nine ...

Infamous Norway-based fundamentalist preacher Najmuddin Ahmad Faraj, better known as Mullah Krekar, is seeking 200,000 kroner in compensation after being acquitted on charges that he made death threats during a television interview last year. Krekar warned back in March that he planned to sue the ...
Infamous Norway-based fundamentalist preacher Najmuddin Ahmad Faraj — better known as Mullah Krekar, was released from police custody ...
It seems time is running out for the main protagonist in a quarter-century-long saga involving radical Islam and hyper-humanitarianism, extending from Iraqi Kurdistan to Norway. A U.S.-designated terrorist group, Ansar al-Islam (Volunteers of Islam) is prominent in the Syria and Iraq fighting, reportedly with ...
An Iraqi Kurd born under the name Najmeddine Faraj Ahmad, he has acknowledged he is the co-founder of Ansar al-Islam, a notorious Sunni ...
The first episode of the execrable series, The Wanted, put the spotlight on Mullah Krekar, an Iraqi national flagged by the United States, the United Nations, and Interpol for his involvement with Iraqi terrorist groups. The program showed NBC's terror team stalking Krekar on the streets of Oslo, a venture that ...
Recently, a well known Kurdish Islamist extremist, Mullah krekar, announced that a Sunni Jihadist mobilization must be formed for countering ...
Iraqi-born Mullah Krekar was detained one year ago as part of a ... Mullah Krekar - born Najmaddin Faraj Ahmad - is the founder of the defunct ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Norway-based Kurdish radical preacher Mullah Krekar could be extradited to Italy to face terrorism charges ...
In this undated file photo, showing Iraqi-born Islamic cleric Mullah Krekar who is scheduled to be released from prison this coming weekend ...
Norway's Supreme Court upheld on Thursday a ruling to expel the founder of the radical Islamist group Ansar al-Islam, Mullah Krekar, saying ...
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — An Iraqi-born cleric can be extradited to Italy, which suspects him of enticing recruits to fight in Iraq and Syria, ...

