

  cross-referenced news and research resources about

 Michael Rubin

Michael Rubin

is one of the youngest neoconservative figures to gain prominence within the George W. Bush administration. A Yale graduate whose dissertation focused on modern Iran, Rubin has traveled extensively in







, and

. (1)

Rubin, an

American Enterprise Institute
scholar, was involved in several meetings and conferences officiated by

Douglas Feith
and Harold Rhode at AEI as part of the Bush transition team. One of the objectives of these meetings was to reshape the top leadership at the Pentagon, sidelining or removing those who were regarded as moderates. Out of these discussions came the idea for the creation of the Office of Special Plans (OSP). (10)

Between 2002 and 2004, Rubin worked as a staff adviser for Iran and Iraq in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, in which capacity he was seconded to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq. Rubin was assigned to the Pentagon’s

Office of Special Plans
, which was folded into the Northern Gulf Affairs Office after the unit was implicated in cooking intelligence information to justify the Iraq war and occupation. (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) logo
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updated Sat. May 18, 2024

Among think-tankers, Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute penned the non-sensational editorial, “It's time to assassinate Assad. .... I may write one in my old blog to lay out using maps what I think is driving the insane USA moves: a combination of Israel lobby (neocon) and Saudi influences ...
Another neoconservative and NeverTrumper, Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute (where Bolton has been perched when not in government), insisted that, “In terms of organization, intellect, fairness, commitment to process, and a desire to get the best possible outcome for the United States ...

by Mitchell Plitnick After weeks of rumors, President Donald Trump today replaced National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster with former Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton. Many foreign policy analysts and advocates immediately expressed deep concern and dismay at Bolton's appointment.
That's the same “think tank” that acted as the Bush administration's principal cheerleader for the 2003 Iraq invasion and provided the Pentagon with a ... briefings”—featuring the likes of then-Defense Policy Committee chair Richard Perle, serially mistaken Iran “experts” Michael Rubin, Michael Ledeen, and ...
That's the same “think tank” that acted as the Bush administration's principal cheerleader for the 2003 Iraq invasion and provided the Pentagon with a ... mistaken Iran “experts” Michael Rubin, Michael Ledeen, and Reuel Marc Gerecht (the last two now with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies), and ...

According the WikiSpooks website, an open source collaborative project to re-examine recent history, Rubin is a neocon activist who has served as editor of the hardline-Zionist Middle East Quarterly since 2004. Rubin was in Iraq as a political adviser for the Coalition Provisional Authority (a transitional ...
Indeed, it's very difficult to find a neocon at the moment who publicly supports the Republican candidate. As I wrote previously, the reasons are many: fear of “America First” isolationism and all it implies for U.S. foreign policy and alliances; the bromance with Putin; the crudest kinds of nativism, racism, and ...

... Seth Cropsey, Aaron Friedberg, Daniel Pipes, Ruth Wedgewood, and Jeffrey Gedmin (Robert Zoellick, who is not a neocon, also signed PNAC letters and the Trump letter); and other neocons not affiliated directly with PNAC, such as Michael Rubin. Other hawks who work frequently on neoconservative ...
He no doubt raised lots of money for the institution. When Perle and the neocons were riding high in George W. Bush's first term (when Cheney ruled the roost), Bruce Kovner, a very private but very important neocon philanthropist, served as deputy chairman and then chairman of AEI's board of trustees and ...
Opponents of NIAC's work have been working for a resurgence of the heavy-handed, pro-war, and anti-diplomacy approach of the Bush years – an approach that ... Michael Rubin – Rubin is resident scholar at the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute and a strong opponent of diplomacy with Iran who has pushed ...
At the urging of American neoconservatives in 2003, President George W. Bush ordered the U.S. military to conduct a devastating aerial assault on ... Michael Rubin, a neoconservative firebrand at the American Enterprise Institute, wrote in Commentary magazine, “Simply put, the chief impediment to peace ...
All of those bodies are ostensibly looking into the Bush administration's prewar Iraq intelligence, amid charges that the White House and the Pentagon ... staffers as an ideological gadfly, was officially assigned to the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment, an in-house Pentagon think tank headed by fellow neocon Andrew ...


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