updated Mon. June 17, 2024
The American Conservative
January 15, 2018
Meanwhile, elite neoconservative voices like Bill Kristol and Max Boot have become darlings of the “Never Trump” cadre, finding new life as conservative .... former vice president Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Eliot Cohen, Michael Ledeen, Joshua Muravchik, David Frum, and Danielle Pletka.
December 3, 2017
Flynn picked as co-author of his book, 'The Field of Fight', a neo-conservative ideologue and Iran/Contra scandal figure named Michael Ledeen who is, quite oddly ... Since she and Michael Ledeen brought Flynn the young National Security Council intel chief who played a leading role in turning the HouseÃâà...
September 4, 2017
Who can forget the machismo-filled “black coffee briefings”—featuring the likes of then-Defense Policy Committee chair Richard Perle, serially mistaken Iran “experts” Michael Rubin, Michael Ledeen, and Reuel Marc Gerecht (the last two now with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies), and formerÃâà...
The Providence Journal
July 27, 2017
In his 2016 book “The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies,” co-written with neoconservative Michael Ledeen, Mike Flynn described life with a large family in a small house with admiration for his mother — “an even tougher Irishman” than his father, he wrote.
ABC News
May 17, 2017
According to Michael Ledeen, a historian and neoconservative political analyst who cowrote the book "Field of Fight" with Flynn about battlefield intelligence, Flynn was initially reluctant. “Trump wanted him although Flynn [initially] said he didn't want the job,” Ledeen told ABC News. “He's a very talentedÃâà...
The New Yorker
February 18, 2017
The attendees included a neoconservative historian named Michael Ledeen, who was then a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington think tank. Ledeen had been obsessed with Iran for decades. In the mid-eighties, as a consultant to Reagan's National Security Council, he played a centralÃâà...
The New Yorker
November 23, 2016
He wrote a book with Michael Ledeen, a controversial neoconservative foreign-policy analyst, about defeating terrorism. Islam is not a religion, Flynn and Ledeen wrote, but a political ideology bent on destroying Judeo-Christian civilization. Flynn began saying that he had been fired because PresidentÃâà...
The American Conservative
November 17, 2016
Michael Flynn, who served as Obama's second Defense Intelligence Agency director, takes the opposite view. “Field of Fight,” a new book Flynn co-wrote with historian Michael Ledeen, argues that America is up against a global alliance between radical jihadis and anti-American nation states like Russia,Ãâà...
The Seattle Times
July 23, 2016
The book is co-authored by Michael Ledeen, a neoconservative who has long called for the United States to promote regime change in Iran (and has repeatedly predicted — incorrectly — that Iranians were about to overthrow the ayatollahs). Is this a formula that the short-of-focus Trump might glom on to?
Brookings Institution (blog)
July 19, 2016
One of Donald Trump's closest advisors—so much so that he was considered for vice president—Flynn repeated many of the themes found in his new book, The Field of Fight, How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies, which he coauthored with Michael Ledeen. ( The book isÃâà...
Foreign Policy (blog)
July 14, 2016
Flynn, along with co-author Michael Ledeen, a staunch neoconservative who advocated taking on Iran along with a host of other Middle East regimes after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, says “radical Islamists” currently in the United States are taking steps “toward creating an Islamic state right here at home,” byÃâà...