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updated Wed. May 29, 2024

Kadima said the teachers refused to revoke the strike threat as a condition to begin arbitration between the parties, and in response the ...
There are more than enough reasons for Labor Party voters to be thoroughly ... he formed a coalition that included parties strongly supportive of the peace ... Mitzna of Labor and Livni of Kadima) on the list, in addition to Stern, ...

On August 9, Likud party officials and supporters—the Bibi .... ministership for less than eight years (the centrist Kadima held it for three more).
... his own party before a crowd of Donald Trump's fervent opponents. ... Rabbi David Basior of Kadima Reconstructionist Community asked the ...
Officials from his own party have begun to distance themselves from him, but he remains ... Nor did resigning help Olmert's Kadima party.
"The situation is very clear," said Denis Kadima, director of the South ... chaos," said Jacques Djoli Eseng'Ekeli from the opposition party MLC.

The same is true of the heads of all the coalition parties. ... and people within his own Kadima party, Olmert was eventually forced to resign.
... the political system: The Labor party's Barak forced the Kadima party to ... (not just his rivals but also voters of coalition parties) wants him out, ...
In contrast, Tzipi Livni of the centrist Kadima Party (now defunct) ... between two dominant parties, the chances for a center-left turnover are ...
Livni, a scion of a leading Revisionist Zionist family, served as a Likud Party MK from 199-2005 but split left the party to join then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Kadima Party. After serving as foreign minister under Sharon and Ehud Olmert, formed ...
She is now what Livni was a decade ago, when Livni was elected to head the (now practically inactive) Kadima Party, and later, in the 2009 election, when Livni came very close to becoming prime minister.
Heads of regional authorities are usually the seismograph that predicts a party's political takeoff or collapse, since they traditionally seek to connect to the ruling party and its budgets. When the Kadima Party was founded in 2005, heads of regional ...
If we had a two-party system, Likud and Labor would be the two parties fighting for votes. But there are other reasons to consider the Labor ... Kadima was for unilateral action to settle the Palestinian issue. Yesh Atid is the expression of mainstream ...
Over the years he has moderated, to the point where he supported Sharon's disengagement from Gaza, and left the Likud with him when he formed Kadima in 2005. He rejoined the Likud party in 2012. Unlike other MKs who had left with Sharon, he was ...
This fact should embarrass Hanegbi, who once was one of the Likud party's young talents, but whose stature sank when he got tripped up over political appointments.
"Two states, one state, I'm happy with the one that both parties like," said Trump. The Israeli right-wing, above all Naftali Bennett, head of the Jewish Home party whose is leading a political campaign in favour of "burying" idea of a Palestinian ...
Seven populated localities in the Syrian provinces of Hama, Damascus and Latakia have joined ceasefire in the past day, the Russian center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria said in its regular daily news bulletin on Feb. 13. "During ...

