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updated Sun. September 8, 2024

Next, we are introduced to Gilbert Baker, the creator of the first rainbow flag. His flag, unlike the modern one, had eight colors: hot pink, red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, indigo, and violet. In the back matter, the biography reminds us that Baker remained an activist until his death just over a year ago, on ...
(FWIW, the other posts on @jamie_maz's timeline are generally about progressive/left activist topics. I DM'd the account to ask if its ... I began working with a cyber-security expert who first identified the unauthorized activity, and we notified federal law enforcement officials of the breach. The manipulated ...

... from the perspective of Steve Trevor, a political activist who helps Diana get over her privilege, as from the vantage of Wonder Woman. Many—including our own Kayti Burt—had some issues with the screenplay that hit the internet after the release of the popular 2017 movie. Still, Joss Whedon is happy to ...
Many of the biggest hedge funds - including more than one activist portfolio manager - made presentations on Monday at a top industry event - the annual ... suggested that Palo Alto Networks (PANW - Get Report) is a winner, given that we may see a cyber warfare driven financial crisis in the years to come.
Timms is the 41-year-old president and CEO of 92nd Street Y, Manhattan's renowned multicultural community center, and the guy who introduced us to #GivingTuesday, the global philanthropic antitoxin to Black Friday and Cyber Monday buying orgies. Together they've written New Power: How Power ...
The letter sent to Zuckerberg says the Vietnamese government employs a 10,000-strong “cyber army” to spread misinformation and silence dissent. The groups say this organization – called Force 47 - has misused Facebook policies to purposely publish false reports about activists and independent media ...

He's long advocated for the military to go after WikiLeaks' online infrastructure, most recently after the activist organization published a cache of secret CIA hacking tools. “U.S. cyber warfare people should use WikiLeaks for target practice,” he said last year on Fox Business. “Take down their capabilities.”.
INU - The Iranian cyber police (FATA) and the Intelligence Ministry have been summoning human rights activists from Kurdish majority areas of Iran, accusing them of taking part in anti-regime protests, and is threatening them with national security charges, as part of a coordinated effort to intimated human ...
In addition to the "activist short-sellers," The China Hustle talks to financial reporters, corporate lawyers, and even Gen. Wesley Clark (who was a chairman at Rodman & Renshaw, a Wall Street firm involved in the practice), but it's all so splashily edited together that it's hard to get a sense of any of who ...
Iran's cyber police, known as FATA, and the Intelligence Ministry have summoned rights activists in mainly Kurdish-populated provinces of the country and accused them of protesting against the state. Some of the activists summoned in the western provinces of West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Kermanshah and ...

28 de marzo de 2018, 15:45Quito, Mar 28 (Prensa Latina) The Ecuadorian government has suspended the systems that allow Australian Julian Assange to communicate with the exterior. Assange has been in asylum for six years at the Quito embassy in London, the Foreign Ministry reported today.
A fake meme of #MarchforOurLives activist Emma Gonzales ripping up the U.S constitution has run rampant on both Twitter and conservative media. Nissan is using old batteries of its electric car Leaf to power the ghost town of Fukushima, Japan. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has declined to testify in ...
Tarr: I'm a film geek. Ava DuVernay is so incredible, Greta Gerwig is incredible. Jordan Peele. But my biggest heroes are the people I see in my daily life. My teachers are the ones who've encouraged me to have this way of thinking -- to speak freely, be open-minded. Right now, my biggest heroes are the ...
A US-based cyber activist organization called Avaaz has launched a campaign encouraging the boycott of the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup, which is scheduled to take place in Russia, under the hashtag #CupofShame. Sputnik discussed this with Patrick Henningsen, an independent journalist. Sputnik: ...
Avaaz, a US-based 'cyber-activist' civic organization, is reported to be behind the campaign encouraging the boycott of the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia. Francesca Totolo, an independent Italian journalist, spoke with Sputnik about the issue. Sputnik: What is your take on the content that Avaaz ...
Avaaz, a US-based cyber activist organization has been calling for the boycott of the soon-to-be 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, unless Russia stops its anti-terrorist operations in Syria. David Icke, writer and public speaker, has given his take on this and much more in an interview to with Sputnik.
A campaign encouraging the boycott of the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia is gaining steam. Avaaz, a US-based 'cyber-activist' civic organization is behind it. However, as Sputnik has discovered, the group has not-so-open links to financial speculator George Soros and his Open Society ...


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