updated Tue. May 28, 2024
Oregon ArtsWatch
April 14, 2018
Safar also includes a frame drum played by cellist Eric Alterman for what he calls “the omnipresent heart.” The score's diverse harmonies and textures evoke “the essence of Poe's tale, the creepiness of 'the eye' and the skittishness of the narrator,” says True. “In moments it has this sort of psychedelicÃâà...
New Republic
April 12, 2018
In 1966, Nathaniel Weyl, a former communist who had become a National Review reactionary, went on a junket to Rhodesia, then a British colony ruled by a white minority that excluded the black majority from political power. During his visit, Weyl was provided data by the Rhodesian government that anÃâà...
The Nation.
April 12, 2018
142 newsroom employees of The Denver Post posed for a photograph on May 15, 2013, after the newspaper won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the 2012 Aurora theater shooting. This illustration shows the remaining staff from the photo as of April 1, 2018. (RJ Sangosti / Katie Wood / The Denver Post)Ãâà...
April 4, 2018
According to Eric Alterman, author of "What Liberal Media," Bill Kristol, of current Never Trump fame, once admitted this, saying, "The liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (Nonetheless, Kristol started beating theÃâà...
April 3, 2018
According to Eric Alterman, author of "What Liberal Media," Bill Kristol, of current Never Trump fame, once admitted this, saying, "The liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (Nonetheless, Kristol started beating theÃâà...
The American Conservative
March 29, 2018
The Nation stalwart Eric Alterman says that “When one side is fascist, there's no need to show Both Sides.” As for the right—just ask your Fox-watching or Limbaugh-listening friends and families what they think of the “mainstream media,” the “Communist News Network,” or the “opinion cartel.” The greatÃâà...
The Nation.
March 29, 2018
By Eric AltermanTwitter. Yesterday 4:12 pm. fb; tw; mail; Print; msg; wa; sms. pRobert-Kennedyp. Robert F. Kennedy campaigning in Los Angeles in 1968. (Wikimedia Commons / Evan Freed)Ãâà...
Bangor Daily News
March 19, 2018
Despite countless false and misleading public statements from the president, the media has all but ignored these transgressions in what Nation columnist Eric Alterman calls “a campaign of normalization based on a combination of purposeful blindness, wishful thinking and a commitment to outdatedÃâà...
Bangor Daily News
March 18, 2018
Despite countless false and misleading public statements from the president, the media has all but ignored these transgressions in what Nation columnist Eric Alterman calls “a campaign of normalization based on a combination of purposeful blindness, wishful thinking and a commitment to outdatedÃâà...
March 9, 2018
The Nation's Eric Alterman argues here for another factor: rank anti-Semitism. It's hard to think that never plays a part. Among the first to focus on Soros was Russia, where his initiatives were shut down in 2015, allegedly as a threat to state security and the Russian constitution. In reality, Soros-funded civilÃâà...
The Nation.
March 1, 2018
By Eric AltermanTwitter. February 28, 2018. fb; tw; mail; Print; msg; wa; sms. NRA head Wayne LaPierre speaks at CPAC 2018. NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor. (Reuters / Kevin Lamarque)Ãâà...
The Nation.
February 14, 2018
By Eric AltermanTwitter. February 14, 2018. fb; tw; mail; Print; msg; wa; sms. journalist independence square. Journalist documenting events of the Ukrainian Revolution at Independence Square, Kiev, Ukraine, on February 18, 2014. (Photo by Mstyslav Chernov / CC BY 3.0)Ãâà...
The Nation.
January 31, 2018
Buried inside a New York Times report on additional corporate tax cuts being quietly bestowed by Congress is a quotation from Martin Gaynor, a health economist at Carnegie Mellon University. Addressing the question of why the so-called “Cadillac tax” on expensive health-care plans had been delayedÃâà...
The Nation.
January 11, 2018
In his final speech to his colleagues, Senator Al Franken expressed his concern “that it feels like we're losing the war for truth. And maybe it's already lost.” The measure of our defeat may be seen in the fact that we have a president who, according to The Washington Post's lowball estimate, tells an averageÃâà...
The Nation.
December 13, 2017
By Eric AltermanTwitter. December 13, 2017. fb; tw; mail; Print; msg; wa; sms. White Nationalist. A self-proclaimed white nationalist poses for a photo before a speech by Richard Spencer in Gainesville, Florida, October 19, 2017. (Reuters / Shannon Stapleton)Ãâà...
The Nation.
November 15, 2017
By Eric AltermanTwitter. November 15, 2017. fb; tw; mail; Print; msg; wa; sms. 2008 Republican National Convention. A Fox News hat at the 2008 Republican National Convention. (Giacinta Pace / NBC NewsWire via AP Images)Ãâà...
The Nation.
October 25, 2017
By Eric AltermanTwitter. October 25, 2017. fb; tw; mail; Print; msg; wa; sms. Food Stamps Florida. Pablo Salazar shops for fruits and vegetables in the Fresh Stop bus, a mobile market, at the Taft Community Center, in Orlando, Florida, July 2015. (AP Photo / John Raoux)Ãâà...
The Nation.
October 11, 2017
The fact that Donald Trump behaves in a fashion so profoundly inappropriate for an adult male, much less the most powerful person in the world, presents a challenge for the mainstream media. Every day the news gives journalists a new wonderment. Trump's own secretary of state reportedly thinks thatÃâà...
The Nation.
September 28, 2017
In February 2017, the London-based tabloid Daily Mail published an article by David Rose with the headline “Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data.” The piece, which has been shared online nearly 200,000 times, accused the US NationalÃâà...
The Nation.
August 24, 2017
By Eric AltermanTwitter. August 24, 2017. fb; tw; mail; Print; msg; wa; sms. Trump Mural Bethlehem. A mural in the West Bank city of Bethlehem depicts President Donald Trump kissing an Israeli army watchtower along Israel's separation wall, August 4, 2017. (AP Photo / Nasser Nasser)Ãâà...
August 22, 2017
A new report shows how conservatives are winning a war that the rest of us don't even know we're fighting. By Eric Alterman | August 22, 2017. Conservatives Are Winning the Media War. Kellyanne Conway, campaign manager for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, talks with supporters and reportersÃâà...
July 24, 2017
On July 17, the Idaho television station KBOI tweeted a story about a would-be robber who allegedly “arrives early at banks to find doors locked.” Even more confusing than the indecipherable English was the photo it ran: that of Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson being arrested at a protest inÃâà...
The Nation.
July 19, 2017
On July 17, the Idaho television station KBOI tweeted a story about a would-be robber who allegedly “arrives early at banks to find doors locked.” Even more confusing than the indecipherable English was the photo the station ran: that of Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson being arrested at aÃâà...
The Nation.
July 8, 2015
Eric Alterman is Distinguished Professor of English and Journalism, Brooklyn College, City University of New York. He is also the “Liberal Media” columnist for The Nation, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress in Washington, DC, and at the World Policy Institute in New York, as well as former columnist for TheÃâà...
Capital Research Center
December 31, 1999
JournoList counted influential liberal spokesmen such as Eric Alterman of The Nation, Jeffrey Toobin of CNN, and Paul Krugman of the New York Times, as members. During the 2008 elections, when Obama's connection to controversial pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright entered the news, Spencer Ackerman ofÃâà...
news and opinion