updated Mon. September 30, 2024
April 20, 2018
I. Displacements Overview. Displacement Tracking Matrix 9. The 9th round of the Displacement Tracking Matrix - a joint data collection exercise led by IOM in collaboration with NDRMC - was conducted between 2 January and 6 February 2018. According to this tracking tool, a total of 1,737,752 personsÃâà...
April 19, 2018
The industrial parks of Bole Lemi,Addis Industrial Village, Kilinto and Hawasa have already gone operational and Dire Dawa Industrial Park is also in pipeline to begin service ,he noted. Regarding to the challenges, he said as the nation is in its early stages of industrialization ,it is normal to pass through aÃâà...
The Reporter Ethiopia
April 14, 2018
The Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa Cities Council and local election scheduled to be conducted this year has been postponed for the upcoming year by a parliamentary vote, this week. With factors such as the extended period of unrest the nation has endured in the past three years and the current State ofÃâà...
April 9, 2018
Nowhere are these problems more in evidence than in eastern Ethiopia, which encompasses four regional states: The city-states of Dire Dawa and Harar and Ethiopia's two biggest territorial entities, Oromia and the Somali Region, whose Muslim majority has long distrusted the government in Addis. In theÃâà...
Toronto Star
April 3, 2018
“(Ethiopian) brunch and breakfast isn't as well-known here (in Toronto),” says owner Enat Gulelat, who lived in the eastern Ethiopian city of Dire Dawa before coming to Toronto 18 years ago. Still, the restaurant (open 8 a.m. on weekdays, 10 a.m. on Saturday and closed Sunday) is drawing in curiousÃâà...
ESI Africa
March 27, 2018
The Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the procurement of solar street lights. The delivery period is four months. Bidding will be conducted through the open national competitive bidding and is open to all bidders from eligible sourceÃâà...
March 25, 2018
DIRE DAWA, Ethiopia, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Over two months into its commercial operation, the Ethiopia-Djibouti railway has brought much cheer and optimism to Ethiopian passengers. Alemu Mersha, a young businessman traveling from Addis Ababa to Ethiopia's second largest city Dire Dawa, is one ofÃâà...
February 28, 2018
The Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Enterprise said it would construct four dry ports in the coming two years. The ports are expected to create market chains with the expanding industrial parks and railway lines. In addition to the Dire Dawa Dry Port, which is now being built at the cost of 1.9 billionÃâà...
February 26, 2018
Some of the new Somali IDPs have reportedly started moving out of Oromia and reached existing IDP sites in Dire Dawa and Qoloji. Similarly, ethnic Somalis are reported to currently be moving out of Negele town in Guji zone and its surroundings, having sold their assets and livestock. Displacements fromÃâà...
February 22, 2018
Mekelle, Hawassa, Bahir Dar, Adama, Dire Dawa, Asosa, Gambella and other secondary cities are identified as strategic cities in pursuing smart urbanization. The establishment of Industrial Parks in different parts of the country would also plays a key role in supporting the Smart Urbanization strategy.
Western Illinois University News
February 14, 2018
WIU Professor Fetene Gebrewold traveled to Ethiopia several years ago to spend a semester teaching at Haramaya University in Dire Dawa. Then, in 2017, Gebrewold helped establish a memorandum of understanding between WIU and Haramaya University that will result in the exchange of students andÃâà...
February 13, 2018
ADDIS ABABA - The other Ethiopian representatives Wolayita Dicha had a 1-1 away tie in their international debut against the Tanzanian side Zimamoto FC in the first leg of the preliminary round of CAF Confederation Cup held on Sunday. Considering their poor performance in the national elite league thisÃâà...
February 10, 2018
Dire Dawa in eastern Ethiopia is a nostalgic city. Though the old train station is shuttered, each day at noon, its siren still rings out; residents complained a few years ago when the familiar sound briefly stopped. In the French-designed, colonial-style district around the station, the crumbling villas seem asÃâà...
February 6, 2018
The tariff was disclosed for four stations out of the 19 including Adama, Dire Dawa, Alsabeh and Nagad. The trains have three levels consisting of seats, one-bedroom and a VIP room with two-bedrooms. From the total stations, 16 are in Ethiopia's territory. The trains depart to Djibouti every other day oddÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Africa's second-most populous nation clocked the region's fastest economic growth rates over the past decade but has among the region's lowest internet penetration rates. People in Oromiya, around Addis Ababa, in the Amhara region and in Harar and nearby Dire Dawa, told Reuters internet access andÃâà...
U.S. News & World Report
December 31, 1999
Africa's second-most populous nation has clocked the region's fastest economic growth rates over the past decade but it has among the region's lowest internet penetration rates. People in Oromiya, which surrounds the capital, in the Amhara region, and in the eastern city of Harar and nearby Dire Dawa,Ãâà...
December 31, 1999
Together with the Dire Dawa Agriculture bureau, we also developed a unique extension methodology in which we train the trainers, experts, and development agents. We train hundreds of lead farmers every year. We visit the farmers in their own fields. We had learnt that professional seeds are increasingÃâà...
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