updated Wed. August 21, 2024
Plastics Today
April 3, 2018
The scaremongering never ceases, in spite of the fact that none of the research conducted over the past few decades on chemicals used in plastics—BPA, BPS and phthalates DiNP (diisodecyl phthalate) and DEHP (dii2-ethylhexyl phthalate—has definitively proven that any of them cause cancer orÃâà...
The News-Press
April 3, 2018
Plastics. This one word is actually ranked No. 63 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American Cinema. It appears in the 1967 movie "The Graduate", as the uncertain, waylaid recent college graduate Benjamin Braddock is receiving advice on his future from Mr. McGuire aÃâà...
CosmeticsDesign.com USA
April 3, 2018
Tapping into the fact that Mexico that production facilities for consumer product goods are mushrooming all over the main industrial zones throughout the country, Toray Plastics says it aims to be a go to for the growing demand in flexible packaging in the country. “[Mexico] has a population of more than 125Ãâà...
The Lincoln County News
April 3, 2018
Anyone planning a litter cleanup on Earth Day, April 22 is invited to share the fruits of their labor with a new Lincoln County group of volunteers trying to get single-use plastics – “S.U.P.” — out of the streams, estuaries, rivers, lakes, fields, and roadsides. A new volunteer group called kNOw S.U.P., whichÃâà...
BBC News
April 3, 2018
More than 150 bags were filled with plastic after being picked up by 50 volunteers from a river bank in Cardiff. The Cardiff Rivers Group also gathered 25 bags of mixed recycling and 60 bags of general rubbish at the River Rhymney, off Lamby Way. Car wheels, gas bottles, fridges, engine oil containers and footballs wereÃâà...
April 3, 2018
It's been a banner year for manufacturers investing back into their businesses and expanding to meet rising demand. Yet another manufacturing expansion – along with more manufacturing jobs – is coming, this time in Kansas. Plastics manufacturer Viega LLC is investing in a new 204,000-square-footÃâà...
Financial Post
April 3, 2018
Transcontinental Inc said on Monday it would buy the U.S. unit of plastics packager Coveris Holdings S.A for $1.70 billion as the Canadian printing company shifts its focus to a lucrative flexible packaging business. As part of the deal, Transcontinental will take control of privately held Coveris Americas's 21Ãâà...
April 2, 2018
COMMENT: Plastics in the world's oceans are set to treble in the next ten years, according to a new UK government report. They are also contributing to a rubbish heap in the Pacific Ocean that is as big as France. These are the latest instalments of one of the most prominent environmental concerns ofÃâà...
Plastics Recycling Update
March 31, 2018
In a plastics processing facility's line, it's ideal for washing flakes coming from the wet grinder or rinsing material leaving a strong washing process with detergents, according to an Amut fact sheet. “During the centrifugal process dirty water, sand, paper fibers and soil flow through the basket holes, whereasÃâà...
Isle of Man Today
March 31, 2018
Manx Wildlife Trust chief executive officer Dr Tim Graham said: 'Plastics are everywhere, causing pollution and endangering wildlife on land and in the sea, both internationally and here on the Isle of Man. 'This problem has long been known and action is needed now - it can't be ignored any longer. 'Our giftÃâà...
Plastics Technology
March 31, 2018
Registering 58.6 for February, the Gardner Business Index (GBI): Plastics Processing index continued its rally with a record high reading, beating the peak last set in early 2014. New orders again exceeded production for the sixth consecutive month. The GBI is based on survey responses from subscribersÃâà...
Plastics Recycling Update
March 31, 2018
New wash line: Petoskey Plastics, a blown film company that uses recycled content, will install an $8 million wash line at its 330,000-square-foot recycling facility in Hartford City, Ind., according to Plastics News. The purchase is described as the largest single equipment investment the company has everÃâà...
Plastics Recycling Update
March 31, 2018
The researchers, Sriraam Chandrasekaran and B.K. Sharma, found that the solvent they chose can recover a clean stream of polycarbonate (PC) from e-plastics. It is particularly effective for plastics that contain just two polymers, such as PC and polyamide (PA). The PC resin is known for durability and itsÃâà...
Plastics Recycling Update
March 31, 2018
“The volume of discarded health care plastics is huge and the ability to recycle this material would reduce the landfill burden while preserving the value of these highly engineered products,” said Margaret Sobkowicz, associate professor in the Francis College of Engineering at UMass Lowell. “The studentsÃâà...
