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updated Fri. August 23, 2024

“It's a multi-billion-dollar budget and we've got to go over it line by line, and that's tedious but necessary.” Kinskey said at the start of the session, Sen. Bruce Burns, R-Sheridan, who is the chairman of the Senate's Appropriations Committee, announced that the budget being considered was “enormously ...
That House version of the budget will be amended by the finance committee after public testimony, then be sent to a full vote of the House for consideration. The Alaska Senate will undergo a similar but separate version of the same process, and the two versions of the budget will be negotiated until there is ...

Since there is a $600 million discrepancy between the House and Senate budgets and only one agreed upon balanced budget can make it to the Governor's desk the appointed members of the Committee of Conference for the two budgets must resolve the differences and then the House and Senate will ...
ASUO manages a budget of $16 million dollars, and this is the budget that was passed by the Senate earlier this February. ASUO Senate is divided into four finance committees that manage different kinds of spending: the Programs Finance Committee (PFC), the Departments Finance Committee (DFC), the ...
The lawmakers have a wealth of options for how to change the process, including suggestions in a report released on Monday by a bipartisan coalition of budget and policy experts. That paper outlines five key areas for change, including expanding the role and powers of the Budget committees to set ...
House leaders on Friday announced their members of new joint House–Senate committees on budget and appropriations process reform and the solvency of multi-employer pension plans. The new panels were established as part of the bipartisan budget deal that Congress passed earlier this month.

Del. Chris Jones, R-Suffolk, (left) chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, returned to his seat after presenting highlights of the House version of the state budget before the entire Appropriations Committee on Sunday. Del. Paul Krizek, D-Fairfax, (right) read over highlights of the House version of ...
The Senate Budget Committee is holding a hearing in Washington, DC Tuesday on the president's budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2019. Separately, the Senate has also begun debate on immigration reform - and any agenda that can muster the 60 votes necessary to pass - will move forward. Senate ...
Patty Murray, a Democrat on the Senate Appropriations Committee, told CNN the budget was "dead on arrival." "The President is asking for major cuts in things like Medicaid and Medicare," she said. "I think we are going to make sure the (funding) we all agreed on in the last budget agreement are going to ...
The two-year budget deal reached by the Senate this week would create a select committee tasked with solving the multiemployer pension crisis. The provision was secured by Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), who said the pension plans covering more than 1.5 million union workers nationwide are on the ...
Senate leaders on Wednesday looked poised to reach an agreement on a two-year budget deal that would lift spending caps put in place at federal agencies ... Senator Patty Murray of Washington, the ranking Democrat on the Senate education committee, said she was pleased Republicans had agreed to ...
Cotton growers and dairy farmers would get relief courtesy of the bipartisan leadership of the Senate Appropriations Committee, while popular funding for community health centers would be extended for two years, among myriad health provisions. "I love bipartisanship, as you know," said Sen. Jeff Flake ...
Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, the senior Democrat on the Senate Agriculture Committee, announced that the budget package “contains significant improvements for both commodities — including more than $1 billion for our struggling dairy farmers.” Cotton and dairy producers say the insurance-like ...
On Monday, that public hearing was held in order to take a closer look at the Braun bill, Senate Bill 6539, that aims to establish an average annual goal of ... In particular, Braun, who is the ranking minority member of the budget-writing committee, has expressed a desire to see better management of some ...
The bill establishes special committees to work on budget and appropriations reform and pensions reform. Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.), a leading proponent of budgetary reform, applauded the development Wednesday. “There may be some new energy behind working on process reform. That could be an ...
“Anyone who votes for the Senate budget deal is colluding with this president and this administration to deport Dreamers,” he said. “It is as ... Representative John Yarmuth of Kentucky, the top Democrat on the House Budget Committee, noted that the budget deal “meets nearly every one of our priorities.”.
The proposed budget deal pending a vote in the U.S. Senate includes an extensions to a variety of energy tax credits, including nuclear incentives vital to ... This week representatives from the Department of Energy told a House committee those technologies could be a "game changer" for the troubled U.S. ...

