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updated Mon. July 15, 2024

In 2007, a group of high-ranking Department of Defense members were censured after promoting “Christian Embassy,” an evangelical lobbying group whose website is designed to resemble that of an official government site. And the parachurch organization Officers' Christian Fellowship, which ...

Bobby Little, executive director of the national organization Christian Embassy, has been selected as keynote speaker for the annual Indiana Leadership Prayer Breakfast. ... “But we have added to that, and now provide ministry support to presidential appointees, leaders in the Pentagon and ambassadors.
In 2007, the Department of Defense's inspector general issued a report regarding a cadre of ranking DoD officials and officers who “abused their authority” by promoting a video for “Christian Embassy,” a Washington-based, high-level evangelizing outfit with a website designed to make it look like an arm of ...
The letter, organized by the American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI), overseen by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem's U.S. branch, ... However, officials from the State Department, the Department of Defense and the intelligence community are advising him against it, saying it would be ...
In that case, seven officers at the Pentagon, one of whom was the Pentagon chaplain, were found to be in violation of a number of military regulations for their participation in uniform in a video promoting the non-federal entity Christian Embassy. All seven officers, including the Pentagon chaplain, were ...
It's become when we refer to the Pentagon as the Pentacostalgon, and this concept of radicalizing what we call Dominion Christianity, which can be Googled, or Fundamentalist Christianity, is pretty much inextricably intertwined into the very DNA of our Department of Defense and it's very much to be ...
The actual Christian Embassy video itself boldly made the following shocking claim: “There are over 25,000 Department of Defense leaders working in the rings and corridors of the Pentagon. Through Bible studies, discipleship, prayer breakfasts, and outreach events, Christian Embassy is mustering these ...
The "Christian Embassy" quietly proselytizes inside the Pentagon, but its mission surpasses this simple ministry. ... would it be to persuade a potential Al Qaeda recruit that the United States is fighting a Christian crusade when U.S. generals and Department of Defense officials say so in so many words?


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