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updated Tue. August 13, 2024

WASHINGTON — The Environmental Protection Agency signed off last March on a Canadian energy company's pipeline-expansion plan at the same time that the E.P.A. chief, Scott Pruitt, was renting a condominium linked to the energy company's powerful Washington lobbying firm. Both the E.P.A. and the ...
As grueling as it is to read about the lives and lies of Washington lobbyists, the profile is very instructive for readers who are wondering how they get so much damn money ($3.36 billion was spent on federal lobbying in 2017, not counting the further billions likely spent on unregistered lobbying) and what all ...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A diplomatic crisis tearing at the Middle East has ignited a multimillion-dollar battle for influence in Washington between bitter rivals Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Both countries spent heavily over the last year on lawyers, lobbyists, public relations and advertising to seek better ... Inc. last week replaced its Big Law lobbyists, a person familiar with the move said. The online commerce giant is said to have axed Akin Gump, Washington, D.C.'s biggest lobby firm, and Squire Patton Boggs, and hired new advisers who previously worked as outside lobbyists for Airbnb Inc.
The Lobbying Disclosure Act requires lobbyists to regularly file reports on their activities, which must be available for public review. GAO audits compliance. Lobbyists are required to disclose certain previously held covered positions, such as certain executive agency and congressional staff posts.
“Lobbyists will always be there — it's the politicians who come and go,” says playwright Sarah Burgess, whose political drama “Kings” has just extended its run at New York City's Public Theater. “Kings,” directed by “Hamilton” director Tommy Kail, is Burgess's fictional examination of U.S. politics, akin to how ...

The Czech government has moved, not for the first time, to try and regulate lobbying. The country at the moment is one of the handful in Europe that had no specific set of rules governing what lobbyists can do and how various decision makers, whether they are elected politicians or civil servants, can ...
New Mexico government agencies have limited authority to investigate harassment complaints against lobbyists or from lobbyists against other parties, despite the implementation of a new policy at the Legislature. Lobbyists are regulated by the Secretary of State's Office, which oversees their registration ...
the duo said before dismissing the GOP reforms and adding that McCaskill would always work for voters, “not the special interests or the banking lobbyists.” But there is just one problem with that promise. Frank now sits on the board of directors at a big bank with a vested interest in fiscal deregulation, and ...
Rolly: Don't blame the lobbyists — the Legislature was going to kick Salt Lake City to the curb no matter what ... session ended nearly two weeks ago, the three state senators who represent Salt Lake City were outraged at the job the lobbyists hired by Mayor Jackie Biskupski's administration did for the city.
From A. Duda & Sons, Inc., to Zurich American Insurance Co., 44 pages' worth of concerns now have registered to lobby the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC). The 37-member panel, which began meeting in Session Monday, convenes every 20 years to review and suggest changes to the state's ...
6 ruling, deemed 8.3 percent a more reasonable rate. Then, as one observer put it, all hell broke loose. Lobbyists and lawyers repping San Jose Water Co. and three other investor-owned water utilities flocked to Sacramento in an effort to sway the five-member CPUC in a series of private ex parte meetings.
I am a snowbird from Canada. I follow the American news while here and when I'm home. I am especially disturbed at the shootings and loss of life that has occurred here. I feel terrible for the victims and their families. Statistically, United States has the highest occurrence of shootings than any other country.
Here's what we found: At least 187 Trump political appointees have been federal lobbyists, and despite President Trump's campaign pledge to “drain the swamp,” many are now overseeing the industries they once lobbied on behalf of. We've also discovered ethics waivers that allow Trump staffers to work ...
“This has nothing to do with our lobbyists, who were working with the state in a good-faith effort to find a path forward which worked for everyone,” said Matthew Rojas, director of communications for the city, in a text message to The Salt Lake Tribune. “This was a blindside attack not only on everyone at City ...
While the relish with which the media have reported this ProPublica study reflects an antagonism towards Trump and towards industry (a relish absent during the years in which former President Barack Obama broke his own promises about hiring lobbyists), conservatives should be worried about the small ...
Ex-lobbyists populate agencies: Drain the swamp? The Associated Press reports President Trump and his appointees have stocked federal agencies with ex-lobbyists and corporate lawyers who now help to regulate the industries from which they previously collected paychecks. Records reviewed by the ...