One of those was House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), a longtime Ryan ally, who argued that the plan would balloon ... While the budget deal is expected to easily clear the Senate, House GOP leaders know they'll struggle to get votes and will have to rely on Minority ...
A major Senate deal to fund the government for two years and avert a government shutdown has an uncertain future in the House. John Yang talks with Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-Calif., and Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., about their concerns, including the lack of protections for undocumented youth known as ...
The leaders of the Senate and House Armed Services committees endorsed a bipartisan budget deal announced by Senate leaders Wednesday. “This budget agreement is indispensable for our national security,” Sen. John McCain · John Sidney McCainMcConnell: 'Whoever gets to 60 wins' on ...
The deal made for another lonely day for lawmakers concerned about the budget deficit, which was already expected to reach $1 trillion in the next fiscal year, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a fiscal watchdog group. The tax overhaul is projected to add $1.5 trillion to the ...
Jim Justice's proposed 1 percent pay raises, Senate Finance Committee members sweetened the deal, locking in a series of 1 percent pay hikes. ... While the funding for the pay increases is built into the administration's six-year budget forecast, the Finance Committee amendment would lock the raises into ...
The bill has been referred to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, of which state Sen. Steven Oroho, R-24th Dist., is a member. Oroho said he sees merit in both his colleagues' views -- that the salary cap has caused New Jersey schools to lose talent while also being a mechanism that kept ...
Senate Budget Chairman Michael B. Enzi told Roll Call on Wednesday that he is writing a fiscal 2019 budget resolution, but is not inclined to include ... During a Senate Budget Committee hearing Wednesday on oversight of the Congressional Budget Office, Enzi said he wants to appoint task forces made ...
“The cuts that Senate Republicans are proposing are only going to make their caseloads larger, and it's going to make it harder to actually visit and see children in person,” said Rep. Chris Hall, D-Sioux City. “We can only hope that we'll be able to avoid further tragedy.” The Judicial Branch would lose $3.8 million, which ...
Acting Senate President Harriette L. Chandler on Wednesday appointed Hinds, D-Pittsfield, to the prominent Senate Committee of Ways & Means, announcing her ... The Senate Committee on Ways & Means reviews all matters relating to the state's finances, including the drafting of the Senate budget.
“The resolution's discretionary figures for this fiscal year are fully consistent with the Budget Control Act spending limits,” Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi assured his colleagues. The Wyoming lawmaker then candidly added: “If they weren't, then the resolution would be subject to a 60-vote ...
In 2013, during the Obama administration, the Democrats had control of the Senate and the Republicans controlled the House. Now, under President Trump, the Republicans control both chambers. Here's a look at the statements made and who said them, now that the political roles are largely reversed.
The joint legislative hearing schedule was announced this week by Senate Finance Committee Chair Catharine Young and Assembly Ways and Means Committee Chair Helene Weinstein. They note time constraints related to provisions of the state Constitution concerning the approval of the state budget ...
"No organization or business would plan a budget month by month, and Congress shouldn't either. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Homeland Security Committee, I am deeply concerned that the lack of a budget agreement jeopardizes America's security – both abroad and here ...
... the top Democrat on the House Budget Committee. Pelosi gave a very brief overview to the leadership team of what Schumer told her about his meeting with the President. According to Yarmuth, Schumer laid out what his priorities are and the President said he wanted the Senate to pass the House bill.
Patrick Leahy, the leading Democrat on the Senate Appropriations Committee, says the onus to pass a responsible budget bill rests solely on the Republicans because they control both houses of Congress. "They could keep the government open or they can shut it down,” says Leahy. “They're the only ...
I look forward to working with the House and Senate to build a safer, stronger and smarter Alaska.” Director of the Office of Management and Budget Pat Pitney and OMB analyst Brian Fechter officially presented the budget to the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday morning and was received with ...
Bruce Westerman, who represents southern and western Arkansas in the 4th District, is also on the 36-member House Budget Committee. Sen. John Boozman and Sen. Tom Cotton both serve on the 23-member Senate Budget Committee. So out of 59 committee members, Arkansas has four of them, all in ...
