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updated Sun. July 21, 2024

Illegal Jewish-Israeli settlers from the settlement of Adi Ad attacked Palestinian farmers working in their fields on Monday The incident took place near the town of Tormosayya, north-east of Ramallah. A member of Tormosayya village council, Saeid Taleb, pointed out in a media statement that the settlement ...

Extremist Israeli settlers, on Monday, attacked Palestinian farmers in the town of Turmus Ayya, northeast of Ramallah, and forced them off of their land, local sources said, according to WAFA. Saeed Taleb, Turmus Ayya municipal council member, said that settlers from the illegal Israeli settlement of Adi Ad, ...
The Mateh Binyamin Regional Council spent millions of shekels to build infrastructure in wildcat outposts in the West Bank from 2013 to 2015. ... The government has said in principle that “every community located on state land, and this is true for these places such as Kida, Adi Ad, Esh Kodesh, etc., we ...
Israeli military prosecution yesterday charged Palestinian Mohamed Wadi with attempted murder after he threw stones at settlers, while Israel Police are expected to accept a ... The Palestinian from Nablus in the occupied West Bank had allegedly thrown a stone at one of the settler's heads injuring him.
Israeli Jewish settlers from the illegal settlement of Halamish threw stones at Palestinian farmers who were picking olives on their fields yesterday, the ... Committee Mohamed Al-Tamimi said the settlers attacked the Palestinian farmers in the village of Deir Nidham in the north of the occupied West Bank city ...
Several Israeli colonists invaded, on Sunday at dawn, Palestinian olive orchards, in al-Mughayyir village, northeast of Ramallah, and Burin village, south of Nablus, in the occupied West Bank, before harvesting the trees and stealing the procedure. The colonists, from Adi Ad illegal colony, invaded ...
The Israeli left-wing newspaper Haaretz reported that the government informed the Supreme Court that it plans to legalize seven settler structures built on private Palestinian lands in the West Bank district of Ramallah. Adi Ad, an illegal outpost, was established by settlers in 1998, the newspaper said, ...
This could be the first time that state uses the so-called Regularization Law to expropriate private Palestinian lands in the West Bank. A group of Palestinians had filed a petition with the High Court through the Yesh Din legal aid group in 2014, demanding that the illegal outpost of Adi Ad be dismantled.


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    west bank
       adi ad

Israeli settlements in the West Bank:
       adi ad
       alon shvut
       bat ayin
       beit el
       beit hadasa
       beit hagai
       beitar illit
       elon moreh
       geva binyamin
       gush etzion
       gush katif
       har gilo
       karnei shomron
       kfar adumim
       kfar etzion
       kfar tapuach
       maale shomron
       maaleh efraim
       maali adumim
       mabo dotan
       mitzpeh yericho
       modin illit
       n'veh daniel
       n'veh tzuf
       nofei zufim
       region councils
       rosh tzurim
       shadmot mecholah
       shavei shomron
       vered yericho
       yesha council