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updated Fri. May 10, 2024

BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) The state department is warning people about the dangers of traveling to a popular tourist town in Mexico. ... "There is information that there could be a violent attack in the next few days," said Eric Olden, the Director of Wilson Center Latin America Program and expert of security ...

But Kushner, Trump's senior adviser and son-in-law who had no government or diplomatic experience before taking office and recently lost his top-secret ... U.S. Ambassador Roberta Jacobson, a 30-year veteran of U.S.-Latin America policy and top diplomat who has announced her resignation, was not in ...
Plans for the two presidents to meet have been abruptly canceled at least twice since Mr. Trump took office, and the relationship between their countries is suffering its ... Just this year, three of the State Department's most experienced diplomats on Latin America have resigned: Tom Shannon, the No.
The State Department unit that handles Latin America, the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, has been especially hard hit even as Washington and Mexico seek to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, battle over immigration issues, cooperate on interdiction of drug trafficking and ...
President Donald Trump's latest proposal to eviscerate the State Department's budget may already be dead on arrival in Congress. ... On recent trips to the Middle East and Latin America, Tillerson's effort to advance the fight against shared threats was undercut by Trump's angry denunciations of U.S. ...
The result is that the State Department is currently lacking a consistent foreign policy in regards to Latin America and is not up to carrying out what could be an ... to run for a second term from the Supreme Court in 2015, which he had managed to stack with his own judicial allies during his stay in office.
The state department says tourists should avoid driving at night, be extra vigilant when using ATMs and avoid wearing expensive jewellery. The UK Foreign Office says tourists should research their destination thoroughly before travelling because violence is concentrated in specific areas.


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            latin america

US State Dept. offices:
            assistant secretaries
            bilateral trade
            coordinator for reconstruction
            counter misinformation
            deputy assistant secretary
            latin america

cross-references for
latin america:

State Department Latin America Office