updated Fri. July 26, 2024
Georgia Today
October 5, 2017
The team, made up of Giorgi Kalandia, Director of the Art Palace; Irine Saganelidze, Department Head of Art and Theater at the MoC; Irakli Zambakhidze, designer and graphic concept author; Guliko Kvantitdze, Scientific Editor; Katie Davies, English Editor; and many others, spent over six months preparingÃÂ ...
The Economist
May 18, 2017
Things were much better before the Palestinian Authority came here,” says Khalil Abu Ibrahim, a fruit-and-vegetable seller who has set up in a prime spot: next to the captive clientele of the gridlocked roundabout at Kalandia checkpoint, in the shadow of a smoke-charred Israeli watchtower. Those allowed toÃÂ ...
NJ.com (blog)
January 23, 2012
I just returned from a short visit to Kalandia Camp where I survived 18 years of my early life. The Palestinian camps have come to represent the painful Palestinian Nakba, The Catastrophe. Some 59 refugee camps were established by the United Nations' UNRWA to house about 720,000 Palestinians whoÃÂ ...
November 2, 2017
A Palestinian man stands in front of a drawing by British graffiti artist Banksy, on part of the controversial Israeli barrier near the Kalandia ...
October 31, 2017
Art Museum director Giorgi Kalandia (far left), Georgia's Culture Minister Mikheil Giorgadze and heirs of Simon Dadiani met today in Tbilisi.
Arab News
October 30, 2017
... area of Jerusalem, with another tunnel planned under the Kalandia checkpoint that will allow settlers to travel from settlements in Ramallah to ...
Co-operative News
October 20, 2017
In the West Bank, the Kalandia Refugee Camp Women's Handicraft Cooperative enables Palestinian women to secure their income by selling ...
Georgia Today
October 5, 2017
The team, made up of Giorgi Kalandia, Director of the Art Palace; Irine Saganelidze, Department Head of Art and Theater at the MoC; Irakli ...
October 1, 2017
[Israeli soldiers at Kalandia checkpoint in occupied West Bank taking Palestinian minors out of sight behind a building and assaulting them ...
Los Angeles Times
June 5, 2017
In May 1967, six months after I had graduated from the Israeli air force academy, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser closed the Straits of ...
February 8, 2017
Palestinians cross the Kalandia checkpoint June 10, 2016, on their way to Jerusalem's Old City for Friday prayers during Ramadan. Credit:Â ...
NJ.com (blog)
January 23, 2012
I just returned from a short visit to Kalandia Camp where I survived 18 years of my early life. The Palestinian camps have come to represent the ...
Georgia Today
September 7, 2017
... Art Palace director Giorgi Kalandia said. “She also participated in the commemorative exhibition of the 850th anniversary of Shota Rustaveli,ÃÂ ...
Georgia Today
August 17, 2017
“This is an album of public figures,” Giorgi Kalandia, director of Art Palace tells GEORGIA TODAY. “Despite Georgia enjoying a long and richÃÂ ...
Los Angeles Times
June 5, 2017
In May 1967, six months after I had graduated from the Israeli air force academy, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser closed the Straits ofÃÂ ...
The Economist
May 18, 2017
Those allowed to cross Kalandia by car can take more than an hour. The passage for those on foot looks like a cattle pen. Israel could do muchÃÂ ...
February 8, 2017
Palestinians cross the Kalandia checkpoint June 10, 2016, on their way to Jerusalem's Old City for Friday prayers during Ramadan. Credit:ÃÂ ...
November 22, 2016
A Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab an Israeli security guard at the Kalandia Checkpoint this morning. The terrorist was eliminated at theÃÂ ...
Intelligence & Terrorism Information Center
February 9, 2017
Right: Hussein Muhammad Abu Ghosh, who was killed while carrying out a stabbing attack after having infiltrated the community of Beit Horon (Facebook page of Kalandia Camp Soldiers, January 26, 2016). 3. Terrorist attacks carried out to avenge a friend ...
November 10, 2016
Art Palace director Giorgi Kalandia said a 19th Century costume of the King's daughter, Princess Tekle "faced disintegration" before it was restored and adorned with over 3,000 previously missing details.
International Middle East Media Center
November 2, 2016
The lines will lead to settlements of Ma'ale Adumim, Geva Binyamin (Adam), Giv'at Ze'ev and the Kalandia checkpoint.
October 19, 2016
Al Asaad grew up in the Kalandia Refugee Camp, where she still resides. "Clashes were very frequent and there were Israeli soldiers around our house.
Vrij Nederland
September 29, 2016
Bij checkpoint Kalandia moest hij met alle andere mannen tegen de muur gaan staan, de handen op het hoofd, in de brandende zon. Het enige wat hij zag, waren de stenen van de muur. Een zwaarbewapende soldaat van een jaar of twintig controleerde henÃÂ ...
J-Wire Jewish Australian News Service
September 17, 2016
In March, two soldiers accidentally drove into what the New York Times called "an area bordering the Kalandia refugee camp, between Jerusalem and Ramallah.
August 28, 2016
In two different incidents that took place today, knives were found on Palestinian youths during routine security checks at IDF checkpoints.
Georgia Today
August 13, 2016
... to the Arts Palace (State Museum of Theater, Music, Cinema & Choreography, Kargareteli Str. 6) is being carried out through the support of Ambassador of Georgia in the Republic of Ireland, Giorgi Zurabishvili, and embassy representative, Natia ...
August 13, 2016
... Georgian affairs and so commanded their ambassadors in Constantinople to send them extraordinary correspondence meticulously detailing the matters-at-hand in Georgia's Kartl-Kakheti and Samegrelo provinces," said Art Palace director Giorgi Kalandia.
