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updated Tue. September 10, 2024

I did a double-take when I heard him say these words: "Trump not a 'king,' he can't go to war without Congressional authorization..,,". And then, all of the horrible memories of everything bad that was the Western "humanitarian" intervention in Yugoslavia - particularly NATO's vicious bombing of Serbia in ...
The book chronicles Stefanovic's life from her childhood to her early 20s, going back and forth between Yugoslavia and Australia during the Yugoslav wars. She acknowledges that objectifying women from war-torn countries for their looks is a questionable idea. Not to mention pitting immigrants and ...

The war started when Bosnia declared independence from Yugoslavia, triggering a rebellion by Bosnia's Serbs, who took control of more than half of the country seeking to merge with neighboring Serbia. A peace agreement for Bosnia was signed in 1995, but tensions between the country's Muslims, Serbs ...
But while Yugoslavia collapsed in a vicious war that raged through much of the 1990s, the world shrunk around me. As the war unfolded, it felt as if the ceiling was a few feet above my head, and once I grew I'd hit my head and there would be nowhere else to go. I could bang, try to make a hole in the ceiling ...
But while Yugoslavia collapsed in a vicious war that raged through much of the 1990s, the world shrunk around me. As the war unfolded, it felt as if the ceiling was a few feet above my head, and once I grew I'd hit my head and there would be nowhere else to go. I could bang, try to make a hole in the ceiling ...
A United Nations Commission of Experts on Yugoslavia's wars, echoing today's headlines from Syria, listed practices used to remove civilians: “ murder, torture, arbitrary arrest and detention, extrajudicial executions, rape and sexual assaults confinement of civilians in ghettos…forcible displacement and ...

The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague has found Vojislav Seselj - leader of the Serbian Radical Party - guilty of war crimes against Croatians in Serbia's northern province of Vojvodina during the war in former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s and sentenced him to 10 years in prison.
In March 1992, the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina declared its independence from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, ushering in a civil war between Bosniaks and Croats versus the Serbs who were against the decision. While all three groups are Slavic, the Bosniaks are mainly ...
For over a month Canada has been bombing Yugoslavia. Without a parliamentary resolution, without a declaration of war and without a shred of legality Canadian war planes are attacking the nation that stood at the forefront of the fight against both Hitler's Nazis and Mussolini's fascists during World War II.
Women have taken on greater roles in peace and security sectors In the Western Balkans since the end of the Yugoslav wars, thanks to government sponsored national action plans. However, a conservative backlash against gender equality now risks undermining these gains. The dynamic in the Western ...
David Orchard led the anti-war campaign across Canada relentlessly mobilizing support against NATO's war on Yugoslavia. March 24, 2018 commemorates the 19th anniversary of NATO's war on Yugoslavia. This article was originally published on Globe and Mail on March 26, 1999 (published in a slightly ...
The Association of European Educators of History, EUROCLIO, in cooperation with associations of history teachers and educators from the former Yugoslav region, has launched a new website containing materials intended to help teach subjects related to the 1990s wars. The website is ...
... would not produce a war-free president in over a hundred years. "Democrats believe that cooperation is better than conflict," the party's online platform says. However, contrary to the promoted tenet, the Democratic president Bill Clinton in 1999 committed US forces to the war in then Yugoslavia, which ...
In an all out effort to convince public opinion that Yugoslavia deserved the onslaught, Western politicians and media are churning out endless accusations of Serb atrocities, while the proven and infinitely greater atrocities of NATO — launching an aggressive war, using internationally outlawed cluster ...
The ICTY was established by the United Nations Security Council in 1993 following the outbreak of violence and conflict in the former Yugoslavia in the ... of the ICTY was to try and prosecute those involved in committing human rights atrocities such as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
But new research shows that the conflict had another, very different effect: it was the most significant step in stabilising the Balkans since the violent breakup of Yugoslavia. The 1992-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina was brought to an end by the Dayton Agreement, which not only halted the conflict, but also ...
But Stojanovic said that Nedic did collaborate with the Germans, and his government's policy was completely aligned with Germany's objective of suppressing the popular uprising against Nazism, led by the Communist Party of Yugoslavia. “Milan Nedic and his government at one point joined the civil war, ...

