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updated Sat. August 31, 2024

A former director at the Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce (AGCC) has taken up a new role in the energy sector. James Bream has become General Manager of Aberdeen-based Katoni Engineering following five years as research and policy director at the AGCC. During his time at the ...
Fergus McDiarmid, partner and leader of property in pensions team, said: "Rowanmoor is a highly respected SIPP provider in the UK and we're thrilled to be appointed to provide legal advice in Scotland. "We act for a large number of SIPP providers and have seen significant growth in client demand for this ...

... businesses can enter. The closing date is 5pm on Friday, May 25, with the three finalists in each category invited to attend the awards ceremony, which is being held at the football club on Thursday, July 19. For more information and to download an application form, visit ...
UK commercial property investment volumes in the first quarter of 2018 reached £12 bn (€13.7 bn), 11.6% down on the same period of 2018 but 14% above the long-term average, according to advisory firm Savills. Would you like to read more? Log in first (top right of the screen) or take a trial. img ...
LONDON (AFP) - The Russian-American academic who developed an app that allowed political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica (CA) to farm the data of 87 million Facebook users faces questions on Tuesday (April 24) by British lawmakers. Aleksandr Kogan, who teaches at Cambridge University, will ...
Britain's dependence on “white van man” - and woman - has been underlined by new research into how commercial vehicles affect the public's everyday lives. ... When all commercial vehicles - including trucks, buses and taxis - are included, there are five million goods and service vehicles on UK roads.

“It was quite a chalk and cheese year in terms of how the very biggest advertisers changed their emphasis on traditional advertising,” noted Barney Farmer, Nielsen's UK commercial director. “Half spent more, half spent less, with the likes of Tesco and Samsung ramping up spend dramatically, in complete ...
“It follows on from earlier MoUs with The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy in Milan and Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, as well as a growing relationship with our counterpart in Nuremberg, and we are actively seeking further such formal links with business organisations in other overseas cities ...
Its advice comes as LPS issued Rent and Leasing Questionnaires (RALQ) this week to all owners and occupiers of commercial property in Northern Ireland requesting full details of the tenure of their property. Tracy Flannigan, director of advisory and transaction services at CBRE, said: "If you occupy or own ...
Additionally, given China's penchant for exporting domestic corruption, there is the possibility they will become triple-use (commercial, military, and criminal), and ... With six posts in the South Pacific, the UK will have better coverage in the region than the US (excluding its Freely Associated States), France, ...
Commercial is a 2018 Queen's Awards for Enterprise winner in the Sustainable Development category. The Queen's Awards are the UK's most prestigious business accolade, and Commercial's win recognises outstanding achievements in social and environmental sustainability, coupled with significant ...
There is more optimism about the long-term future of the UK's aerospace and defense industries than some recent headlines might suggest. Rightly so, as the UK is one of the best places in the world to do business in these sectors. The UK companies that we represent at ADS are offering their customers ...
A report claims the UK commercial drivers are the "backbone of Britain" with consumers relying on them for everything from rubbish collections to online deliveries. Brits are totally reliant on vans, according to the study. Getty - Contributor. Brits are totally reliant on vans, according to the study. Taxi drivers ...
The ambitions not only include new diplomatic posts and aid funding but the idea of encouraging commercial projects and possibly infrastructure funding. Britain's Minister of State for the Commonwealth, Lord Tariq Ahmad, said the UK's departure from the European Union would give it more scope to ...
The United Kingdom Space Agency, working with British companies in the sector, has established how intends to grow its 6.5 percent stake in the $350 ... While three different UK bodies that have authority to regulate commercial space, Barcham said UKSA does not "want to have license applicants try to ...
Over 30 years ago I was privileged to complete a doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston. It was in so many ways an eye-opening experience for a young man starting out from County Durham. MIT was created to support the application of research in business and life ...
A study among British airline pilots shows that 20 percent of them have scores on a burnout scale that are comparable to those of people that are under burnout treatment. Surprisingly, the same study shows that only one of the 1147 pilots that participated, did not meet the performance standards at the ...