Asharq Al-awsat English
August 3, 2016
In Kalandia, 11 buildings, each made up of 25 apartments, were destroyed in one month only. For the first time, six Israeli official institutions, among them the Israeli Ministry of Defense, issued warnings to the owners of these houses.
July 31, 2016
"Israel mesti menghentikan tindakannya di Masjid Al-Aqsha," kata Menteri Negara Wael Arabyat, Senin (1/08/2016) pagi. Dilansir dari kantor berita resmi Jordania, Petra, Wael Arabyat mengutuk campur-tangan Israel dalam pekerjaan para penjaga danÃÂ ...
July 31, 2016
... umum di wilayah itu. Sebanyak 300.000 orang Palestina saat ini tinggal di Jerusalem Timur. Pada awal pekan terakhir Juli, pemerintah Isrel merobohkan 20 bangunan tidak sah di Permukiman Palestina di Jerusalem Timur --Kalandia dan Issawiya. (C003).
Italia Post
July 28, 2016
Durante la notte sono arrivati i buldozer a demolire 11 case dietro il muro di Kalandia: 24 famiglie rimaste senza un tetto dopo aver costruito con tanta fatica una loro casa. Sono i disequilibri mondiali che Italia Post riesce quotidianamente a ...
July 27, 2016
... Praja memperkirakan keberadaan 20.000 unit permukiman dan bangunan umum yang menurut mereka ilegal di wilayah itu. Pada awal pekan ini, pemerintah Isrel merobohkan 20 bangunan "ilegal" di Permukiman Palestina di Yerusalem Timur, KalandiaÃÂ ...
July 27, 2016
... and the municipality estimates the existence of 20,000 unauthorized residential units and public buildings in those territories.
Kuwait News Agency
July 26, 2016
RAMALLAH, July 26 (KUNA) -- Israeli troops demolished on Tuesday 13 houses belonging to Palestinians in Kalandia and Al-Esawiya villages on the pretext of being near the separation barrier which separates the West Bank from Al-Quds.
Georgia Today
July 11, 2016
The newspaper articles were discovered by Art Palace Director, Giorgi Kalandia, in 2014 whilst looking through the British Library archives from the National Library of Ireland for references to Georgia.
Heritage Florida Jewish News
July 1, 2016
A child from Kalandia is filmed saying that he is taught about how "Zionists are our enemy, and [we] must fight them." A different student at the same school says, "With Allah's help I will fight for ISIS, the Islamic State.
June 30, 2016
Kalandia said the articles - first obtained by the Tbilisi Art Palace from the National Library of Ireland two years ago - would be translated into Georgian in the first stage of the project.
June 25, 2016
In a statement issued Saturday, UNRWA spokesman said that the agency is "gravely concerned about the recent decision of the Israeli High Court of Justice to reject the appeals filed by Palestine refugee families against two punitive demolitions in ...
June 23, 2016
Another student from Shuafat says, "We have to constantly stab them, drive over them, and shoot them (the Jews)." A child from Kalandia is filmed saying that he is taught about how "Zionists are our enemy, and [we] must fight them." A different student ...
June 14, 2016
The purchase of the banner was announced by Tbilisi-based Art Palace museum director Giorgi Kalandia to his social network followers on Saturday.
June 9, 2016
Museum director Giorgi Kalandia said the working group aimed to recreate 200 garments by the time the project ended. Tbilisi's Art Palace Museum has revealed the first group of historical Georgian garments recreated through its project to restore andÃÂ ...
Middle East Monitor
May 28, 2016
And actually we had one once; it was called Kalandia International Airport. I live right next to it today. It would be so much easier to travel, instead of going through Jordan and the border, and passing through the three security checks.
Web India 123
May 20, 2016
Assistant Agriculture Engineer, a doctor and her driver, an IIC and a constable for demanding and accepting bribe. Vigilance Department sources here said Asst Engineer Govinda Kalandia was arrested for demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 5,000 fromÃÂ ...
May 17, 2016
As he approaches the Kalandia check-point, one of the few places to cross from Israel into the West Bank and the Palestinian city of Ramallah, "the watch towers surrounded by fences laced with barbed wire" remind him of concentration camps and "a ...
The Indian Panorama (registration)
May 5, 2016
On Wednesday, a pair of Palestinian brother and sister, Maram Abu Ismayil, 23, and Ibrahim Salah Taha, 16, from the Palestinian village of Beit Suriq near Ramallah, were shot and killed at the Kalandia checkpoint, a major crossing point between ...
May 2, 2016
On Wednesday, a pair of Palestinian brother and sister, Maram Abu Ismayil, 23, and Ibrahim Salah Taha, 16, from the Palestinian village of Beit Suriq near Ramallah, were shot and killed at the Kalandia checkpoint, a major crossing point between ...
New York Times
April 29, 2016
The father, right, and grandparents of Mohammad Shadeh, 12, who was arrested with a meat cleaver and two knives in his school bag, under portraits of their killed relatives at their house in the West Bank refugee camp of Kalandia. Mohammad has beenÃÂ ...
Georgia Today
April 28, 2016
Giorgi Kalandia, Director of the Art Palace, said: "In my opinion, this is a very interesting project. In the fascinating history of our palace museum, I cannot recall such an event.
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
April 14, 2016
This is particularly the case regarding developments beyond the separation fence, as well as problematic locations such as the refugee camps in Kalandia and Shuafat. For their part, Fatah people in the Old City, mainly from the original families but ...
Sikily News
April 1, 2016
Le ginocchia sbucciate dei bambini nei campi profughi, i manifesti con le foto dei martiri, l'odore dei suq, le file ai tornelli dei controlli, i bambini disabili del campo di Aida, i copertoni bruciati sotto il muro di Kalandia, i ragazzi con le ...
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