(AP) — The Wisconsin Ethics Commission won't be pursuing fines after an audit determined more than 14 percent of lobbyists may have engaged in ... Mike Wittenwyler, an attorney for the Association of Wisconsin Lobbyists, said Friday only 22 actually failed to properly register after working at least five ...
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump and his appointees have stocked federal agencies with ex-lobbyists and corporate lawyers who now help regulate the very industries from which they previously collected paychecks, despite Trump's promises as a candidate to drain the swamp in Washington.
Lobbyists spent $90.8 million trying to influence New Jersey officials last year, and several companies spent record sums because of contentious issues in the state house, according to an analysis from the Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC). Last year's special interests spending total was a ...
PSEG, for its part, reported paying staff lobbyists $281,000, with $305,000 going to an outside agency, as well as nearly $1.8 million in communications. “Most of the increase is related to the debate over the future of nuclear in New Jersey,'' said Michael Jennings, a PSEG spokesman. “It's a complicated ...
Lobbyists working on behalf of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for example, spent $270,000 on rooms, catering, and parking at the hotel during its first six months in operation, Time reported. And in 2017, both the American Petroleum Institute (API) — one of the most powerful industry trade groups in ...
WASHINGTON – Looking for common ground with your neighbor these days? Try switching subjects from the weather to Congress. Chances are, you both agree it's terrible. In red, blue or purple states, in middle America or on the coasts, most Americans loathe the nation's legislature. One big reason: Most ...
As Congress pivots from the GOP's tax measure that overwhelming benefits wealthy shareholders over workers, the Senate is expected to vote on an under-the-radar rewrite of banking rules that prioritizes the deregulatory wishlist of banks ahead of consumers and the health of our banking system.
Public opinion polls about trustworthiness generally find lobbyists (yes, along with journalists and lawyers) lurking near the bottom. It can't be what they do, since lobbying specifically is a constitutionally protected activity. It's right there in the First Amendment, the clear right “to petition the government for a ...
A House committee approved a bill that would potentially lower how much lobbyists report compared to what they actually spend for events where lawmakers or state employees are invited. Complete access to news articles on is available to Arizona Capitol Times' subscribers who are ...
LANSING (WKZO AM/FM) -- New numbers show that Lobbyists in Lansing last year spent a $39.4 million trying to influence lawmakers last year, according to the Michigan Campaign Finance Network. It's the second highest since they began keeping the statistics on the 1,491 interest groups and ...
Barbara L'Italien is one of two active legislators currently in the running to succeed Niki Tsongas in the 3rd District. So far, of the over $319,000 in contributions she has received so far in her congressional run, the Andover Democrat has received more than $50,000 from Massachusetts lobbyists along with ...
Say, who was that playing hoops for lobbyists at the Siegel Center during a charity event the other evening? Why, it was WWBT meteorologist Andrew Frieden. The lobbyists — plus weatherman — squared off against staff from the governor's office, including Gov. Ralph Northam. Bringing in a ringer?
What's wrong here? A 20-year-old person can be arrested for buying a beer, while an 18-year-old can go into a gun store and buy an assault rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition and then go out and kill as many people as he can. All those people who manufacture assault rifles and other guns ...
NJ lobbyists, business leaders and politicians network on 'Walk to Washington'. Posted: Mar 01, 2018 3:10 AM ... More than 900 people were signed up to attend this year's event, including business leaders, lobbyists and more who want to network with the state's politicians. Fifty state lawmakers and eight ...
As the chartered Amtrak train coursed through New Jersey and entered Pennsylvania and Delaware, lobbyists, lawyers and local officials munched on lobster rolls provided by the New Jersey Restaurant and Hospitality Association and enjoyed soda and wine. (Photo: James Nash/
His prosecutors have taken the rare step of pursuing some of President Trump's former senior aides for failing to register as lobbyists for foreign governments, rattling the rarefied world of highly-paid professionals who advocate in Washington for traditional foreign allies, unsavory strongmen and other ...
The disclosure of the correspondence was made to the Department of Justice, which tracks foreign lobbying under the authority of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The Saudi government has gone on a hiring spree in recent years, retaining the services of more than 145 lobbyists over the last two years, ...
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — New Jersey business leaders, lawmakers and lobbyists are boarding a Washington-bound train on Thursday for their annual schmooze-fest and pilgrimage to the nation's capital. The state Chamber of Commerce-sponsored event is more than eight decades old and gives some of ...
AUGUSTA — More female lobbyists and lawmakers came forward Wednesday to publicly share their stories of sexual harassment at the Maine State House. The lobbyists told lawmakers at a meeting of the State and Local Government Committee that the Legislature must empower victims and change a ...
Six lobbyists told The Associated Press how sexual harassment has left them feeling humiliated. “I heard from a lot of other women, I had a feeling I wasn't alone,” Bigney said, calling on those who witness sexual harassment to call out such behavior. Some of the lobbyists who allege misconduct are set to ...
There are more than 1,200 registered lobbyists in Harrisburg. Some work for firms, which take on multiple clients and represent different interests. Often, former lawmakers or regulators serve this role, using their old relationships for leverage. Some, like Masur, work specifically for a company or nonprofit.
A lobby group that represents AT&T, Verizon, and other telcos plans to sue states and cities that try to enforce net neutrality rules. USTelecom, the lobby group, made its intentions clear yesterday in a blog post titled, "All Americans Deserve Equal Rights Online." "Broadband providers have worked hard over ...
For a new book, Politics at Work: How Companies Turn Their Workers into Lobbyists, I surveyed workers and managers and interviewed dozens of top executives to show how these political calls to action have become a common practice for American companies. One in four American employees said in a ...
Many top Trump officials were former industry lawyers and lobbyists. Other top Interior Department officials who have lobbied for oil companies include Deputy Secretary David Bernhardt, Doug Domenech, assistant secretary for insular areas; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Scott Cameron; and Tara ...
They'll also look at recommendations for mandatory sexual harassment training for lobbyists. Jeff Mangan, Montana's commissioner of political practices, oversees lobbyists' political and financial activities, but said he's not sure if the Legislature would have to pass a law making sexual harassment training ...
ProPublica has provided a valuable service, however, by actually doing the legwork on this observation and finding out just how many lobbyists the Trump administration has hired. The answer is “at least 187,” many of whom have been appointed to positions in which they can do favors for the clients they ...
In the play "Kings" at the Public Theater, Sydney Millsap is a new Congresswoman from Dallas, and she's determined to be different. Played by powerhouse Eisa Davis, she's everything Americans want their representatives to be — a no-nonsense policy wonk who puts the concerns of the people first.


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