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updated Sat. August 24, 2024

VANESSA Feltz is desperate for a role on EastEnders - because she feels Walford needs more Jewish characters. The broadcaster, 56, says she wants to play a Jewish grandmother on the soap so the ethnic group - which played a huge role in the East End's history - gets better representation on the show.
Seven decades on from the Holocaust, Germany is confronting what political and Jewish leaders call a "new phenomenon" of anti-semitism. While it's difficult to gauge the extent ... A man could be heard shouting "Yahudi", meaning Jew in Arabic, as he hit the victim with a belt. A 19-year-old Syrian refugee ...

The Jewish media has reported the ADL and other major Jewish groups, the American Jewish Committee, AIPAC, and B'nai B'rith, adhere to a long-standing arrangement among themselves, Turkey, and Israel to deny the Armenian Genocide. While many American human rights, church and ethnic ...
Moreover, as a Jew, the fact that my ancestors have been at this for 3,500 years gives Judaism added power and meaning for me. ... How can North American Judaism avoid degenerating into a random collection of ethnic tics and Yiddish-spiced gripes, with splashes of Holocaust remembrances and odes ...
The most notable example of this is the Iraqi Jewish Archive, a collection of books and rare documents that a U.S. Army team found in the basement of ... laws or memorandums of understanding should be made with states where Jews were subjected to ethnic cleansing and state-sanctioned anti-Semitism.
What we now call “religion” was then more tied up with civic custom, ethnicity, and culture. To be Jewish was equivalent to being Greek, Egyptian, or Syrian–less about what one believed than about which community (and therefore which god) one belonged to. Paul considered himself a Jew and was proud ...

We don't conflate ethnicity with “nationality.” Under that principle, generations of Jews have flourished here. As for “Jewish nationalism”? “Jewish” is my ethnic and spiritual heritage, a core aspect of my identity. I've never considered it a nationality. (“Israeli,” conversely, is a nationality.) “Jewish American” is ...
Ashkenazi Jews are a Jewish ethnic group who have their earliest ancestors from the indigenous tribes of Israel…at least on one side of the family tree. ... the results of the study using DNA samples show that most European Jews descend from local people who converted to Judaism, not individuals who ...
Christ, an ethnic Jew, was not received as a hero to his own class, culture or political identity. He was instead rejected, beaten and killed—charged with blasphemy and usurpation. The chasm between socio-political identities and Christ's must be seriously considered. In today's debate, the church must find ...
The students themselves come from a range of religious, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Gordon said she has a waiting list of 100 schools that want to join, and is hoping to expand her volunteer base. “Most of our volunteers are connecting with students in towns they've never heard of before,” ...
So why does the Jewish issue keep coming up? The 3rd is a diverse district packed with the European ethnic minorities who trend Democratic but are conservative on social issues. The incumbent, Dan Lipinski, did not endorse Barack Obama in the 2012 election and voted against Obama's signature ...
Water bagels of course, were the 'true, traditional bagel', made in basement bakeries in predominantly 'Jewish' sections of New York City, Philadelphia & Baltimore. Bagels were a Jewish thing, like pizza was an Italian thing. The American public had yet to discover these two ethnic comfort foods. Jewish ...
This type of rhetoric was used by Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s to justify anti-Jewish violence and repression, and ultimately genocide. ... We are in ongoing conversation with each other and with our counterparts in other ethnic and faith communities, and we routinely celebrate the work undertaken by our ...
This Jewish ethnic country finds itself facing the Arab, whose very existence unfortunately is seen as an obstacle to the fulfillment of its plans. Moderate Zionists have already lowered their expectations and all they want is a Jewish majority in Israel. But the question that has not yet been solved is what a ...
It is discriminatory for the protest's organizers to compel Jewish students passionate about college affordability to scream for the delegitimization of their ethnic and religious homeland. Many Jewish students at this university, including myself, are nonresident, low-income or reliant upon diminishing financial ...
To Waldner, an Orthodox Jew and member of the newly formed Toms River Jewish Community Council, the paucity of signs is an indication that relations between the Orthodox and long-time Toms ... Waldner said he was raised to stand up against injustice and bigotry aimed at any ethnic or religious group.
While it will take longer to realize the Fraenkelufer project, Joffe said he would be “very happy to see it become a place for exchange between people, a place where they can get to know Judaism.” Fraenkelufer, which sits on the banks of one of Berlin's many canals, is located in a multi-ethnic neighborhood ...

“It has become impossible to operate as a Jewish councillor in the Haringey party without having your views and actions prejudged or dismissed in terms that relate to your ethnicity.” His colleague Cllr Doron also suffered similar abuse. He said that when he was out canvassing his fellow Labour members ...
If you are Jewish and you feel drawn somehow to celebrating St. Patrick's Day, there are more than a dozen good reasons why. ... The annual Israel Independence Day Parade in New York City was clearly modeled after the St. Patrick's Day Parade, both of which are essentially celebrations of ethnic pride.
... by young minds and families needing to decide between acceptance and rejection. These are the same issues that are challenging our world today. It's a current reminder of today's times and how each and every one of us are affected in some way or another, no matter our religion or ethnic background.
Since Judaism is considered both a religion and an ethnicity, it does not fit under any certain category, which means it is considered as unknown to the ... Many Jewish students on campus will be recorded as anti-Semitic under this definition because there are many Jewish students on campus who have ...
Children in the Chabad Hebrew School in Goshen recently celebrated Purim, which is identified as the most joyous and fun event on the Jewish calendar. The children and adults dress in colorful costumes, with many wearing masks. Rabbi Meir and Rivkie Borenstein co-chair the Goshen Chabad, which ...
Jews feeling discomfort in their Jewishness could watch as ethnic groups of all shapes and sizes embraced their roots. It led to a first wave of Jews re-examining their Judaism in a neutral light for the first time. The discomfort that first and second generation Jewish immigrants felt about their heritage was ...
And according to LifeWay Research's Scott McConnell, a few even have Jewish ethnicity. "Two percent of them actually have Jewish parents or grandparents," the executive director tells OneNewsNow. "That actually translates to about 870,000 adults in American have both evangelical beliefs and have ...
There are various ethnic and religious groups in the Kurdistan Region, including Kurds, Turkmen, Arabs, Muslim, and Christians. The KRG's Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs additionally includes representatives from the Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Ezidi (Yezidi), Zoroastrian, Kakai (Yarsan), Baha'i, Sabaean, and ...
Jewish groups more broadly panned the comments. A statement from Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, demanded an “immediate retraction and apology” from the Polish prime minister, calling his remarks “nothing short of an attempt to falsify history that rings of the very worst ...
Jewish nationalism in Israel is a disaster. Not only does it require religion to justify itself, and not ... Israel's project is to reinvent ourselves as an ethnicity. Where does the terrible hatred of refugees come ... The ethnic fantasy is Israel's great national project. Ingathering of the exiles. Assimilation of the exiles.
The American Jewish Committee on Twitter said his remark was “eerily reminiscent of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” calling on Putin to “clarify his comments ... Since Jewishness is widely recognized in Russia as an ethnicity as opposed to just a religion, Russian Jews are not really considered ethnic ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks with Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, left, and Alexander Boroda, head of the Federation of Jewish Communities, ... And since Jewishness is widely recognized in Russia as an ethnicity as opposed to just a religion, Russian Jews are not really considered as ethnic ...


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