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updated Sun. August 4, 2024

The delivery company Hermes faces a legal battle with a group of its own drivers today, in the latest case promising to have major ramifications on labour ... Labour that the government has only pledged to consult on possible changes to the use of self-employment, which may not include changing the law.
The UK High Court has ruled that part of the Investigatory Powers Act, the Government's flagship surveillance law, is unlawful. This follows a legal challenge from human rights group Liberty. The challenge focused on powers forcing private companies to store communications data for all citizens, including ...

The UK High Court has ruled that part of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (nicknamed Snoopers' Charter) is incompatible with European Union law and ... They asked the Court to be allowed to make those changes by April 2019, but the latter said that there is no reason why the legal framework cannot be ...
But the Home Office insists it has no plans to change the law in the UK - describing cannabis as a "harmful drug". A spokesman said: "Cannabis is a controlled Class B drug, as there is clear scientific and medical evidence that it is a harmful drug, which can damage people's mental and physical health, ...
Over 200 British Members of Parliament, or MPs, have signed a letter forwarded to Prime Minister Theresa May urging her to make laws that would ensure promises made to the Caribbean “Windrush' Generation are kept. Backed primarily by lawmakers representing the Labour Party, the letter also accuses ...
I pay my subs to the National Union of Journalists and have a press card, identification formally recognised by all police forces in the UK. I'm an active member ... It has been an arduous (and expensive) process ever since, but on Wednesday, my case will finally be heard in a court of law. From institutional ...

Alfie Evans, a terminally ill toddler whose medical case set off a high-profile legal battle and international debates about health care and parental rights, ... Alfie, who was born in May 2016, was first admitted that year to Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool, England, after suffering seizures and had ...
More than 200 MPs have written to Theresa May urging her to enshrine promises made to Windrush generation migrants in law, keeping the pressure on the ... The government has offered free citizenship to people from all Commonwealth countries who arrived in the UK before 1973, including individuals ...
Here are the new rules and laws that are set to be announced over the course of 2018: Pavement parking · A nationwide pavement parking ban has been proposed in the UK, which could see drivers flouting the rule land a £70 fine. The Department of Transport is considering the overhaul of the law to make ...
Alfie Evans, the toddler at the center of a heated UK legal battle, has died. Evans, who suffered from an unidentified neurological degenerative illness, was almost two years old when he died at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool, England. His father, Tom Evans, posted the news on Facebook, saying “My ...
From today, the way car tax is calculated will change - and for the first time - it will be based on CO2 emissions. According to, for the first year drivers will pay a rate based on the car's CO2 emissions, from the time it was registered. The change doesn't affect any vehicle registered before 1 April 2017.
“It's a huge implication, if it was the door handle, because it means someone had to be in the U.K. with the material,” Mr. Guthrie said. “Anything you ... The British foreign office has said it will consider Russia's request, taking into consideration both international law and Ms. Skripal's wishes. Russia also ...
Dowd considers controversial pardons: The New York Times reported that before Dowd left Trump's legal defense, he floated the idea of pardoning former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, two of the most critical figures in the Russia investigation ...
Rights activists are deeply worried that the UK government may be tempted to water down the guidance at a time when the US president, Donald Trump, has said ... At the legal charity Reprieve, director Maya Foa said: “Donald Trump has nominated one of George Bush's torturers-in-chief to lead the CIA.
All 650 members of the Commons will be sent a copy of The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It's Broken after the Criminal Bar Association and Young Legal Aid Lawyers launched a crowdfunding appeal that has raised almost £12,000 towards a £25,000 target, after reaching an initial goal of ...
Starting from the beginning of April, a string of law changes are set to come into effect. ... England, Wales and Scotland employers with at least 250 employees will be required to publish information about the differences in pay between men and women in their workforce, based on a pay bill 'snapshot' date ... says: "If you're buying a new car, then you will pay road tax based on the current system that was introduced on 1 April 2017. "First-year road tax is based on emissions, while there's a flat rate of road tax for subsequent years. The first-year rate is included in a new car's on-the-road price, ...

