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updated Thu. October 3, 2024

James Comey's book tour has stirred an enormous amount of backlash -- with critics on both the left and the right criticizing him for his answers and for even writing the book in the first place. But know this: There was a huge audience for Comey's "A Higher Loyalty." After just one week in print, it is one of the ...
However, he said the referendum involving corporate personhood rights and money as speech seems partisan, and something that a nonpartisan county board shouldn't concern itself with. The latter referendum is a reaction to the landmark 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision involving the nonprofit group ...

This is one of the most significant, dismaying and underappreciated facts about the 2016 election: While a number of prominent Republicans refused to endorse Donald Trump, the only serving Republican member of Congress who backed Hillary Clinton was Rep. Richard L. Hanna, R-N.Y. -- and he was ...
Dannel P. Malloy, a Democrat, and his administration who cut funding. He said these types of cuts will continue unless there is a change of leadership in Hartford. Resident Al Mickel then took his turn to speak. He said the budget is mostly defined by health insurance costs and that it's not a partisan issue.
In the North Star State, one Representative is pushing for a new law that would change the way state elections are held. The idea of nonpartisan races isn't new, but it has struggled to find traction nationwide. While Minnesota is a historically progressive place, reports of a partisan divide forming around the ...
One reason I despise politics is because it instigates conflict. Once a public office-holder is branded as a Republican or a Democrat, they may feel obligated to support causes they really aren't behind or oppose things they really support because that's what their party — the people who vote for them ...

In its 110 years, the FBI has weathered storm and scandal. It has had moments that make Americans proud of its crime-fighting and anti-terrorist activities. Yet its most celebrated and longest-serving leader, J. Edgar Hoover, for whom the imposing headquarters building on Pennsylvania Avenue is named, ...
Fired FBI Director James Comey is doing something few Americans can boast about these days. He's bringing the left and right together — they're both nursing a grudge against him. This moment of red-blue unity continues at 7 p.m. Monday, when Comey's tour promoting his book, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, ...
Thursday April 19 marks the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. In remembrance of the occasion, last week I posted a collection of various renditions of Hirsh Glik's partisan's song, the “Hymn of the Partisans,” on the Yiddish Forward's video blog Oyneg Shabes. Why “Hymn of ...
Student Action won three out of four partisan executive seats and reclaimed the presidential seat from CalSERVE in the 2018 ASUC general election, as announced at Friday's tabulations ceremony. Student Action's Alexander Wilfert won president; Student Action's Hung Huynh won executive vice ...
A class-action lawsuit alleging that the then-B.C. Liberal government was spending millions of taxpayers' dollars on partisan political ads has been dismissed by a judge. Last year, before the provincial election, a White Rock man filed suit claiming that the Liberal government had spent up to $15 million on ...
But what actually happened was not partisan at all. The three most senior justices (Celso de Mello, Marco Aurelio Mello, and Gilmar Mendes) who were not PT-appointed all voted to grant Lula's appeal, along with two of the three justices appointed by Lula himself (Ricardo Lewandowski and Dias Toffoli).
The German invasion of Poland didn't shake Howard Kaidanow's faith in the innate goodness of humanity, nor did the severe restrictions and inhumane treatment that came along when the Nazis invaded his town in 1941. It happened in one irrevocable moment, when Kaidanow learned he had become an ...
The March for Science on April 14, focused on Washington, D.C., and accompanied by hundreds of complementary events worldwide, promises to be an unfocused affair. According to the organizers, the marches are part of “a non-partisan movement to celebrate science and the role it plays in everyday ...
Congressman Derek Kilmer (D-Gig Harbor) thinks his constituents are tired of partisan politics impeding Congress from progress on the issues that matter most to them, he said during a session with the The Daily World editorial board on April 6. “The vast majority don't give a rip if you're on the left or the ...
Mark Zuckerberg speaks during a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing in Washington on Wednesday. Credit: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg. Mark Zuckerberg faced House lawmakers Wednesday during hours of testimony that touched on everything from how President Trump's supporters are ...
The top Democrat in the House of Representatives asked his Republican counterparts Tuesday to abandon their longstanding practice of issuing a GOP budget this spring. With just under one month left before lawmakers leave the Capitol — most to run for re-election — Speaker Joe Aresimowicz, D-Berlin, ...