Senate Republicans have focused attention on the issue by withholding votes for the $4 billion capital budget. The Senate committee made significant changes to the bill that was presented at a public hearing Monday. The changes include raising the amount of water that could be drawn from new wells to ...
Sen. Bernie Sanders, pictured here at a Senate Budget Committee hearing back on Nov. 28, 2017, is now urging Democrats to make certain that their top priorities are included in any upcoming budget agreement. Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press ...
Silvey served in the Missouri House from 2005 to 2012, and served as chairman of the House Budget Committee for four years. He was elected to the Missouri Senate in 2012 and re-elected in 2016, and served as vice chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. During the last three sessions of the ...
In a floor speech Monday, for example, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley accused Democrats of being unreasonable on DACA. Democrats, he said, refuse to compromise and are demanding a path to citizenship for Dreamers — a core issue for the left — without giving Republicans ...
"I think the governor has stated he is concerned about what happens in terms of the budget," Stewart-Cousins, who heads the Senate Democratic Conference ... In November, the state Democratic Committee floated a plan where Senate Democrats and the eight-member Independent Democratic Committee ...
Both men have been campaigning for the post promising to bring “stability” to a committee that will soon see its third different chairman in the past year. ... said there's no question that the Senate will be one of the biggest frustrations for the incoming House GOP budget chairman this year — particularly ...
The committee's major responsibility of considering and adopting a two year budget won't be in full swing until after Governor Bevin's budget address next week. But, the two year spending plan is still on the mind of the panel's chair. Committee Chair Chris McDaniel would like to see the state's operational ...
Hatch's decision caps a seven-term career in the Senate and upends the power structure among Republicans heading into 2019. The contest to succeed him as the top Republican on the powerful Finance Committee will shape the GOP's position on healthcare, entitlements, and tax policy, and help ...
Both of Burlington County's two senators — Democrat Troy Singleton, of the 7th District, and Republican Dawn Marie Addiego, of the 8th District — landed spots on the powerful Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, and new Assemblywoman Carol Murphy, of the 7th District, was also assigned a ...
U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson's bid to become House Budget Committee chairman was unsuccessful, and he's ruled out a run for the Senate. Johnson of Marietta, R-6th, was among three Republican candidates for the chairmanship. The others were Reps. Steve Womack of Arkansas and Rob Woodall of Georgia.
But more importantly, it would mean the GOP's 2018 agenda would be sharply limited: Only with passage of a joint House-Senate budget can Republicans ... C.), a House Budget Committee member, responded similarly when asked what he thought of the idea: “It's another data point in a long series of ...
Should Democrats win back the Senate in November, Feinstein and Harris will be well positioned to lead the charge against Trump. ... Harris will continue to serve on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the Senate Budget Committee, as well as the intelligence panel.
The committee's major responsibility of considering and adopting a two year budget won't be in full swing until after Governor Bevin's budget address next week. But, the two year spending plan is still on the mind of the panel's chair. Committee Chair Chris McDaniel would like to see the state's operational ...
A second Republican senator from Arkansas has been named to the Senate Budget Committee, his office said in a news release. U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton said in a Tuesday statement that he looks forward to serving on the committee and developing a "real, responsible" federal budget that reflects America's ...
"The Senate Budget Committee handles some of the most pressing issues our nation faces, such as making sure our armed services have the support they need and restraining our ever-rising national debt," said Senator Cotton. "I look forward to working with my colleagues to put the federal government on ...
Orrin Hatch of Utah said Tuesday he will not seek re-election after serving more than 40 years in the Senate, opening the door for former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney to run for his seat. .... Left: Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee Orrin Hatch, R-UT, said he will retire at the end of his term.


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