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updated Mon. July 1, 2024

Hearings in the appeal of Jean-Pierre Bemba's case at the International Criminal Court (ICC) have over the last two days dwelt on the interpretation of what constitutes a military commander's responsibility for crimes committed by their subordinates. Equally at the center of hearings was the level of ...
On Tuesday, January 9, lawyers for Jean-Pierre Bemba argued at an appeal hearing at the International Criminal Court (ICC) that the former vice president of the Democratic Republic of Congo was denied a fair trial and his exculpatory evidence was unjustifiably dismissed, leading to his conviction for war ...

Africa. AfricaLink on Air - 09 January 2018. The UN assures its support for Equatorial Guinea after a failed coup against President Obiang+++ The hearing of Jean Pierre Bemba's appeal begins at the ICC+++ North Korea agree to sort out its differences with South ...
The Hague - Lawyers for former Congolese vice-president Jean-Pierre Bemba on Tuesday slammed his conviction for war crimes, accusing judges of "prejudice" and calling for the judgement to be scrapped. Bemba, 55, is appealing an 18-year jail term handed down by the International Criminal Court in ...
Did former Congolese vice president Jean-Pierre Bemba's Movement for the Liberation of Congo (MLC) militia have an organizational policy to attack civilians? And did the nature and scope of the attacks warrant their classification as crimes against humanity? These are among the key issues that will be ...
Several opposition parties have supported this call, including opposition leader Jean-Pierre Bemba's Mouvement de liberation du Congo (MLC). The MLC blasted “the confusion created by the indigestible electoral calendar” which provides for the holding of the presidential election on December 23, 2018.

The Court is close to handing down its reparations decision in the war crimes case of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, former vice president of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In March 2016, Bemba was found guilty of crimes against humanity and war crimes, including rape, was sentenced to 18 years ...
Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) have added a year to Jean-Pierre Bemba's 18-year jail term following the former Congolese vice president's conviction for attempting to bribe witnesses during his war crimes trial. After a second trial on the separate charges, Bemba on Wednesday was also ...
PARIS — Jean-Pierre Bemba, a Congolese politician who is serving an 18-year prison sentence for crimes against humanity and war crimes, was convicted on Wednesday of coaching and bribing witnesses to give false testimony. The conviction for witness tampering broke new legal ground for the ...
Jean-Pierre Bemba's lawyers said they would appeal against his war crimes conviction. Photograph: Reuters. Jean-Pierre Bemba, the former vice-president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for rape and pillage committed by his troops, becoming the ...
PARIS — The International Criminal Court convicted a Congolese politician, Jean-Pierre Bemba, of war crimes and crimes against humanity on Monday, finding him culpable for a devastating campaign of rape, murder and torture in the Central African Republic in 2002 and 2003. A panel of three judges ...
... when it held Democratic Republic of Congo's Jean-Pierre Bemba responsible for a campaign of rape and murder in Central African Republic.
In June 2016, Congolese Jean-Pierre Bemba was sentenced to 18 years in prison for crimes against humanity and five counts of war crimes in ...
They are Bosco Ntaganda of DRC; Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo of Central African Republic; Laurent Gbagbo, Charles Ble Goude, Dominic ...
Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) have added a year to Jean-Pierre Bemba's 18-year jail term following the former Congolese ...
Jean-Pierre Bemba, Congolese Politician Imprisoned for War Crimes, ... Jean-Pierre Bemba, center, at the International Criminal Court in The ...
The second was brought by the Prosecutor against Jean Pierre Bemba and four co‑accused for offences against the administration of justice ...

