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updated Sun. May 12, 2024

... the volunteers will have the opportunity to tour places of Biblical significance, such as Elon Moreh, ancient Shiloh, Hebron, and Jerusalem.
Some of the most well-known include Ariel (which hosts a university), Karnei Shomron, Elon Moreh and Itamar. Since it is located in the middle ...

According to the indictment against him, Elitzur flagged down Shatiya, who was driving toward him in a van on Route 557 near the Elon Moreh ...
According to the indictment against him, Elitzur flagged down Shatiya, who was driving toward him in a van on Route 557 near the Elon Moreh ...
According to the indictment against him, Elitzur flagged down Shatiya, who was driving toward him in a van on Route 557 near the Elon Moreh ...
The Henkins were murdered in a shooting attack on the road between Itamar and Elon Moreh in Shomron on October 1, 2015. IDF troops ...

Just a few weeks earlier, I drove from work to a family bat-mitzvah in Elon Moreh, a beautiful Jewish settlement in Samaria, northeast of Nablus.
12 de marzo de 2017, 12:48United Nations,Mar 13 (Prensa Latina) The establishment and expansion of Israeli settlements are a source of vulnerability in the Palestinian population, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ...
The PLO department of Culture & information has issued the monthly incitement report for the month of February 2017, which showcases examples of inflammatory comments and incitement by Israeli officials and leaders.
The settlement of Elon Moreh was built to the east of Nablus with the intention, according to the authors Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar, of stabbing a "knife into the heart of Palestinianism".
A picture, taken from Nablus, shows in the foreground the Palestinian West Bank village of Azmout and in the background the Jewish settlement of Elon Moreh. Photo: AFP. Around half a million Israelis have set up home, in defiance of international law ...
A picture, taken from Nablus, shows in the foreground the Palestinian West Bank village of Azmout and in the background the Jewish settlement of Elon Moreh. Photo: AFP. Meanwhile the Palestinian presidency stressed its commitment to a two-state ...
This settlement was originally established in 1979 on private Palestinian land that Israel requisitioned citing military needs; it was subsequently relocated to nearby "state land" following a ruling by the Israeli Supreme Court.
The settlements receive money through other ministries as well. For example, funding for renovating a mikveh in a settlement can come from the Housing Ministry (50,000 shekels for Dolev, and 30,000 for Elon Moreh, for example), as well as via the ...
Minister of Defense et al., HCJ 610/78] and Elon Moreh and Cooperative Society [ Duweikat et al. v. Government of Israel et al.
The stay of legal and administrative proceedings would apply to properties in the settlements of Ofra, Eli, Netiv Ha'avot, Kochav Hashahar, Mitzpeh Kramim, Elon Moreh, Ma'aleh Michmash, Shavei Shomron, Kedumim, Psagot, Beit El, Yitzhar, Har Bracha, ...
However, shortly after, the court mitigated this ruling with a new decision on the Elon Moreh settlement. In this case, the military had tried to argue the Elon Moreh settlement served a military purpose after settlers had established an unauthorized ...

