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updated Sat. June 8, 2024

... Department of Defense [DoD] regulation providing that only the Secretary of Defense can order a nuclear strike would prevent a president from taking such an action over the Secretary's objections, suggests public interest law professor John Banzhaf who has been involved in two special prosecutor legal ...
Public Interest Law Professor John Banzhaf said he found the decision to stop accepting the GRE this year to conduct a self-study to be “strange.” Although a self-study would be part of the Law School's reaccreditation process, Banzhaf said he didn't think the number of students submitting the GRE would ...

Sirica had an answer to that, too. He would appoint the new special counsel, acting on his authority as chief judge. He rebuffed an intervention by public-interest lawyer John F. Banzhaf III seeking to reverse Cox's firing, and made a bold affirmation of his judicial power: "If the court [meaning Sirica] decides it ...
“Given the prestige and influence of California's highest court, and the growing number of violent incidents occurring on campuses, this ruling is likely to spread very quickly, just like Tarasoff,” predicts public interest law professor John Banzhaf, referring to the famous California case which, in imposing a ...
The dramatic clash on CNN between former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, and his former law student, author, and legal commentator Jeffrey Toobin may have occurred in large part because they seem to be debating somewhat different issues, and not disagreeing with each other on a specific ...
But public interest law professor John Banzhaf, who helped get the first such smoking ban in 2006 when Calabasas, CA, restricted all outdoor smoking to a small number of designated smoking areas (about the size of a parking space), says outdoor smoking bans are clearly nothing new, with thousands ...

Now that the attacks on the criminal investigation involving him have intensified to the point where President Donald Trump is criticizing Special Counsel Robert Mueller by name, there is speculation that Trump will try to remove Mueller in order to halt the investigation. Virtually all experts have said that ...
By Federal Bureau of Investigation [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons So Mueller may have to obtain an indictment against Trump, and include the details of Trump's alleged wrongdoing in the text of the indictment, for this information to become public, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf ...
Many politicians and pundits are opining that the public may never know the truth about possible wrongdoings by now-President Donald Trump until they read Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report, but most don't realize how unlikely the public release of any such report is. Mueller is bound by current ...
... realistic that they are favored over female prostitutes by many males visiting conventional brothels, now are coming to the U.S. where they might be bought outright or used by the hour at cyber brothels, since their use is apparently limited in only one state, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf, ...
... of the complications and problems with lethal injections - including the scarcity resulting from public pressure on drug companies - and which would permit condemned prisoners to have the same "death with dignity" already granted the elderly in six states, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf.
... by President Trump's attorneys not to air a controversial interview already taped if they file, as threatened, a law suit based upon a non-disclosure agreement signed by pornographic movie star Stormy Daniels, the woman who claims she had sex with the president, suggests public interest John Banzhaf.
... just renewed his earlier controversial call to arm teachers, but there are many steps school boards, schools, and individual teachers can take now without waiting for Trump's just announced Federal Commission on School Safety, or on Congress to act, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf.
Geroge Washington University law professor John Banzhaf said there is high-profile precedent for such an injunction threat against CBS's 60 Minutes. He cited the time CBS's initial decision not to air an interview with former tobacco exec and high-profile whistle-blower Jeffery Wigand given a ...
Geroge Washington University law professor John Banzhaf said there is high-profile precedent for such an injunction threat against CBS's 60 Minutes. He cited the time CBS's initial decision not to air an interview with former tobacco exec and high-profile whistle-blower Jeffery Wigand given a ...
Reportedly these events - which often trigger disdain in the majority of white Americans who do not have college degrees - were cited to sow discord. and may have helped persuade an overwhelming majority of white working class voters to vote for Trump, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf.
WASHINGTON, DC, March 7, 2018 – WASHINGTON, DC, March 7, 2018 – The law suit filed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions against the state of California, for three immigration-related statutes which are allegedly unconstitutional, may have a fatal flaw, suggests public interest law professor John Banzhaf ...

