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 Charles Duelfer

Charles Duelfer


Mr Duelfer, now 51, had been working for a non-partisan Washington think tank, the

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
, where he was researching several projects related to his expertise in defence and military affairs, as well as


He was last involved directly with Iraq from 1993 to 2000 as deputy executive chairman of the

UN Special Commission on Iraq (Unscom)
, which was charged with overseeing the disarmament of the Saddam Hussein regime after the first Gulf War.

In that role, he visited Baghdad and other sites in Iraq under the UN mandate to inspect the country's biological, chemical and missile capabilities and verify that they were being brought back within international rules.

'Well suited to task'

Before that, Mr Duelfer served in the US Government as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for arms control and multilateral defence matters.

From 1990 to 1992 he had been in charge of defence trade issues for the US and was deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for politico-military affairs.

He received an MSc from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology after a first degree from the University of Connecticut.

David Albright
, also a former weapons inspector, said Mr Duelfer had gained respect for his work at Unscom and might be better suited to the search for arms than his predecessor at the Iraq Survey Group,

David Kay

Mr Albright told the Associated Press news agency that there was a perception that Mr Kay was more of an ideologue, convinced the weapons existed.

"Having Duelfer go in gives me more confidence that they can wrap this up, and we can have some closure. Duelfer has much more experience as an inspector," Mr Albright said.

Charles Duelfer
AP photo
Charles Duelfer, here in Baghdad in 1997, is an arms control expert
images:  google   yahoo YouTube

updated Fri. August 9, 2024

It's labeled a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations and is "probably the most sophisticated nerve agent that has been developed," says Charles Duelfer, a former US intelligence officer and weapons inspector and former head of the fact ...

The Chadian soldiers were point and shoot, it had to be pretty simple," says Charles Duelfer of the US Department of State's Bureau of Military Policy from 1982 to 1990.
"We've seen part of this movie before; this is exactly the same kind of logic trail we went through in Iraq," said Charles Duelfer, a veteran U.N weapons inspector who went on to head the landmark CIA study that declared Iraq's weapons of mass ...
Chilcot's staff interviewed foreign witnesses, as well as British officials, among them Gordon Brown and Tony Blair, American officials administrator Paul Bremer, Iraq Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Iraq Survey Group members Charles Duelfer and David Kay ...
Of Saddam Hussein's August 1990 invasion of Kuwait, Morell has the dictator saying to Charles Duelfer (who led the failed WMD hunt after invasion of Iraq) "why didn't you tell me you would deploy five hundred thousand troops, six carrier battle groups, ...
[25] For example, the Iraqi military settled on the American Type Culture Collection strain 14578 as the exclusive anthrax strain for use as a biological weapon, according to Charles Duelfer. In the late 1980s, the British government secretly gave the ...


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      arms inspectors
        charles duelfer

UN arms inspectors:
        bill tierney
        charles duelfer
        david albright
        david kay
        david kelly
        hans blix
        mohamed elbaradei
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        richard butler
        rolf ekeus
        scott ritter