March 31, 2018
“I am thankful for more positive economic growth in Webster County,” Judge-Executive Henry said. “Pioneer Plastics has provided good, stable jobs for many, many years. They have always been a great corporate partner. Webster County needs new jobs, and this investment by Pioneer will help provideÃâà...
Plastics Technology
March 30, 2018
In the 30 years I've been reporting on plastics, there is at least one thing I can state without fear of contradiction: We as an industry are very good about touting the features of plastics among ourselves. To folks outside the industry? Not so good. That's probably no different from any other industry, to beÃâà...
The Independent
March 29, 2018
The Conversation Plastics in the world's oceans are set to treble in the next 10 years, according to a new government report. They are also contributing to a rubbish heap in the Pacific Ocean that is estimated to be as big as France. These are the latest instalments of one of the most prominent environmentalÃâà...
The Guardian
March 29, 2018
A deposit scheme for bottles won't make a scrap of difference. This stuff is in our food, our clothes – and in us. Wed 28 Mar 2018 12.25 EDT Last modified on Wed 28 Mar 2018 17.00 EDT. Share on Facebook Ãâ÷ Share on Twitter Ãâ÷ Share via Email; View more sharing options; Share on LinkedIn Ãâ÷ Share onÃâà...
Plastics News (blog)
March 23, 2018
Triad Polymers LLC is boosting its research and development tool kit to develop new plastics. The Greensboro, N. C., company has been installing new laboratory equipment and has hired two materials scientists in its effort to create new polymers. "We want to be ahead of the curve with new materials,"Ãâà...
March 23, 2018
The Italian rubber and plastics machinery sector registered strong growth in 2017, with higher production and sales rates compared to the year before. According to the latest figures published by trade body Amaplast, which represents 170 manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery,Ãâà...
Plastics News
March 23, 2018
Prices for all grades of PE were up 4 cents per pound in February, with PVC up 3 cents and solid PS and PET bottle resin each up an average of 2 cents, according to market sources contacted by Plastics News. The PP dip averaged 6 cents per pound. The price increases played out against a larger marketÃâà...
March 23, 2018
23 Mar 2018 --- Hans-Joachim Boekstegers, Director and CEO of Multivac has adopted a clear position on the EU's Plastics Strategy, which he has outlined at Anuga FoodTec in Cologne earlier this week. One-third of the plastics-based packaging waste ends up in the environment, largely in the oceans, without anyÃâà...
Contractor Mag
March 23, 2018
IRVING, TX - The Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI) announced today that it has created a new group within its Building and Construction Division named the Geothermal Steering Committee that will focus specifically on the geothermal industry. PPI is the major North American trade association representingÃâà...
The Guardian
March 23, 2018
The end point is too often our waterways and an estimated one million seabirds and 100,000 mammals are killed every year by marine rubbish, much of it plastics. Recycling helps, but a far more powerful solution is reducing and even eliminating single-use plastics altogether. That's actually easier thanÃâà...
March 22, 2018
Millville Plastics, a recently formed company in Millville, N.J., has announced the development of a new $20 million plastics recycling facility to be built in Millville. Developers say the facility will process about 100 million pounds of plastics each year. The facility will be roughly 350,000 square feet and hasÃâà...
March 22, 2018
The academic goes to on say that more research needs to be directed towards the development of plastics for single use items that are rapidly biodegradable under environmental conditions, adding: "A much better approach would be to avoid unnecessary use of single use plastic items in the first place.
Sixth Tone
March 22, 2018
31 last year and restricts imports of 24 kinds of solid waste, including plastics, electronics, textiles, and some metals. Since February this year, customs agents in several major cities have busted a number of smuggling rings illegally bringing in trash from abroad. China's is the world's largest manufacturerÃâà...
Plastics Recycling Update
March 21, 2018
Recently formed Millville Plastics will process PET, HDPE and possibly PP, sourced both domestically and from overseas MRFs. The company is developing a 350,000-square-foot facility, and it will sell material to manufacturers of sheet and fiber-grade PET. The company will also produce preforms forÃâà...
Sneaker News
March 14, 2018
Last June, adidas stated their 2018 goal to release five millions pairs of shoes that utilized recycled plastics from the ocean. Working closely with Parley For The Oceans, adidas has managed to create highly coveted footwear that actually aids the organization's mission to rid our waters of harmful plastics.
Plastics News
March 14, 2018
I will use this temporary lull in the politically motivated noise as an opportunity to offer a brief analysis on why greater investment in infrastructure is good for the economy and good for the plastics industry. Plastic is not typically considered to be an "infrastructure" material in the same way steel, aluminum,Ãâà...