More than 25 years have passed since Scott Casey served as a peacekeeper in the former Yugoslavia. It was, he said, a "horrific" experience — seven months of terrible memories he's lived with every day since. "It's not normal for women and children to be murdered in the streets," he said. "You never get ...
Continuing Aggression: Nineteen Years Since the Start of the NATO War on Yugoslavia ... “Political processes preceding the 1999 NATO aggression has not been finished as yet” – said the first speaker Momir Bulatovic, the war Prime minister. ... In fact, they become entangled in war – warned Jovanović.
The understanding of the hugely complex conflict formations in the Yugoslav space was unknown to 99% of the Western governments and their diplomats – having no other mental patterns than the Cold War and, thus, casting the Serbs as the evil, expansive Orthodox Russians and the rest as ...
It was the most significant step in stabilizing the Balkans since the violent breakup of Yugoslavia. The 1992-to-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina was brought to an end by the Dayton Agreement, which not only halted the conflict, but also laid the foundations of the post-war Bosnian state. In an arrangement ...
There are fears in the West that Russia is using its historic Slavic ties with Serbia to destabilize the Balkans, which has seen the worst carnage in Europe since World War II during the breakup of former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. "There's no Russian influence in Serbia," Vulin said. "Serbia is an independent ...
Further, Le Mesurier is virtually a predominant figure in the UK's blood-soaked imperialist hegemony and partook in malign dirty wars, Yugoslavia in particular, Kenya, Aden, Ireland, Iraq, Libya, etc. He regards the so-called civil defence organisation as an “unarmed and neutral” group. Whilst the White ...
He was the chief prosecutor at the United Nations' tribunals that tried leaders of Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia for war crimes. He also authored a controversial report on violations of international law during the 2008-09 conflict in Gaza between the Israelis and Palestinians. Two years later, Goldstone ...
In October 1998, Robert Bradley held a dying man in Bosnia with one hand and a radio in the other, begging a military operations centre to airlift him to a hospital. No help came because the dying man was a civilian. With no other option, Bradley drove him to the nearest hospital, 40 minutes away, where ...
Bradley was sent on several missions around the world, and his most painful memories are of the wars in the former Yugoslavia during the 1990s. Each of his sculptures at the Fritzi Gallery provide a snapshot of that period in his life. Next to many of the art pieces, Bradley, who grew up in Newfoundland, ...
But new research shows that the conflict had another, very different effect: it was the most significant step in stabilising the Balkans since the violent breakup of Yugoslavia. The 1992-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina was brought to an end by the Dayton Agreement, which not only halted the conflict, but also ...
"The United States' continued policy aimed at achieving political goals under the guise of the struggle for democracy has been creating chaos in the past 20 years, causing wars and destroying a number of countries," Ryabkov said, according to the state-run Tass Russian News Agency. "Yugoslavia is no ...
Surplus weapons left over from Yugoslavia's civil war, including hand grenades, are being sold to gangs in Sweden. [The New York Times]. • Poland's governing party has used selective nostalgia and generous social programs to build broad support in neglected rural hinterlands. [The New York Times].
The premiere of a musical dedicated to the strongman of Serbia during the wars of the 1990s, is scheduled for March 6 near Pristina. Slobodan Milosevic died in March 2006 in his cell in the Hague-based UN war crimes tribunal for former Yugoslavia where he was on trial for genocide, crimes against ...
This month marked the 26th anniversary of the referendum that started independence for Bosnia and Herzegovina from the now-dissolved Yugoslavia. The ensuing war of aggression left more than 100,000 dead, millions displaced and over 20,000 predominantly Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) women and girls ...
Prior to the outbreak of war, the Yugoslav Communist Party was a relatively small underground organization of around 12,000 members. Their existing resources and structure, coupled with established communication and logistics networks, placed them in a strong position to become the nucleus of the ...
