updated Sat. August 3, 2024
April 27, 2018
The League of Women Voters Austin Area appreciates the Statesman's coverage of the Austin Charter Review Commission proposal for an Independent Ethics Commission. We encourage its inclusion on the November ballot. The proposed Independent Ethics Commission is similar to the IndependentÃâà...
April 15, 2018
Hand it to New York Times columnist Gail Collins for keeping Old Buck in the news. Collins checks in periodically with folks at Lancasterhistory.org to solicit the latest word about a president often labeled “the worst president ever.” (The president she compares Buchanan with has no trouble getting attentionÃâà...
New York Times
April 6, 2018
That is, if you were an editor, which opposing views would you solicit, and which would you decline to publish? I'm not looking for a comprehensive list. An example or two of each would be welcome. Email me at leonhardt@nytimes.com. Scott Pruitt doesn't like sitting in traffic. My colleague Gail CollinsÃâà...
March 30, 2018
GAIL COLLINS: Trump's visitor from outer space. Posted March 30. President Donald Trump walks onto stage to speak at Local 18 Richfield Training Facility (AP. EDITOR'S NOTE: Gail Collins is an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times. She is also the author of “America's Women: Four Hundred YearsÃâà...
March 16, 2018
EDITOR'S NOTE: Gail Collins is an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times. She is also the author of “America's Women: Four Hundred Years of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates and Heroines,” and five other books. My grandson just graduated from college and is having a terrible time finding work.
New York Times
March 11, 2018
To the Editor: Re “Trump's Worst: The Winners Are In!,” by Gail Collins (column, March 1):. I feel bad that Scott Pruitt, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator, was voted dead last among President Trump's top aides simply because he needs to fly first class to avoid disrespectful passengers.
New York Times
March 3, 2018
The editorial board is composed of journalists with wide-ranging areas of expertise. Their primary responsibility is to write The Times's editorials, which represent the voice of the board, its editor and the publisher. The board is part of the Opinion department, which is operated separately from The Times'sÃâà...
Rocky Mount Telegram
January 21, 2018
Question: Do you think Donald Trump spends more time thinking about Hillary Clinton than Hillary Clinton spends thinking about Donald Trump? Sure does seem like it. The other day, Trump was discussing Russia at a news conference with the prime minister of Norway, when he suddenly announced thatÃâà...
Rocky Mount Telegram
January 14, 2018
Not the speculation about whether he's losing his marbles. That was during our “Fire and Fury” period last week. Now we're thinking about that lovely bipartisan meeting the president hosted Tuesday with members of Congress about immigration. Everybody was impressed by how concerned TrumpÃâà...
Rocky Mount Telegram
January 5, 2018
So, to start the year, our president bragged that he has a “much bigger” nuclear button than the guy in North Korea. Coming next week: Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un compare finger length and shoe and head size. That last is complicated by the fact that they have what are two of the worstÃâà...
New York Times
December 15, 2017
To the Editor: Re “Donald Trump's Gift to Women” (column, Dec. 14): The new wave of #MeToo-inspired feminist reform that Gail Collins anticipates looks backward to old notions of feminine fragility and moral purity. Following the questionable lead of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, this movement fails toÃâà...
New York Times
December 12, 2017
I wholeheartedly agree with Prof. Zephyr Teachout's view of zero tolerance for sexual harassment, coupled with due process and proportionality. I am also of the opinion that the group of Democratic senators who called for Al Franken's resignation are using the Senate as a political arena. As I write thisÃâà...
The San Luis Obispo Tribune
July 22, 2017
Ms. Collins is smart, compassionate and funny. She offers me an alternative to just despising President Bannon-Trump and the Congressional Mepublicans. Her column says take a moment, relax and laugh at the absurdity of it all. Humor is actually a very positive suggestion for helping Americans to copeÃâà...
December 31, 1999
EDITOR'S NOTE: Gail Collins is a columnist for The New York Times. Let's talk for a minute about Mar-a-Lago. Donald Trump was there this week, hosting a get-together with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan. Important stuff to be discussed — North Korea, trade. The two men held a brief pressÃâà...