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updated Tue. September 17, 2024

But at least one Democrat will be in the crowd: the office of Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards confirmed his attendance. ... There's also a State Department lunch hosted by Vice President Mike Pence before Macron and his wife arrive for the state dinner. The Trump-Macron relationship appeared to get off to ...

These employees work for private agencies that receive state funding, with the majority coming from the state Department of Developmental Services. ... and the governor said he was appointing his OPM [Office of Policy and Management] Secretary Ben Barnes to work with both sides to see what they could ...
Topics include identity theft, charity fraud, and senior scams covered by representatives of the Washington Secretary of State, Office of the Attorney General, state Department of Financial Institutions, the Federal Trade Commission and more. Information: or 360-407-3967.
Several offices and departments are involved in the process, with recommendations flowing in from the State Department, the Office of Public Liaison -- which largely manages the White House's relationship with outside groups -- and the offices of Cabinet Affairs and legislative affairs, McBride said.
“My very public disagreement with the former Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services ceased to be an issue when he resigned from public service. Doerflinger resigned from his position amid domestic violence accusations. The Oklahoma State Department of Health has been the focus of a special ...
Additionally, DOL will no longer ask applicants of driver's licenses or state ID cards for their place of birth and has created an Office of Community Engagement to educate the public about its new policies. Those who are concerned whether their information has been released to ICE can call 360-359-4454.
It provided a small window into a State Department that appeared to be plunged into chaos at every level. ..... Tillerson said he'd looked at the numbers proposed by the White House Office of Management and Budget and assumed he could count on “plus ten, plus twenty per cent, because we figure the ...
The State Department's internal watchdog is reviewing the handling of sexual harassment and assault cases, bringing a new level of scrutiny to a part of the federal government that has long struggled with the issue. A spokeswoman for the State Department's Office of Inspector General confirmed it started ...
Under the George W. Bush administration, the USAID offices of policy and budget were disbanded and much of the staff and decisionmaking transferred to a new Office of Foreign Assistance Resources (known as F) in the State Department. During the Obama administration, the Department of State insisted ...


news and opinion



             assistant secretaries
             bilateral trade
             coordinator for reconstruction
             counter misinformation
             deputy assistant secretary
             latin america

US State Department:
           net‑centric diplomacy
           policy planning staff

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state offices: