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updated Tue. June 11, 2024

Yasser Abu Aram, 3, was shot in the head while sleeping on the night of January 8. Abu Aram, who lives in a Bedouin encampment in the midst of an Israeli army firing zone in the northern Jordan Valley of the West Bank, started to bleed from his head. The bullet entered the top of his head and penetrated ...

Israeli authorities have approved more than 1,100 new settlement homes in the occupied West Bank, the Peace Now NGO said on Thursday, the latest in a raft of such moves in recent months. The approvals were given on Wednesday by a defence ministry committee with authority over settlement ...
On 23 December 2016, the last UN Security Council Resolution on Palestine and Israel was passed. The resolution reaffirmed the illegality of Israeli settlement activities stating that "the establishment by Israel of settlements in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no ...
On December 6, while President Trump was announcing his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, several Palestinian communities on the occupied West Bank and in the Jordan Valley were awaiting the army bulldozers coming to destroy their villages. There is an intimate and sinister link between ...
In the past, a story was famously told in Israel about a clash between Golda Meir and Justice Minister Haim Tzadok, who disagreed with her in a cabinet meeting. At the end of the meeting, she went over to him and told him she thought they were friends. Yes, he replied, but Im also the justice minister of ...
Most people agree that the West Bank and Gaza Strip have been occupied since 1967. Much less thought ... Originally founded in 4,000 BCE, Be'er Sheva has been at times a Bedouin encampment, part of the Ottoman Empire, and now, the fourth most populous metropolitan center in Israel. It is a thriving ...
The Israeli Civil Administration in the West Bank seized solar panels that powered a Bedouin school and a preschool outside Jerusalem on Wednesday, even though it knew a petition against the seizure was being filed to the High Court of Justice. Indeed, the court issued a restraining order against the ...
Here amid a chorus of crowing roosters, a cluster of dilapidated shacks on the desert hillside marks a tiny Bedouin encampment known as Khan al Ahmar ... Bedouin hamlets clustered around the roadway, populates a region that descends from the Jerusalem mountains toward the West Bank city of Jericho ...


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