Trump's approval rating on handling the investigation is worse than his ratings for other issues, and that's true even among his own partisans. Overall, 61% of Republicans approve of his handling of the investigation, compared with ratings above 70% for each other issue measured in the survey.
LAS VEGAS - Nevada's Democrats and Republicans are jockeying for a partisan advantage as the state heads toward the first national election since President Donald Trump took office. Democrats still have an advantage in voter registration statewide, but Republicans may be catching up. This year ...
This past fall, Recode, with the aid of the media-intelligence firm Meltwater, found that stories with IRA tweets appeared even in mainstream news. Our study confirms and extends this research, focusing on major mainstream and partisan outlets, and analyzing how IRA tweets were used in stories.
Partisan politics is already in high gear for 2018, with both Democrats and Republicans taking action to enforce political purity tests on their members and candidates. On the left, Sen. Diane Feinstein of California was deemed not liberal enough and was not endorsed by the state Democratic Party. On the ...
Decisions on when and where to build a highway have always been based on traffic issues, money, politics and, in at least some cases, logic. Politics comes in because a chosen route can raise or lower property values and make or break development plans on nearby parcels. Fortunately for the taxpaying ...
Feeling overwhelmed by all the local restaurant deals and news? Here's a quick digest of tidbits you might otherwise have missed. Subscribe to our newsletter, which goes out every weekday afternoon and includes links to the day's top stories, and/or keep an eye on the Eater DC homepage to stay up to ...
The Trade Partnership, a non-partisan pro-trade group, released a report Monday predicting that there will be a net loss of thousands of jobs if the proposed tariffs on aluminum and steel are applied on imports from all countries. The move to impose tariffs has drawn fire from lawmakers on both sides of the ...
Hunter said Weintraub's efforts to drum up support for her regulatory proposals were endangering the FEC's ability to work cooperatively to address the online ad rulemaking. Asked whether partisan sniping between the FEC commissioners would prevent the commission from being able to approve a new ...
Better gun laws could save thousands of lives, major non-partisan US study finds ... The non-partisan analysis, based on a review of existing gun policy research and a survey of the best guesses of both gun rights and gun control experts, was conducted by the Rand Corporation, which spent two years and ...
Unlike most other Washington debates, the foxes see partisanship on net neutrality ceding ground to consensus, with the industry all but throwing in the towel and pledging its support for permanent rules banning online traffic discrimination of any kind. The foxes point to the Internet providers' more limited ...
“There's so much that's exciting about this project, the collaborative kind of results-oriented get-it-done spirit that was in a way a model for how we can heal the partisan divide in our country, and I've been very interested in ways we can heal that divide and productively get together and move forward with ...
The new rule affects more than 1,000 employees of the the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts and the Federal Judicial Center, all of whom are based in Washington, D.C. They may no longer donate to candidates or engage in “partisan political activity,” but are free to engage in nonpolitical activities for ...
"To maintain the sanctity and decorum of VA National Cemeteries as national shrines, our filming policy states that filming may not be used for the expression of partisan or political viewpoints," said VA spokesman James Hutton. Rokita campaign spokesman Nathan Brand said the ad "does not violate any ...
Hostility to the opposition party and its candidates has now reached a level where loathing motivates voters more than loyalty. The building strength of partisan antipathy — “negative partisanship” — has radically altered politics. Anger has become the primary tool for motivating voters. Ticket splitting is ...
Pundits and analysts seem to agree: Negative partisanship is bad. When voters are motivated by hatred of the other party, rather than by affirmative hope and optimism, democracy, we are assured, suffers. Conservative columnist Damon Linker calls negative partisanship a “magic poison” and bemoans the ...
On party-line votes, they reduced the size of the state's midlevel appeals court, preventing Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat elected in 2016, from filling seats. They required judicial candidates running at all levels to identify themselves by partisan affiliation. They tried, and failed, to expand the state's Supreme ...
The House Intelligence Committee has devolved into an unprecedented level of partisan bickering, and intelligence veterans are sounding the alarm. National-security experts say the politicization of the committee's work has severely damaged trust between the panel and the intelligence community, and ...
Gordon S. Wood is the Alva O. Way University Professor and professor of history at Brown University. His books have received the Pulitzer, Bancroft and John H. Dunning prizes, as well as a National Book Award nomination and the New York Historical Society Prize in American History. His latest book is ...


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