Elon Moreh, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank, seen from the Palestinian village of Azmout, last week. Credit Jaafar Ashtiyeh/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images.
A picture from the Palestinian West Bank village of Azmout shows the Jewish settlement of Elon Moreh on January 13, 2017. Jan 15, 2017.
He highlighted that the new outpost is located just a few hundred meters away from the illegal Elon Moreh settlement. An Israeli army spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment regarding whether or not they were aware of the ...
In 1979, the Supreme Court ordered him to remove the settlement of Elon Moreh, built (like Amona) on privately owned Palestinian land.
Assimilation is a big threat," Gershon said, who lived in Elon Moreh for three years. "The land is ours, every square mile.
Elon Moreh has Havat Skali. Yitzhar has Mitzpe Yitzhar and Givat Tkuma. The list goes on and on. All in all, there are some 120 unsanctioned settlements to which successive Israeli governments have turned a blind eye or given an approving wink and nod.
In 1979, the Israeli Supreme Court didn't accept the arguments of the Israel Defense Forces that the expropriation of Arab private land near Nablus to build the Elon Moreh settlement had been based on security reasons, and ruled that the land be ...
The Court did, however, rule in the 1979 Elon Moreh case that civilian settlements built on privately owned Palestinian land absent a specific military justification are illegal under the customary international law of belligerent occupation.
In 1979, the Begin government first allowed settlers to move into the area of Elon Moreh, which had been legally confiscated by the IDF for security purposes.
What these communities have experienced since 1980, when Israel established the Elon Moreh nearby, is but one illustration of broader developments taking place throughout the West Bank.
The first step was the 1980 establishment of the Elon Moreh settlement on 1.28 hectares (1,278 dunams) of village land. Two years later, the Commander of Judea and Samaria declared a nature reserve on some of the remaining land west of the settlement.
A group of extremist Israeli colonists invaded, Saturday, Palestinian lands close to Elon Moreh colony that was illegally built on Palestinian property, and started bulldozing large areas.
According to eyewitnesses, the settlers assaulted the shepherds on the road that leads to the illegal settlement of Elon Moreh near the village and detained them for a while before releasing them. In the same context, a group of Israeli settlers ...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Contrary to the accepted wisdom regarding the effectiveness of barriers, there is no substitute for troops on the ground and for civilian settlements that anchor a dominant presence.
A partial listing of some of these cities is Jerusalem, Hebron, Kiryat Arba, Tekoa, Yad Binyamin, Itamar, Beit El, Elon Moreh, Beitar, Tsfat and Bet Shemesh. In general, Yad Leah is trying to service communities that are under-serviced, receiving far ...
His sentiments toward these giants apparently dominated when he approved the establishment of the settlement of Ofra and the historic agreement - which Yitzhak Rabin was forced to accept - with the settlement group at Elon Moreh, the group that ...
One such settlement is Elon Moreh - home to some of the most extreme settlers, and a hub for other outposts in the area. Anything that entrenches settlements like Elon Moreh makes a two-state agreement more difficult. And in fact, settlers in these ...
According to a report by Ynetnews, a Monday meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Subcommittee named Elon Moreh, Otniel, Karmei Tzur, and Neguhot as the settlements most in need of additional funding for protection. All four settlements ...
The timing is important: at the time, the High Court of Justice was deliberating the Elon Moreh case and would eventually rule (Hebrew) that the practice of building settlements on land seized for military purposes is illegal.
Israeli outrage intensified when the body of Rabbi Hillel Lieberman from the settlement of Elon Moreh was found the next morning near the site, where he had gone to check on damage to the tomb.
... thought to be the mastermind of the abduction and murder of Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaer, and Eyal Ifrach in 2014 as well as the 2015 killing of Eitam and Naama Henkin, who were gunned down while driving near the community of Elon Moreh in Samaria.
Although this phenomenon is common across the West Bank, the settlements of Shiloh, Kochav HaShachar, Elon Moreh, Psagot, Ofra, and Susya lead the pack.
The suspects, from Carmiel and Balfouria in northern Israel and Elon Moreh, a West Bank settlement, have confessed to the crimes, a statement issued by the Shin Bet says.
"We've been saving water, not wasting a drop," said Rachel Shalev of Elon Moreh, a community with over 1,600 people located in Samaria, northeast of Nablus.
Eitam and Naama Henkin were shot as they drove past the village of Beit Furik, on the road between the Jewish settlements of Itamar and Elon Moreh. Their four children - a nine-month-old baby and boys aged four, seven and nine - were sitting in the ...
This method was used until the Supreme Court, in the 1979 Elon Moreh judgment, ordered the IDF to return land to the residents of the Palestinian community of Rujib near Nablus.
The settlements include Itamar, the Ateret Yerushalayim Yeshiva and Elon Moreh. CEO of the chocolate spread manufacturer Hashachar Ha'ole, Moshe Weidberg, said: "Our company donates six per cent of its revenue a year.
The Palestinians dub these thoroughfares "apartheid roads." As evidence, five years ago on a news assignment I was driving on Route 557 leading to the settlements of Itamar and Elon Moreh with a Palestinian passenger from the nearby village of Burin by ...
Yaseen took photos of his artwork, inserting another element he might not have originally intended: Visible in the background, atop a high mountain, are the antennas of Elon Moreh - the cornerstone of Israel's settlement enterprise in the territories. Hebron
Four members of the Gavish family, including both parents, one of their seven children and a grandfather were killed by a Palestinian attacker in 2002 in their home in Elon Moreh, located near Nablus in the West Bank. Eli is located about 20 miles ... Arab Jewish
Israel, known as the Elon Moreh case, the court more deeply explored the definition of military necessity and rejected the tendered evidence in that case because the military had only later acquiesced in the establishment of the Elon Moreh settlement ... Arab Jewish


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    west bank
       elon moreh

Israeli settlements in the West Bank:
       adi ad
       alon shvut
       bat ayin
       beit el
       beit hadasa
       beit hagai
       beitar illit
       elon moreh
       geva binyamin
       gush etzion
       gush katif
       har gilo
       karnei shomron
       kfar adumim
       kfar etzion
       kfar tapuach
       maale shomron
       maaleh efraim
       maali adumim
       mabo dotan
       mitzpeh yericho
       modin illit
       n'veh daniel
       n'veh tzuf
       nofei zufim
       region councils
       rosh tzurim
       shadmot mecholah
       shavei shomron
       vered yericho
       yesha council