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updated Thu. June 27, 2024

... we want to exhume and rebury his remains at the National Heroes' Acre.” Ndabaningi died in the United States in December 2000 and was buried at his family farm in Chipinge after being denied national hero status by former President Robert Mugabe, who labelled him a liberation war “sellout”.
The purpose of Lancaster was to end a debilitating civil war and confer majority rule and independence to Zimbabwe. In reality, it largely transferred political power from one set of elites (the White settler elites) to a new set of elites (the black nationalists). The Lancaster House Constitution was a big ...

Harare police are on high alert to quell operations of criminals who target and pounce on unsuspecting farmers transporting tobacco to the auction floors. Over the past few years, farmers have lost tobacco worth thousands of dollars after being robbed of their crop in transit to auction floors. During this ...
In Chivi North constituency, three former Zimbabwe National Army members had their CVs accepted and will run in the primaries. These include ... their political rights. “They went to war so that they can also rule, not to watch others rule, if they chose Zanu PF who are we to deny them a home,” he said.
About 400 Empumalanga Phase 4 beneficiaries have petitioned Hwange Local Board (HLB) over the authority's failure to provide essential services nine years after they bought their stands. Disgruntled residents submitted a petition to HLB on 26 March this year citing failure by the board to provide water, ...
VETERANS of Zimbabwe's liberation war who were at the forefront of terrorizing commercial farmers at the turn of the century have announced that they ... Matemadanda, in a recorded audio, said under the new dispensation, no Zimbabwean should be left out and the former freedom fighters will make sure ...

It portrays black Zimbabweans as barbaric and as a people stealing land from white people. This is incorrect and I am willing to share the true history of Zimbabwe with the world through film.” He added: “The film also seeks to honour Zimbabwean liberation war heroes who are still depicted as terrorists by ...
With actors from Canada and United Kingdom coming together with their local counterparts to tell the Zimbabwean story about the struggle, “Chinhoyi 7” promises to be the ... While war movies made in other countries are thrilling to many local viewers, “Chinhoyi 7” is likely to stimulate emotional reception.
Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) chairman and Special Advisor to the President Cde Christopher Mutsvangwa has urged war veterans in Gokwe to unite and uphold the values of “Operation Restore Legacy”. Speaking at a party held last weekend in Gokwe to celebrate ...
Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government "must stop harassing former leader Robert Mugabe and accord him his constitutional rights to ... "[Mugabe] should just keep quiet and rest peacefully," Victor Matemadanda of the war veterans' association told a meeting in central Gokwe, ...
Harare - Here's a scenario suggested recently by Zimbabwe's popular commentator Prophet Cynic: "You wake up from a long coma only to find Mugabe now an ... "[Mugabe] should just keep quiet and rest peacefully," Victor Matemadanda of the war veterans' association told a meeting in central Gokwe, ...
Harare – Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has reportedly made an appeal to Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to assist his country in ... issues with his counterpart Joseph Kabila, among them, "Zimbabwe's long-standing demand for $1bn compensation for participating in the DRC war".
Indeed, our 18 years in the democratic struggle have taught us that while change is important, Zimbabwe now needs transformation. ... The generation that fought the war of liberation cannot purport to fight the new war of transformation because the weapons, nature and form of the two battles have changed ...
A Saudi man walks at the Tadawul Saudi Stock Exchange, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Monday, June 15, 2015. Saudi Arabia's stock market, valued at $585 billion, opened up to direct foreign investment for the first time Monday, as the kingdom seeks an economic boost amid low global oil prices.
Michael Gibb, the campaign leader of Global Witness, says indifference to the malpractice amounts to complicity in the face of clear evidence of Nilepet's role in the war economy. A 2016 report, The Satellite Sentinel Project, detailed how South Sudan's elite are allegedly profiting from the war.
... 2013 elections to former lawmaker, Shadreck Mashayamombe has been ring-fencing the constituency and last month his supporters were reportedly behind the violent disruption of a meeting by another aspirant, Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans' Association spokesperson, Douglas Mahiya.
A retired Zimbabwean general and acolyte of ex-president Robert Mugabe has formed a political party to challenge President Emmerson ... Ambrose Mutinhiri, a veteran of Zimbabwe's 1970s independence war, quit the ruling ZANU-PF party and gave up his parliamentary seat last Friday, then met Mugabe ...

Turning to another G40 kingpin, former vice president Phelekezela Mphoko who, like Rtd Brig-General Mutinhiri, also took a sabbatical from the war to marry his wife Laurinda in Maputo; Cde Moyo said as former Zipra combatants they had long made moves to have Mphoko recalled from the office of vice ...
When New news crew visited the party's provincial's offices, the scene of the deadly clashes, an assortment of missiles including stones were strewn all over the place. Heavily armed police in riot gear and water cannon had also sealed the venue. According to MDC-T's national organising ...
Cinema chain Ster-Kinekor are getting ready to layout the red carpet for the star-studded premiere of war biopic Chinhoyi 7 which is scheduled for 16 March in Harare. The two-hour-long film, commissioned by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga when he was still the Commander of the Zimbabwe ...
Raised in Bulawayo in the 1970s, at the height of the Rhodesian bush war that brought the guerrilla leader Robert Mugabe to power, Mr. Lendrum began climbing into Matobo's hard-to-reach nests as a boy. He would later turn his agility and ornithological expertise to controversial ends, roaming from Tierra ...
In this file photo taken on April 07, 2016 then Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe attends a meeting with the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association in Harare. A Zimbabwe parliament committee has summoned former president Robert Mugabe to give evidence on May 9, 2018 over ...
Although diplomatic relations between the two countries have continued to be cordial, Harare and Kinshasa have a long-standing disagreement over compensating the Zimbabwean government for its active role in the 1990s war, dubbed “Africa's first world war”. Zimbabwe's decisive intervention saved ...
Although diplomatic relations between the two countries have continued to be cordial, Harare and Kinshasa have a long-standing disagreement over compensating the Zimbabwean government for its active role in the 1990s war, dubbed "Africa's first world war". Zimbabwe's decisive intervention saved ...
Earlier this year, the group stormed a State function addressed by President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair and threatened to disrupt the proceedings, accusing him of spearheading Gukurahundi massacres. Yesterday, three war veterans from Matabeleland North. led by ...


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