Although much criticized, the statement by Benjamin Brafman, Harvey Weinstein's lawyer — that agreeing to have sex on the casting couch in order to get a position in a film does not constitute rape — is correct as a matter of law, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf, a champion of women's ...
Although much criticized, the statement by Benjamin Brafman, Harvey Weinstein's lawyer — that agreeing to have sex on the casting couch in order to get a position in a film does not constitute rape — is correct as a matter of law, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf, a champion of women's ...
Wild said law professor John Banzhaf inspired her when she was a student because he involved students in the cases he was working on at the time. When Wild was a student, Banzhaf filed the lawsuit that resulted in a ban on smoking on airplanes and often used it as an example in class before he won ...
Inspection tags hang from the barrel of rifles on the exhibition floor ahead of the 144th National Rifle Association (NRA) Annual Meetings and Exhibits at the Music City Center in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S., on Thursday, April 9, 2015. Top Republican contenders for their party's 2016 presidential nomination ...
But John Banzhaf, who teaches at George Washington University Law School, says the Supreme Court would probably allow a law that lets police respond to a student's threatening social-media posts by seizing his weapons until a hearing could take place. “A narrowly tailored 'take the guns first' law ...
“What's more, said George Washington University law professor John Banzhaf, it could work even if the weapon is mace and not a gun. John Banzhaf is a public interest law professor known for his victories regarding smoking, obesity, discrimination, safety, and environmental protection. 'While most would ...
George Washington University public interest law professor John Banzhaf said those states provide a model of a system like Trump has called for. He has suggested that teachers who already have a concealed carry weapon permits be allowed to voluntarily carry their guns in school or arm themselves with ...
It's not just President Trump, some conservative allies in CPAC, and the NRA who want some teachers armed, notes public interest law professor John Banzhaf, who is being quoted in favor of allowing teachers who are already licensed to carry concealed weapons to do so in schools, but to use only bullets ...
It's not just President Trump, some conservative allies in CPAC, and the NRA who want some teachers armed, notes public interest law professor John Banzhaf, who is being quoted in favor of allowing teachers who are already licensed to carry concealed weapons to do so in schools, but to use only bullets ...
... but rather that it hit the college hard in the pocketbook, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf. As a result of the wide-spread negative and derogatory publicity it received, the college experienced a 20% decline in admissions, resulting in a $2.3 million shortfall. Such sharp declines in admissions ...
... policy of racial banishment excluding whites from the campus for a day, and where faculty not only didn't support his academic freedom, but argued that the school should violate its own policies and not discipline the students for clear violations of its rules," says public interest law professor John Banzhaf.
... policy of racial banishment excluding whites from the campus for a day, and where faculty not only didn't support his academic freedom, but argued that the school should violate its own policies and not discipline the students for clear violations of its rules," says public interest law professor John Banzhaf.
WASHINGTON - Feb. 9, 2018 - -- George Washington University [GWU] has agreed to more than double the amount freshmen students without kitchens receive on their dining plan, and to make corresponding increases for other students who were also reported to be starving on the existing plan.
A new Pew Research Center poll shows that both male and female workers believe that the #MeToo movement is interfering with male-female relationships in the workplace, and this is likely to hurt professional women far more than men, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf, who has won over ...
Reportedly these events - which often trigger disdain in the majority of white Americans who do not have college degrees - were cited to sow discord. and may have helped persuade an overwhelming majority of white working class voters to vote for Trump, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf.
Many commentators have suggested that Monday's decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, not to review a district court decision preventing the administration from ending the DACA program, means a long delay as that initial decision is first reviewed by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and then review of ...
... a tooth of drivers who have multiple drunk driving [DUI] convictions, and which monitors alcohol and transmits the information in real time to a nearby cell phone, can soon replace the awkward, expensive, and easy-to-defeat devices often ordered to be installed in their cars, says Professor John Banzhaf.



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     john f. banzhaf iii

     abram chayes
     alan grayson
     alex bourelly
     human rights
     jack quinn
     jameel jaffer
     james lyons
     john f. banzhaf iii
     lloyd cutler
     lynne stewart
     mary jo white
     michael ratner
     philippe sands
     robert luskin
     shereef akeel
     tom wilner