In my February column I mentioned the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) Not More Not-Spots campaign aimed at delivering 100pc voice and data mobile coverage across the UK by 2020. ... Although there is 90pc geographic coverage across the UK, only 10pc of Britain's landmass is 'developed'.
A British Airways commercial pilot has been charged after he allegedly tried to fly a passenger jet full of people on a long-haul trip to Mauritius while more than four ... The incident took place in January, but was confirmed officially when the UK's Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) formally charged him with breaking the legal ...
Nuggets , a distributed ledger technology (DLT) startup focused on payment and identity systems, has been endorsed by the United Kingdom's Department for International Trade, the Mayor of London and the City of London and invited on two major trade visits to China. "As a blockchain start-up, having the ...
Firms including Millennium, Marshall Wace and Janus Henderson Group are raising bets against an industry that's key to Britain's economy. This comes amid waning optimism about the UK government's ability to prop up the market with incentive schemes as well as fears that the UK's looming departure ...
The oil price collapse did not cause enough of a downturn in the north east of Scotland to undermine the value of commercial property, judges have ruled. Three judges heard an action at the Court of Session which was brought by the Assessor For Grampian. It came after a number of businesses won a ...
Glasgow Prestwick Airport is hoping to become the first commercial spaceport in the UK and Europe. This comes after the Space Industry Act received Royal Assent on Wednesday, paving the way for commercial UK space launches. The airport is set to apply for a licence and aims to offer horizontal launches of orbital and ...
It has been a long-established principle of UK tax law that a Guernsey company, as any other non-UK company, will be treated as being UK tax resident for a particular financial year if the "central management and control" (CMC) of that company is exercised within the UK during that financial year1.
While you might not know all of the commercial terms straight away, that can be accounted for, and there's nothing to stop you from changing the terms of the contract as the relationship develops. If the terms of the contract aren't clear from the outset, then it will be very difficult to establish what is meant to ...
Political risk was seen as the greatest threat to the commercial property market in 2018, with 70% of lenders highlighting it as their main concern, with Brexit the most frequently mentioned factor. Lenders also predicted that interest rates would rise this year, with 71% expecting an increase. Loan margins ...
She will produce and oversee Arenamedia projects in the UK. She is a UK-based Australian producer whose films have screened in official selection at many international film festivals including Berlin, Edinburgh and SXSW. The British exec co-founded Slingshot, the UK's first digital film studio, and has ...
LONDON—Britain has enacted a Space Industry Bill, which will allow commercial space launch activities from the UK for the first . ... must have an Aviation Week Intelligence Network (AWIN) account or subscribe to this Market Briefing to access "New Law Paves Way For UK Commercial Space Launches".
A panel consisting of the chief executives of Hearst, Future, Haymarket and Time Out Digital were asked what single revenue stream they would bet on for the future sustainability of their companies, and the latter three answered commerce. "We're overhauling ecommerce on our site to make sure it's true to ...
During a charged series of speeches to the British Chambers of Commerce, Fox, the UK international trade secretary, and Foster, the Democratic Unionist party [DUP] leader, attacked the EU's ... “The idea of punishing Britain is not the language of a club, it's the language of a gang,” Fox told the BCC.
'Helping Britain prosper' is now central to every decision they make, from business strategy to retail. Once a business has sustainable development goals (SDGs) in place, it can contribute more effectively at an individual, societal or environmental level – whether as a bank enabling prosperity, a healthcare ...
In two of the major news stories from recent weeks, there is a strong focus on 'governance' in the commentary. Both of these stories are covered elsewhere in this magazine in far more detail, but it struck me that in the case of both Carillion and Oxfam it is all too easy to write off their very different types of ...
Britain's Secretary of State for International Trade Liam Fox delivers a speech at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) Annual Conference at the QEII ... If there were any faint hopes that the deep cultural and commercial ties between the UK and the US would secure a sweetheart free trade deal for the ...
Having insurance, for example, is a legal requirement for many activities, not a commercial decision. ... A recent study by Cambridge economists Graham Gudgin and Ken Coutts of Britain's economic performance in the 30 years before Thatcher's liberalisations and the 30 years since found, however, that ...
But during the three-day visit of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the British government made clear that its agenda was to promote commerce and good relations, not to criticize the Saudi government. On Thursday, Prime Minister Theresa May and the crown prince reached an agreement designed to ...
Speaking at the Media & Telecoms Conference in London, Bulford said the BBC's ability to fund UK content had been hit by financial constraints, while commercial broadcasters had been hit by reduced advertising revenues. “At the BBC, high-quality British programming has always been our priority.
Adam Marshall, director general of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) told BBC radio that Britain must go back to basics. On the current Brexit negotiations he said, the “Government can do more than one thing at once”, adding, “the best possible Brexit deal will not matter to the UK's competitiveness ...
It has been allowed, by government and opposition alike, to cloud over the rudderlessness of recent years; a convenient excuse to plough attention and resources into a process of disconnection, rather than to take the far harder step of re-imagining Britain for the future and then marshalling all available ...
Mohamed Abdelmeguid, a Saudi Arabia analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), said he was sure new Saudi-U.K. commercial partnerships will be signed during the visit but noted that "Brexit creates a lot of uncertainty for foreign investors." He added that this could be sufficient to derail planned ...
Speaking last year, Mark Leach, head of e-commerce at Missguided, added: “In 2015, the British Fashion Council estimated that the UK fashion industry was worth £28bn a year, contributed £50bn to the UK economy and employed nearly 900,000 people. “Technology is driving a new wave of retailer and ...


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