The cleric, Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, commonly known as Mullah Krekar, arrived in Norway as a refugee in 1991, but is not a citizen. He has ...
Infamous Norway-based fundamentalist preacher Najmuddin Ahmad Faraj — better known as Mullah Krekar, was released from police custody ...
OSLO, Norway – Mullah Krekar, a controversial Kurdish cleric who founded the extremist group Ansar al-Islam and has known ties to al-Qaeda, ...
An Iraqi Kurd born under the name Najmeddine Faraj Ahmad, he has acknowledged he is the co-founder of Ansar al-Islam, a notorious Sunni ...
One of the first examples of this practice that I can recall was way back in 2003, when the big, bad Norwegian government put resident terrorist Mullah Krekar through the first of what would turn out to be many deportation scares. Since Krekar, back in ...
Identico il destino di 8 dei 17 presunti combattenti islamisti indiziati di aver complottato a Merano per il rovesciamento del Kurdistan iracheno insieme al mullah Krekar, lui pure di recente rilasciato: chiusi in cella nel dicembre del 2015 ...
Najmaddin Faraj Ahmad, known as Mullah Krekar, is accused of radicalizing others via the internet. Norway had supported the request, but it seems that an Italian court decided to rescind the warrant for the Krekar's arrest.
Norway's public prosecutor ordered on Wednesday the release of an Iraqi Kurdish imam after Italian authorities withdrew a year-old extradition request linked to suspicions he had plotted attacks.
L'Italia ha ritirato la richiesta di estradizione dalla Norvegia di Najmaddin Faraj Ahmad, meglio noto come Mullah Krekar. Lo ha annunciato la Procura norvegese che nel suo comunicato non precisa le motivazioni che hanno indotto il Ministero della ...
Mullah Krekar said it was "great" to be a free man again. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix. AFP. news@thelocal.
Norway will release a controversial Iraqi cleric after Italian prosecutors suddenly dropped a long-standing extradition request. Iraqi-born Mullah Krekar was detained one year ago as part of a Europe-wide anti-terror raid. Italian prosecutors accused ...
Tra i sei va a giudizio anche il Mullah Krekar, 59enne curdo iracheno, finito in carcere in Norvegia sempre nell'ambito di una maxi operazione internazionale anti terrorismo. Tutti gli arrestati sono stati fermati dalle forze dell'ordine nella giornata ...
Hanno un passato di combattenti contro i fanatici jihadisti di Ansar al Islam, la banda terrorista del famigerato Mullah Krekar, quello che la Norvegia sogna di trasferire in Italia. Poi alla guerra contro Saddam e ora contro l'Isis, soprattutto a ...
Tra i sei va a giudizio anche il Mullah Krekar, 59enne curdo iracheno, finito in carcere in Norvegia sempre nell'ambito di una maxi operazione internazionale anti terrorismo. Si tratta di un richiedente asilo proveniente dall'Algeria, fermato nel Cie ...
Tra i sei va a giudizio anche il Mullah Krekar, 59enne curdo iracheno, finito in carcere in Norvegia sempre nell'ambito di una maxi operazione internazionale anti terrorismo. Operazione antiterrorismo del Ros dei carabinieri coordinata dalla procura ...
Sei presunti jihadisti della cellula terroristica meranese sono stati rinviati a giudizio ieri dal gup Michele Cuccaro su richiesta dei pm Ognibene e Profiti. Tra loro anche il mullah Krekar (nella foto), considerato punto di riferimento e di ...
Malta-based NGO Migrant Offshore Aid Station rescued over 300 migrants, including women and children, who were trying to reach Italy.
In June, the Oslo District Court had authorized the extradition of the 60-year-old Mullah Krekar, the religious leader of a Kurdish network suspected to be linked to the ISIS group.
The defense attorney for Mullah Krekar, the former refugee who's long been declared a threat to Norway's national security, is now demanding a full appeals court review of Krekar's pending extradition to Italy.
In June, the Oslo District Court had authorized the extradition of the 60-year-old Mullah Krekar, the religious leader of a Kurdish network suspected to be linked to the ISIS group.
The defense attorney for Mullah Krekar, the former refugee who's long been declared a threat to Norway's national security, is now demanding a full appeals court review of Krekar's pending extradition to Italy.
SULAIMANI - The political crisis facing the Kurdistan Region could be resolved by "excluding" the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) from positions in the government, Kurdish cleric Mullah Krekar said, seeing ...
Ci sono Neuroz e Jalal, due dei presunti adepti del Mullah Krekar, che ai bambini invece che i cartoni animati facevano vedere video di guerriglie ed esecuzioni, per indottrinarli alla jihad sin da subito. "Ma erano tutti giochi" hanno detto ieri, nel ...
Tutti e cinque hanno evitato il carcere a titolo cautelare, ma sono consapevoli ovviamente di essere ancora sotto inchiesta a seguito degli accertati contatti internazionali con il gruppo del Mullah Krekar. Dunque, per evitare ulteriori sorprese, hanno ...
QAMISHLI - The Charity Commission affiliated to the UK government said a charity organization in Birmingham affiliated to the Iraqi Kurdish imam Mullah Krekar misapplied funding. The Norwegian-based cleric Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, commonly known as ...
Fra i destinatari anche il mullah Krekar, che dal carcere di Kongsvinger, a Oslo, incitava al martirio i suoi adepti della cellula "Rawti Shax", con una base anche a Merano, in provincia di Bolzano (alcuni sono stati successivamente scarcerati, altri ...
Madrid, 30 giu - (Agenzia Nova) - Un tribunale di Oslo ha autorizzato l'estradizione in Italia del mullah Krekar, ex leader del gruppo fondamentalista Ansar al Islam e sospettato di guidare una rete terroristica che ha pianificato attacchi in Europa e ...
Het openbaar ministerie in Parijs heeft wegens nieuwe doodsbedreigingen tegen de redactie van Charlie Hebdo in alle discretie een onderzoeksprocedure geopend. Dat schrijft Le Parisien woensdag op haar website. De bedreigingen tegen het Frans ...
Ieri, inoltre, il tribunale norvegese ha dato il via libera all'estradizione in Italia del mullah Krekar, l'ex leader del gruppo curdo integralista Ansar al-Islam, sospettato di aver diretto una rete terroristica che progettava attentati in Europa e in ...
OSLO - A Norwegian court on Wednesday cleared the way for the extradition of an Iraqi Kurdish imam to Italy to face terrorism-related charges.
Oslo, 10 giu 15:00 - (Agenzia Nova) - Un tribunale di Oslo ha aperto ieri il processo sulla estradizione in Italia del mullah Krekar, ex leader del gruppo curdo fondamentalista Ansar al Islam e sospettato di guidare una rete terroristica che ha ...
According to Aftenposten newspaper in its online edition, the defendant, who is known as Mullah Krekar but real name seems to be Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, was requested by the Italian authorities months ago for allegedly leading an international terrorist ...
Norway's police intelligence unit PST believes there's nothing to prevent the extradition of Islamic cleric Mullah Krekar to Italy, where he's been charged with leading a fundamentalist Islamic organization that's allegedly been planning terrorist ...


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