updated Tue. October 1, 2024
Inside Defense
April 18, 2018
The Pentagon comptroller's office wants all fiscal year 2018 omnibus reprogramming requests submitted by May 17, according to a department-wide memo. The requests to shift FY-18 omnibus funds between Defense Department accounts will then be submitted to Congress. All DOD submissions mustÃâà...
April 12, 2018
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon's two-year budget boost may be as good as it's going to get for the military, the House Armed Services Committee's top Democrat ... Pentagon Comptroller David Norquist, who is leading the first full audit, appeared at the hearing though he was not on the witness list. MattisÃâà...
Defense One
April 10, 2018
Though Defense Secretary James Mattis testified in October that almost 20 percent of the Pentagon's real property is surplus and a burden, the 2019 defense budget proposal doesn't formally request a new BRAC round. Instead, Defense Department Comptroller David Norquist suggested in February thatÃâà...
War Is Boring
April 5, 2018
“Great power competition, not terrorism, has emerged as the central challenge to U.S. security and prosperity,” claimed Pentagon comptroller David Norquist while releasing the Pentagon's $686 billion budget request in January. “It is increasingly apparent that China and Russia want to shape a worldÃâà...
Foreign Policy In Focus
April 4, 2018
“Great power competition, not terrorism, has emerged as the central challenge to U.S. security and prosperity,” claimed Pentagon Comptroller David Norquist while releasing the Pentagon's $686 billion budget request in January. “It is increasingly apparent that China and Russia want to shape a worldÃâà...
The Nation.
April 3, 2018
“Great power competition, not terrorism, has emerged as the central challenge to United States security and prosperity,” claimed Pentagon Comptroller David Norquist while releasing the Pentagon's $686 billion budget request in January. “It is increasingly apparent that China and Russia want to shape aÃâà...
The Hill
April 2, 2018
First and foremost, the fact that the military can't properly account for $3.1 billion spent in Afghanistan underscores the need for the Pentagon to conduct its first ever top-to-bottom audit, which comptroller David Norquist announced in December 2017 would be done. U.S. government agencies have beenÃâà...
Inside Defense
March 29, 2018
The strategy is expected to support new investments in artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, hypersonics, directed energy and data analytics. Shanahan also said Pentagon Comptroller David Norquist will be focusing more on managerial accountability as DOD's chief financial officer. "We're going toÃâà...
March 22, 2018
These companies are not recruiting from the Defense Department because, quite frankly, the skills needed to run a Fortune 500 company do not reside within the Pentagon. These companies are competing for talent against one another and other corporate giants. Compensation for the CEO of Pfizer, withÃâà...
National Defense Magazine
March 7, 2018
12, Defense Department Comptroller David L. Norquist presented the Trump administration's fiscal year 2019 budget request. ... Back over at the Pentagon, Norquist said: “It is increasingly apparent that China and Russia want to shape a world consistent with their authoritarian values and in the processÃâà...
February 27, 2018
Led by the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental, which acts as a liaison between the Pentagon and industry, the Defense Department is targeting ... require examination by the Comptroller General, and transactions worth more than $500 million require the signoff of the Pentagon's top acquisition official.
February 23, 2018
Now, the Pentagon has provided more clarity on those funds. According to Defense Department spokesman Christopher Sherwood, the money breaks down into two categories ― $16.3 billion of operation and maintenance (O&M) funding and $1.1 billion for “non-DoD classified activities.” It is unclearÃâà...
The Hill
February 21, 2018
“As an accountant, I appreciate the complexities of conducting a consolidated audit of the [Defense Department] and comptroller David Norquist's committed efforts on this regard. "While this initiative may be far overdue, I recognize it will take some time for the Pentagon to fundamentally improve its financialÃâà...
February 12, 2018
USD(C) Norquist and Lt. Gen. Ierardi brief media on FY19 Defense David L. Norquist, right, the Defense Department's comptroller, and Army Lt. Gen. Anthony Ierardi, the Joint Staff's director of force structure, resources and assessment, brief reporters on the fiscal year 2019 defense budget Feb. 12, 2018.
Defense One
February 12, 2018
Instead, David Norquist, the Pentagon's CFO and comptroller, said the budget proposal starts digging the military out a $406 billion hole — “in lost readiness, maintenance and modernization” — created by federal budget caps in recent years. If the Pentagon's budget had grown at the rate of inflation sinceÃâà...
Department of Defense
February 12, 2018
Army Lt. Gen. Anthony Ierardi, the Joint Staff's director of force structure, resources and assessment, and Defense Department Comptroller David L. Norquist, discuss the president's fiscal 2019 defense budget request during a news conference at the Pentagon, Feb. 12, 2018. DoD photo by Jim Garamone.
February 5, 2018
The audit's findings come as the entire Defense Department begins its first department-wide audit -- a move long advocated by many on Capitol Hill. ... "These annual audits are fundamental to achieving one of the secretary's three main priorities," the Pentagon's comptroller, Undersecretary of DefenseÃâà...
Defense One
December 31, 1999
Even for a federal department that has never been audited, it's long been notably difficult to figure out just how much the Pentagon spends on security ... funding can be found in the budgets of the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, OUSD-Comptroller, OUSD-Acquisition and Sustainment, theÃâà...
December 31, 1999
WASHINGTON — The Senate Armed Services Committee's top Democrat, Jack Reed, said Thursday the Pentagon must find ways to economize even ... of a Senate Budget Committee hearing set for March 7 on the Defense Department's ongoing audit and business operations reform at the Pentagon.
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