Saunders, who has faced repeated criticism during her time as head of the Crown Prosecution Service, did not seek an extension of her contract and will leave to take up a post with a private law firm. Her departure was confirmed by the attorney general's office. In a statement to the Daily Telegraph, which ...
The father-in-law of Pippa Middleton is being investigated by French police over allegations he raped a female minor. David Matthews, the father of James Matthews who married the Duchess of Cambridge's sister last summer, was questioned by police on Tuesday over an alleged attack and placed under ...
The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property)(England and Wales) Regulations 2015 mean that, from April 2018, private non-domestic (and domestic) landlords must ensure that properties they rent out in England and Wales reach at least an EPC rating of E before granting a tenancy to new or existing ...
The UK is failing to comply with EU law that sets out limits for air pollution, and few countries perform as poorly as the UK in terms of the number of areas that are non-compliant. Without major policy changes, most of the UK will remain in breach of legal limits for air pollution into 2025 and beyond.
New laws are set to get Royal Assent today (15 March 2018) which will unlock an exciting era of British space innovation, exploration and investment. The Space Industry Bill will enable the first commercial space launch from UK soil in history, creating the potential for hundreds of highly-skilled jobs and ...
... a new book on the legal system by a barrister. According to the anonymous author of The Secret Barrister: Stories Of The Law And How It's Broken, the courts in England and Wales have been brought to their knees by government cuts and left so plagued by daily errors they are no longer fit for purpose.
It's time for new laws, starting with a new UK version of the Honest Ads Act proposed in Congress, so voters finally learn who is targeting them with what “news” – and who's .... Social media giants enjoy a legal privilege invented before they were born, which lets them operate as platforms, not publishers.
The whistleblower who exposed the alleged fraud, Andrew Patrick, is the first UK resident to collect a reward under the False Claims Act, a US whistleblower law, for alleging customs evasion by a British company. He worked for Pure Collection from 2010 to 2014, first as a sales representative in its UK call ...
He said the text, to be presented to EU heads of government on Friday, will be "the international agreement for an ordered withdrawal of the UK from the EU." The announcement came after "intense" negotiations between technical and legal experts from both sides over the past few days, Barnier said.
Meanwhile, UK regulators directed the Law Commission of England and Wales to conduct a three-year review to look at how traditional road safety laws need to be adjusted to account for autonomous vehicles. The government hopes the review, once completed, will allow self-driving cars without a safety operator to ...
Making Scotland's laws around gender recognition different from the rest of the UK could cause legal difficulties, the Faculty of Advocates has warned. ... Faculty of Advocates said that it would be important to any transgender person their status was recognised consistently throughout the United Kingdom.
The National Rifle Association (NRA) filed a federal lawsuit over gun control legislation on Friday, just hours after Florida's governor Rick Scott signed it into law. Lawyers for the NRA want a federal judge to block the new age-restriction on buying a gun – raised to 21 from 18 – from taking effect, saying it ...
The first female president of the UK Supreme Court's is to give a keynote address to the Law Society of Scotland's annual conference in October. Lady Hale, who was ... “She has had an extraordinary career, which I'm sure is an inspiration to many in the legal profession and beyond. “The appointment of the ...
Control of areas such as food labelling, chemical regulation and fishing quotas are at the centre of a constitutional row over the repatriation of EU powers after Brexit. The UK government has published a list of 24 laws held in Brussels which it is not prepared to transfer immediately to the Scottish parliament ...
The U.K. and Australia have slashed the risk of mass shootings through strict gun control, but it's difficult for the United States to take the same legal steps. ... But outright gun bans of the sort undertaken by the United Kingdom or Australia — as effective as they may be — are much more difficult to implement ...
But the law review, which will be jointly carried out by the Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission, is intended to ... “With driving technology advancing at an unprecedented rate, it is important that our laws and regulations keep pace so that the UK can remain one of the ...
The government is to review the law before the arrival of self-driving cars on UK roads, considering issues such as whether this type of transport ... The three-year review, to be conducted by the Law Commission of England and Wales, and the Scottish Law Commission, will look at how traditional laws need ...
Developers are managing to dodge building tens of thousands of affordable homes in rural areas where they are most needed because of a legal loophole in planning laws, according to research by the homeless charity Shelter and the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE). The findings of a ...
Apple has stressed it will only comply with valid legal requests to data and refuse all bulk requests, and so far has turned down all 176 requests for data from the Chinese government between 2013 and last year, when the new laws landed. Such requests will continue to be tracked in its transparency ...
Here is the full text of Theresa May's Mansion House speech setting out her vision for the UK's relationship with the EU after Brexit. ... As Prime Minister it is my duty to represent all of our United Kingdom, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; north and south, from coastal towns and rural villages ...
Conditions are pretty treacherous on the roads right now, thanks to ice and snow brought in by Storm Emma. Drivers are advised to avoid non-essential journeys, and drive as smoothly as possible when they do have to go out in the car. On those essential journeys, it's also important to take precautions if ...
Ruth Davidson, the Scottish Tory leader, has said she would support a legal challenge in the supreme court if the Scottish parliament voted for its own powers over Brexit. The Guardian reported it was highly likely that the UK's law officers would ask the supreme court to strike down an emergency bill which ...
Fiona Broadfoot, who fought the legal challenge along with two other women, said she was delighted that two senior judges had ruled that forcing them ... The women argued they have been stigmatised by the existing law, which requires people convicted of crimes to disclose their past when applying for a ...
The boy, known as ZS, was living in the Calais refugee camp when the French authorities cleared it in October 2016 and he applied unsuccessfully to be brought to the UK under section 67 of the immigration act, known as the Dubs amendment. It is the first time an lone child asylum seeker has issued a ...
The Supreme Court decided parliament must have a say on Article 50, but it did so on the basis of an assumption about the law which it hadn't tested. And in doing so it acted impermissibly. It is no part of our legal system to act on the basis of assumptions of law. You can see why this is impermissible as ...


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