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updated Sat. July 27, 2024

In the meantime, a growing body of research and expert opinion supports the only fair and just solution: Repudiating Mr. Trump's cruel decision and ... One compelling statistic: Of the 994 service members diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 2016-2017, 393 were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and only ...
As electoral campaigning begins in Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan, it is critically important to remember that despite recent political upheavals — including the Iraqi government's invasion of the major oil-producing city of Kirkuk, then held by Kurds, and other disputed areas — the Kurdistan region that remains ...

The issue is not only with Iraq's all-encompassing counterterrorism prosecutions; another roadblock to justice is the country's underlying penal code, which is woefully unfit to address ISIS's most heinous crimes. ISIS specifically targeted women, girls and gender-nonconforming people with brutal violence.
The Iraqi Jewish Archive, a testament to a 2,600-year-old community, was in poor condition from neglect when it came to the United States to be preserved, catalogued and digitized. It has been on exhibit in a number of cities for several years. If it returns to Iraq, its original, legal owners will never be able to ...
The banner on the USS Abraham Lincoln read “Mission Accomplished.” President George W. Bush grinned and gave a boastful thumbs-up before reading from his teleprompter about America's victory in Iraq. Fifteen years later, Mission Accomplished has become Mission Impossible. And as Islamophobic ...
Where in Iraq, the alleged possession of WMDs was deemed sufficient grounds for an invasion, their confirmed use in Syria has only belatedly occasioned a response, largely symbolic, lacking shock or awe. ... US intelligence, which at the time was allied to the Iraqi regime, amplified the claim. But in an ...

At the time, U.S. soldiers in Iraq served as an important restraint preventing the Shiite majority in the country from trampling the Sunni minority that had long held power. The slog of patrolling neighborhoods in big cities was over by 2011. U.S. forces were mainly training the new Iraqi military. But even after ...
President Bush invaded Iraq and forcibly removed its government, with the peak of our deployment exceeding 160,000 troops four years later. Then, in 2011, President Obama, citing his administration's failure to obtain a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government, withdrew our forces in an ...
There have also been almost 4,500 American soldiers killed in the war, according to the Defense Department, as well as nearly 203,000 Iraqi civilians killed, according to the Iraq Body Count project. So why aren't these numbers provoking more outrage and demands for the war's end? Because war has ...
The Americans and their allies facilitated the creation of what is known as the new federal and democratic Iraq, pushing Kurdish leaders to go to Baghdad ... pushed Kurdish politicians to support the new constitution, intended to construct a new country based on a true partnership between all Iraqi peoples, ...
I spent August of 2007 till June 2008 in Baghdad, Iraq, as a member of the 65th Public Affairs Operations Center. We were a public affairs unit attached to the media outlets in Iraq, mostly working with reporters and distinguished guests and dignitaries visiting the war zone. My mission was to supervise a ...
Mr. Pompeo's efforts resemble the efforts by the George W. Bush administration, before the Iraq war, to depict a supposed alliance between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda. Iran is the ... This advice is a prescription for the near certain failure of any United States-North Korea summit meeting. Much as we ...
The war in Iraq, which began 15 years ago this month, was an unnecessary conflict spurred on by misleading claims about Saddam's Hussein's possession of weapons of mass destruction and his regime's alleged ties to Al Qaeda. But there was another key element of the George W. Bush administration's ...
With new parliamentary elections scheduled for May, Iraqi leaders and citizens will have the singular opportunity to rise above the last 15 years of war and choose a more accountable and inclusive government that embraces the many religious and ethnic groups of Iraq. Or, if Iraq instead re-establishes a ...
An unidentified young boy, who was carried out of the last IS-controlled area in the Old City of Mosul by a man suspected of being a militant, is cared for by Iraqi Special Forces ... Dunedin anaesthetist Dr Mathew Zacharias is in Northern Iraq on an annual voluntary stint with a humanitarian organisation.
Yet, in the last two months alone, ISIS operatives have claimed responsibility for two major sleeper cell orchestrated terrorist attacks in Baghdad and near Kirkuk,the latter in which ISIS attackers had the audacity to appear in an ambush dressed in Iraqi military uniforms. Even before the liberation of Iraq from ...
Recent reports indicating major changes in Iraq as well as potential changes in Iraq-US relations are worth an examination. Among these are reports of Iraqi Army units abandoning positions in Kirkuk and Diyala, reducing even further the level of security in the area. There has also been an unconfirmed ...

He was a history major and an Iraq War veteran who'd put in some factory jobs along the way. Yet he turned into perhaps the most entertaining writer The Leaf-Chronicle has ever published. On an Easter egg hunt: "The eggs were out in the open in all their pastel glory; not like the old days when moms, ...
We presently have a few hundred elite commandos sitting idle in Iraq because their training missions in support of both Kurdish militia and Iraqi government troops were suspended after these two groups began fighting each other. There is also a handful of Canadian combat engineers in Iraq conducting ...
A file photo of an Iraqi soldier during the campaign to defeat ISIL in Mosul (Martyn Aim/Getty Images). ... The Kuwait International Conference for the Reconstruction of Iraq took place 15 years after the war that brought down Saddam Hussein and 27 years after the liberation of Kuwait from Saddam's ...
The 2003 Anglo-American invasion (also known by its Orwellian name, "Operation Iraqi Freedom") dismantled what was left of the Iraqi state drained by wars and sanctions. It also triggered and normalised the politics of chaos, corruption, and sectarian civil wars. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ...
It's welcome news that American troops are beginning to leave Iraq. For many of them, the job is done. The Islamic State extremists who had seized control of vast swaths of territory — including Iraq's second-largest city, Mosul — have been driven from their holdings by an Iraqi military made stronger and ...
Fifteen years ago this week, Colin Powell, then the secretary of state, spoke at the United Nations to sell pre-emptive war with Iraq. .... intelligence community to cook up evidence of Iran's noncompliance; and the administration's choosing to view the recent protests in Iran as the beginning of regime change.
Iraq is the most salient example, particularly after the Anglo-American invasion of 2003. The United States plundered millions of documents and moved them out of Iraq during its occupation of the country. With the exception of the Iraqi Jewish Archive, which is set to be returned to Iraq in two years, there are ...
The ambassador spoke of the increasing capabilities of the Iraqi Army and that it is not the same army that ran from ISIS. He pointed out that it was this new army that, with the aid of coalition forces, defeated ISIS – no mention of the Peshmerga who were the first to hold back the tide of ISIS aggression.
An Iraqi policeman casts his vote into a ballot box during early voting for the parliamentary election in Baghdad, Iraq, April 28, 2014. .... saying, “Any remarks that do not come following coordination with the Iraqi government could influence Iraqi public opinion and have negative repercussions — particularly ...


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