The property was seized after World War II when the Communists came to power in the former Yugoslavia. Most of it is now used by the Montenegrin state, but several million euros' worth of land and buildings were privatised or contracted out to be used by private companies. On February 27, it was revealed that the royal ...
... Wright Patterson Air Force Base where Richard Holbrooke had just a few years before our conversation been responsible for keeping the Serbs and the Bosnians and the Croats and the Bosnian Serbs at the negotiating table until they reached an agreement that ended the war in the former Yugoslavia.
Croatia's wartime legacy continues to rile present-day politicians, who were divided over a recommendation to revive a World War II salute called “Ready for ... After Germany invaded Yugoslavia in 1941, the Nazis established a puppet Croatian state and handed power over to the ultranationalist Ustashe ...
However, in the spring of 1945, the last battle of World War II in Europe took place in and around the town. Fought between Yugoslav Partisans and Independent Croatian forces, the Battle of Odžak ended 16 days after the Allies had celebrated victory in Europe. Yugoslav authorities kept the battle secret ...
Growing up in former Yugoslavia, her family was forced to flee their home in 1991, just days after Ms Tesic' eighth birthday. “Mum grabbed one bag and we went to the periphery of the town where my aunty lived,” she said. “My mum said 'we're just going there for the weekend and we'll come back'.
Judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in 2016 sentenced Karadzic to four decades behind bars for war crimes including genocide at the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, deemed the worst bloodshed on European soil since World War II. Once the most powerful Bosnian ...
The Croatian War of Independence: Serbia's War of Conquest Against Croatia and the Defeat of Serbian Imperialism 1991 – 1995, by Ante Nazor is now ... Ever fancied knowing more intricate details of just what happened during the messy breakup of Yugoslavia and the Croatian Homeland War in defence ...
Police in Montenegro have identified the man who carried out a hand-grenade attack against the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica as Dalibor Jaukovic, a Serbian-born Kosovo war veteran. Jaukovic was a member of the Yugoslav armed forces in the late 1990s when the United States launched 78 days of air ...
In April 1941 Axis forces defeated the army of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and would spend the rest of the war attempting to defeat an array of resistance groups. The most effective of these groups was the Partisans, a broad coalition of national liberation forces led by the Communist Party of Yugoslavia and ...
Bosnia-Herzegovina declared independence from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia following a controversial referendum, and was recognized by the United States and Europe in April 1992 — and the United Nations a month later. Violent clashes had begun prior to recognition, and would erupt ...
Hollywood star Morgan Freeman's show, 'The Story of Us,' has sparked anger over its allegedly one-sided portrayal of the Yugoslav wars. "Serbs are to blame for the war in former Yugoslavia, genocide and ethnic cleansing," Freeman said in the documentary. Some Serbs now intend to sue the actor over ...
According to Yugoslav strategic thinking, the final goal of the rival powers was to overthrow the state and its self-managed political system, through various (and sometimes contradictory) means and methods that satisfied their own specific goals. The doctrine of Special War in late-socialist Yugoslavia was a ...
FROM the death of Tito in 1980 to the independence of Kosovo in 2008, here is a timeline of the 1990s Balkans conflicts which tore the former Yugoslavia apart. Bickering after Tito dies. Communist Yugoslavia, which emerged shortly after the end of World War II, was made up of six republics: Slovenia, ...
Growing up in the former Yugoslavia, prior to the war during which hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were killed, with millions more displaced, my family lived a happy and peaceful life. My father and mother had both finished studying at their respective universities and had a plan for the ...
In one of their final verdicts, judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) found Mladic guilty on 10 counts including genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity such as murder and deportation. But he was acquitted of one charge of genocide in certain municipalities.


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