... Angolan troops flew into Kinshasa to help Kabila's bodyguards defeat fighters loyal to ex-rebel and presidential rival Jean-Pierre Bemba.
Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo was the first person tried for command responsibility by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. The military commander ...
In 2006, Angolan troops flew into Kinshasa to help Kabila's bodyguards defeat fighters loyal to ex-rebel Jean-Pierre Bemba. Today a stable and ...
In 2006, Angolan troops flew into Kinshasa to help Kabila's bodyguards defeat fighters loyal to ex-rebel Jean-Pierre Bemba. Today a stable and ...
De Congolese krijgsheren Jean-Pierre Bemba, Germain Katanga en Thomas Lubanga werden veroordeeld tot het betalen van een ...
... (such as with convicting former Congolese Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba in March 2016 for mass rapes committed by his rebel group).
... about this ("it is time for the Cabinda enclave to return to the Congo motherland") Jean-Pierre Bemba, was also the only senior DRC politician ...
... trial at the international criminal court to focus on the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war ends in the conviction of Jean-Pierre Bemba, ...
... of Ivory Coast Laurent Gbagbo, Joseph Kony and the former Vice President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Jean Pierre Bemba.
Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) have added a year to Jean-Pierre Bemba's 18-year jail term following the former Congolese ...
Jean-Pierre Bemba, Congolese Politician Imprisoned for War Crimes, ... Jean-Pierre Bemba, center, at the International Criminal Court in The ...
Jean-Pierre Bemba, the former vice-president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for rape and ...
Jean-Pierre Bemba, the former vice president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, was sentenced to prison by the International Criminal ...
Former Congolese rebel leader Jean-Pierre Bemba has been found guilty of war crimes in a landmark trial at the International Criminal Court ...
Jean-Pierre Bemba had an extremely privileged childhood in one of the world's poorest countries but this has not saved him from being convicted of war crimes ...
The International Criminal Court faces many external challenges when investigating and prosecuting its cases. But sometimes the wounds are self-inflicted.
November 22, 2010 - The trial begins for former Congolese Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba, who is accused of three counts of war crimes and two counts of crimes against humanity for failing to keep his forces from raping and killing civilians in ...
"And we are now also in the same phase for the [Jean Pierre] Bemba case, so more decisions will be coming on those issues soon," insists Oriane Maillet.
Judges at the International Criminal Court Wednesday sentenced former Congolese vice president Jean-Pierre Bemba to an additional year in prison and fined him $324,000 for bribing witnesses during his earlier trial on war crimes.
On 22nd March 2017, the former vice president of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Jean-Pierre Bemba, was handed a further one-year sentence by the International Criminal Court (ICC) after he was found guilty of trying to influence witnesses in ...
On 22nd March 2017, the former vice president of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Jean-Pierre Bemba, was handed a further one-year sentence by the International Criminal Court (ICC) after he was found guilty of trying to influence witnesses in ...
Waendesha mashitaka wa mahakama ya ICC wamependekeza Jean Pierre Bemba mwenye umri wa miaka 54 ahukumiwe kifungo kingine cha ziada licha ya kifungo kingine cha awali. Waendesha mashitaka hao pia wamependekeza majaji wa mahakama ...
Judges at the International Criminal Court on Wednesday added a year to Jean-Pierre Bemba's 18-year jail term following the former Congolese vice president's conviction for attempting to bribe witnesses during his war crimes trial.
De Congolese voormalige vicepresident Jean-Pierre Bemba is vandaag door het Internationaal Strafhof ICC in Den Haag veroordeeld tot een jaar cel en een boete van 300.000 euro wegens het omkopen van getuigen. Dat gebeurde tijdens het proces dat ...
Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) have added a year to Jean-Pierre Bemba's 18-year jail term following the former Congolese vice president's conviction for attempting to bribe witnesses during his war crimes trial.
A recent victory came last year with the conviction of Jean-Pierre Bemba, former vice president of the DRC, in the International Criminal Court.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) will hand down its first ever sentences for witness tampering in the trial of Congo's convicted ex-warlord Jean-Pierre Bemba on Wednesday. ADVERTISING. ADVERTISING. inRead invented by Teads · inRead invented ...
Photo: Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda waits for the start of the trial against former Congo vice president Jean-Pierre Bemba, his attorney and a Congolese lawmaker at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, 27 November 2013.
This is the interpretation that the ICC adopted when it found the former vice-president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jean Pierre Bemba, guilty of international crimes committed by his subordinates. But some aspects of the Colombian peace ...
In May 2007, the ICC prosecutor opened an investigation focused on crimes committed during fighting in 2002 and 2003; that work led to last year's conviction of Jean-Pierre Bemba, a former Congolese vice president and militia commander, on charges of ...
It states, in 2016, former Chadian President Hissene Habre was sentenced to life imprisonment for Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and Torture.
In March, the ICC convicted Jean-Pierre Bemba, former Vice-President of DRC, for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in CAR.
Kabila diperkirakan bisa mengalahkan 33 calon Presiden lain termasuk mantan pemimpin pemberontak Jean-Pierre Bemba, mantan pemberontak yang menjadi menteri keuangan dan dituduh melakukan kejahatan.


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    dr congo
        jean‑pierre bemba

DR Congo officials:
        azarias ruberwa
        evariste kimba
        jean‑pierre bemba
        joseph kabila
        joseph mobutu
        laurent kabila
        mobutu sese seko
        modeste mutinga
        paschal lissouba
        patrice lumumba
        zahidi ngoma