The two largest parties on the centre-left are Labour and Yesh Atid, the personal vehicle of a former TV chat-show host, Yair Lapid.
The head of the far-right Yisrael Beiteinu party has publically backed Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu to be the next prime minister of Israel.
Three powerful forces have simultaneously appeared, colliding and potentially causing a political earthquake of the type that shook Israeli politics in 2005, when Prime Minister Ariel Sharon split the Likud to create Kadima. The three are the advanced ...
The new group of eminent leaders of thought in the Nigerian civil society is jointly led by Prof. Pat Utomi of the Nigeria Political Summit Group and Prof.
To be sure, Israel's diverse political system has seen the rise and fall of sectorial parties from the early days of statehood; yet the proliferation of "atmosphere parties" thriving on the general yearning for change while effectively servicing their ...
That government reflects how far the spectrum has shifted rightward in decades of failed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Israeli-Arab wars, Palestinian terrorism, Middle Eastern chaos and Israeli settlement building since the Labor Party led Israel ...
According to them, recent military operations in the Gaza Strip and the evacuation of Israelis from there stem from political initiatives of the Labor and Kadima parties, and this calculation too comes to several billion shekels. Setting aside for the ...
That government reflects how far the spectrum has shifted rightward in decades of failed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Israeli-Arab wars, Palestinian terrorism, Middle Eastern chaos and Israeli settlement building since the Labor Party led Israel ...
Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak revealed in his book, "My Country, My Life," that he worked with Hanegbi, who was then a senior member of Kadima, to remove Olmert from party institutions. Today, Hanegbi will not dare do something similar to the prime ...
This surge in national pride has been concurrent with the growth of "new right" political parties, such as the Sweden Democrats (SD), the Alternative for Germany (AfD), and the Party for Freedom ...
"You used to be able to find critics of Israel in the Republican Party," wrote the liberal journalist John B. Judis in the New Republican in 2014, mentioning GOP senators Charles Matthias and Chuck Percy.
... organizations. Disaggregated tallying should be non-negotiable." Mr Cheeseman, however, says posting party agents at thousands of polling stations across the country is an expensive undertaking which most political parties cannot afford. ... free ...
Netanyahu's coalition includes Naftali Bennett's Jewish Home party and several other parties that explicitly oppose a Palestinian state.
Both Sharon and Olmert, leaders of the Kadima party, had already shown their willingness to forcibly remove Jews from their homes a year earlier during the disengagement from Gaza and northern Samaria - and were bitterly criticized for both moves by ...
Hirschson failed to get his law passed, but he still won a spot on the party's Knesset list. He was later appointed finance minister by his close friend Ehud Olmert, who served as prime minister and head of the Kadima party. Then Hirschson was ...
Zahavi, who began planning other people's weddings this year from her home office in the central Israeli city of Kadima, came up with the idea for Wedaway from her own Greek wedding. She and her husband celebrated in a castle on the island of Evia ...
Both Sharon and Olmert, leaders of the Kadima party, had already shown their willingness to forcibly remove Jews from their homes a year earlier during the disengagement from Gaza and northern Samaria - and were bitterly criticized for both moves by ...
This surge in national pride has been concurrent with the growth of "new right" political parties, such as the Sweden Democrats (SD), the Alternative for Germany (AfD), and the Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands. ... may be one reason why ...
(TASS) Reconciliation agreements have been inked with four settlements in Syria, with three in the Hama region and one in the Latakia region, over the past 24 hours, the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria said in its ...
Under Israeli law, the total sum an individual can donate to a politician or party is very limited, and corporate donations are not allowed.
... 3 - in the Latakia region, 2 - in the Daraa and Hama regions each and 1 in the As-Suwayda region, the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria said in its daily news bulletin posted on the Russian Defense Ministry's ...
A review of past winter session opening speeches also gives a general political perspective: Major parties collapsed (such as the Kadima party), new parties (Ha'atzmaut, Yesh Atid, Hatnua, Kulanu) were founded and coalition partners came and went.
Peres succeeded him as party leader in the lead up to elections. Though he lost that election, ... He and Shamir, however, agreed to unite their parties - Alignment and Likud - for a stable partnership, with the provision that they'd split the Prime ...
Hason, a veteran member of the Knesset, has in the past represented two other major parties - first the Likud and later Kadima. In his Oct. 30 speech, he identified another major problem facing his current political home ... While that party's leader ...
... of Aleppo, 20 in the Damascus region, 3 in the Hama region and 1 in the Latakia region, the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria said in its daily news bulletin posted on the Russian Defense ministry's official website ...
... Menachem Begin who first broke the Ashkenazi socialist stranglehold on political power in Israel. He did so by aligning his right wing party with the Sephardim, the Jews from the Arab world, the nationalist parties, and the religious parties. .... There are many as well in the political sphere, including Aryeh Deri - politician, and former leader of Israel's Shas Party Aryeh Bibi - politician, Iraqi Jewish member of Knesset for Kadima. Born in Baghdad. Robert Tiviaev- politician, Mountain Jew ...
The mysterious reason for denying Sharan the coveted appointment was probably a birthday party held by his wife at the home of a Likud activist and to which everybody who's anybody in the Likud was invited.
Under the leadership of his successor, Ehud Olmert, the Kadima won 29 seats and became the biggest party in the Israeli parliament in the 2006 election but it had to form a coalition government with other small parties since it failed to gain a clear ...
It is ironical that Shimon Peres (1923-2016), one of the founding fathers of Israel who pursued various aggressive policies during his seven decades in politics, including the colonisation of the West Bank, is eulogised as a "giant of peace".
When Peres won the presidency in 2007, he was a member of Kadima, a short-lived centrist party. As president, Peres rose again, this time as Israel's wise old man.
Under the leadership of his successor, Ehud Olmert, the Kadima won 29 seats and became the biggest party in the Israeli parliament in the 2006 election but it had to form a coalition government with other small parties since it failed to gain a clear ...
When Peres won the presidency in 2007, he was a member of Kadima, a short-lived centrist party. As president, Peres rose again, this time as Israel's wise old man.
Moti Yogev, a member of the Jewish Home party and frequent critic of Peres' political stances, acknowledged his deep-rooted political differences with Peres regarding land-for-peace negotiations with the Palestinians.


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