Packaging World
March 14, 2018
“The third generation of Torayfan CB films is an exciting advancement,” says Tammy Williamson, Associate Product Manager of the Torayfan Polypropylene Films Division, Toray Plastics (America), Inc. “These are very sophisticated films that combine a modified base film and complex coating to achieveÃâà...
Plastics Recycling Update
March 14, 2018
Fu, associate director of IHS's chemicals and plastics group, said analysts had forecast in mid-2017 that China's virgin PE demand would grow about 6 percent year over year. By the end of the year, the market ended up growing more than 10 percent. “The reason behind this drastic shift was policy changeÃâà...
BBC News
March 14, 2018
A green think tank has warned of the risk of unintended consequences from the wave of concern about plastics. The Green Alliance, a parliamentary group, said plastics played a valuable role and couldn't be simply abolished. It wants to transform the notion of a "War on Plastics" into a "War on Plastic Litter"Ãâà...
Chemistry World
March 14, 2018
The chemical and plastics industries are pushing back hard against global tariffs of 25% on steel and 10% on aluminium that will take effect in the US on 23 March. For now, the tariffs – formally ordered by President Trump on 8 March – will not apply to Canada and Mexico. Other countries like Australia,Ãâà...
New York Times
March 14, 2018
To the Editor: Re “More Cities Crack Down on Drinking Straws in Campaign Against Plastic Waste” (news article, March 4):. Your article on the international movement to ban straws and other single-use plastic food service items reflects what our eyes and the science tell us: Ocean plastic pollution isÃâà...
BBC News
March 13, 2018
Chancellor Philip Hammond has called for views on how taxes on some plastics could benefit the environment. Takeaway boxes, disposable cups, plastic wrap and cigarette filters are some of the plastics that the government is consulting on. "Single-use plastics that have been used for only a few secondsÃâà...
Plastics News
March 10, 2018
Three Mexican companies presented what they described as Latin America's first national plan for the management of EPS waste March 7, explaining that the so-called "mixed" initiative has the approval and support of the federal environment and natural resources secretariat, not to mention plasticsÃâà...
Irish Examiner
March 10, 2018
IPL Plastics has ditched plans for a Dublin IPO this summer, instead opting for a sole flotation on the Toronto Stock Exchange. ... capital expenditure programmes commissioned in the latter half of 2017, coupled with a full year's contribution from Macro [the US plastics company it bought for close to €135mÃâà...
March 10, 2018
“It's difficult to know exactly what the implications of this could be, but the theory is that because plastics in the ocean are already degraded and more fragile, they would be even easier for krill to break up.” The problem of plastic pollution is widespread, and rapidly getting worse. Every year, more than eightÃâà...
Richmond News
March 10, 2018
"It's difficult to know exactly what the implications of this could be, but the theory is that because plastics in the ocean are already degraded and more fragile, they would be even easier for krill to break up." The problem of plastic pollution is widespread, and rapidly getting worse. Every year, more than eightÃâà...
March 10, 2018
This week, the wealthy beach community of Malibu, California, voted to ban restaurants from giving out plastic straws, utensils and stirrers. Overseas, Scotland wants to ban plastic straws by 2019; Taiwan is banning single-use plastics by 2030. So is it possible to entirely get rid of these "throwaway" plasticÃâà...
Plastics News
March 10, 2018
Her treatment for the chronic illness also gave her insight into how much the medical industry relies on plastics. So when the Canadian Plastics Industry Association reached out to as many as 1.5 million Canadian teens to participate in its Plasticurious video contest, Clare Zeltner took the chance to showÃâà...
Irish Times
March 9, 2018
Dublin-based IPL Plastics, formerly known as One51, which has about 2,000 shareholders in Ireland, intends to pursue a sole listing in Toronto as it floats this year, having previously considered a dual Irish listing. The plan was outlined as IPL Plastics, led by Alan Walsh, unveiled full-year results whichÃâà...
Environmental Leader
March 9, 2018
By 2030, a ban on single-use plastics such as straws, bags, cups and utensils could be fully rolled out in Taiwan, if the nation's Environmental Protection Administration has its way. The ban is expected to roll out in three stages with implementation completed by 2030. The Taiwanese governmentÃâà...
The Japan Times
March 9, 2018
SYDNEY – They might be at the bottom of the food chain, but krill could prove to be a secret weapon in the fight against the growing threat of plastic pollution in the world's oceans. New research released Friday showed the tiny zooplankton are capable of digesting microplastics — under 5 millimeters (0.2Ãâà...