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updated Sat. July 6, 2024

Then, in December 2008, Israel launched a war against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip that resulted in over 1,000 Palestinian casualties. “That was an immensely disorienting thing,” said Rothman-Zecher, of the death toll of the IDF's Operation Cast Lead. Moriel Rothman-Zecher with Rihan and Maryam ...
Sanders' overlap with Trump can be overdone. There was a moment in the campaign when Sanders came before the editorial board of the Daily News. He was asked about banking reform, and he totally muffed it. Then he was asked about Gaza, and he exaggerated the number of Palestinian casualties by ...

Blood only brings more blood. Violence and hatred spur more violence and hatred. It's time to stop the cycle. It's time to start a conversation. It's time to Reconsider. Reconsider is a film production company committed to answering two questions: “What kind of world do you want to live in?” and “What kind of ...
He was also concerned by the high number of Palestinian casualties in protests and confrontations in the past months. The Netherlands strongly opposed the recent Israeli announcements on settlement expansion. Settlements were illegal under international law and were an obstacle to peace. Both parties ...
For example, that before each performance we would read out a list of 20 or 30 Palestinian casualties of the Israeli occupation. Greig said that would be an interesting gesture and he hoped I'd include it in every work of mine, but that he still wasn't giving me the play. It was an unequivocal no.” But when ...
Of this year's incidents, 48 resulted in Palestinian casualties and 102 in damage to Palestinian property. More than 5,600 trees belonging to Palestinians were vandalized during such incidents, up from 1,650 in 2016. While the number of Palestinian attacks against Israeli settlers resulting in casualties, ...

In a statement released yesterday, the international human rights group drew attention to Palestinian casualties over the last two weeks, with four killed and more than 3,000 injured by Israeli forces during demonstrations in the opt. Amnesty described Israeli forces' use of live ammunition against protesters ...
UN rights chief Zeid al Hussein: Palestinian casualties in riots "can sadly be traced directly back to the unilateral U.S. announcement on the status of Jerusalem, which breaks international consensus and was dangerously provocative." #TrumpMadeMeDoIt ...
The UN High Comissioner for Human Rights has also called for an independent investigation into Palestinian casualties. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'd al-Hussein has said that the killing of Palestinian double-amputee Abu Thurayeh is "incomprehensible," citing his "severe disability, ...
One of the Palestinian casualties is Ibrahim Abu Thuraya, 29, a double amputee who lost his legs in an Israeli airstrike in 2008. A former fisherman, Thuraya, who used a wheelchair, was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers while protesting Trump's Jerusalem decision near the Gaza Strip border on Friday.
Settler-related violence also “rose in 2017”, reported UN OCHA, with 156 incidents that resulted in Palestinian casualties or damage to Palestinian property by the end of November compared with 107 in all of 2016. According to UN OCHA, “the prevalence of Israeli settler violence, particularly the vandalism ...
Yasser Sokar and Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh, 32 and 29, who were killed in Gaza, became the fifth and sixth Palestinian casualties since Trump's announcement. Abu Thurayeh had lost his legs in an Israeli attack a decade ago, but was still attending protests. The seventh was 24-year-old Bassel Ibrahim in the ...
Palestinian Casualties Rise as Israel Police Up Usage of Foam-tipped Bullets. Increase in the number of anti-riot bullets fired matches growing violence in Jerusalem and elsewhere. Israel has investigated 15 complaints into injuries, many of them children, but no policemen have been indicted. Nir Hasson.
Clashes between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli security forces in various parts of the West Bank on Wednesday resulted in dozens of Palestinian casualties, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported. The most serious clashes occurred in the area of Beit El, east of Ramallah, and in the Nablus, ...
Incidents of settler violence resulting in Palestinian casualties and injuries increased, but the number of incidents leading to Palestinian property and land being damaged decreased. The number of Palestinians held in administrative detention by Israeli authorities increased by 24% in 2014, but decreased ...
An informational battle of competing messages directed at international audiences parallels the military fighting between Israel and Hamas. Accompanying a barrage of wrenching images are Palestinian fatality statistics alleging disproportionate numbers of non-combatants. These figures are crucial ...
It never addresses the illegal military occupation and settlements; the jailing without trial of thousands of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories; the colonisation of Palestinian resources; the millions of refugees living abroad; or the vast numbers of unarmed Palestinian casualties at the hands of Israel's ...

Whenever there's a violent confrontation between Palestinians and Israelis, the Palestinian casualties are much higher and other forms of ...
Increase in the number of anti-riot bullets fired matches growing violence in Jerusalem and elsewhere. Israel has investigated 15 complaints ...
Serious clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian demonstrators reported in the areas of Ramallah, Bethlehem, Nablus and ...
Incidents of settler violence resulting in Palestinian casualties and injuries increased, but the number of incidents leading to Palestinian ...
Reggie Bush raised a few eyebrows when he appeared to compare the perceived racial injustice of the grand jury decision not to prosecute the ...
Two Major News Organizations Have Questioned the High Palestinian Casualty Figures — and It's Probably Not Ones You'd Expect ... and Gaza, two major news organizations are posing serious questions about the widely repeated Palestinian casualty figures disseminated by Hamas officials in Gaza.
An informational battle of competing messages directed at international audiences parallels the military fighting between Israel and Hamas.
The Palestinian casualties, mostly members of Islamic Jihad terror organization, included two senior field commanders, Arafat Abu Murshid and ...
... in the settlement of Halamish - who were killed in terror attacks during the violent outbreak, but doesn't refer at all to Palestinian casualties.
An excessive Israeli response, in turn, could cause high Palestinian casualties. For Israel, a failure to return fully and immediately to the ...
Incidents of settler violence resulting in Palestinian casualties and injuries increased, but the number of incidents leading to Palestinian ...
An informational battle of competing messages directed at international audiences parallels the military fighting between Israel and Hamas.
Having found Indians welcoming and sympathetic, she was shocked, she says, to discover that the Indian media treated Palestinian casualties as statistics, rather than victims. That August, Maphaz took the stage at a protest event in the Indian capital ...
... was referring to Israel's military operations in Gaza between 2008 and 2014, the economic blockade in place on the Strip and almost daily confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers in the West Bank that often result in Palestinian ...
The last time the incidence of Palestinian casualties was some 40 times that of Israeli casualties, and more rubble alongside rubble not dealt with since earlier confrontations.
The last time the incidence of Palestinian casualties was some 40 times that of Israeli casualties, and more rubble alongside rubble not dealt with since earlier confrontations.
The strikes in Rafah caused four Palestinian casualties, but no deaths. Hamas has condemned the strikes. According to Haaretz, Hamas said it would not just idly stand by in the face of continued Israeli aggression.
Despite relatively lower numbers of violent incidents thereafter, the reporting period witnessed high numbers of Palestinian casualties. According to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, during the reporting period, 172 Palestinians ...
Most Israeli fatalities are soldiers or police while most Palestinian casualties are civilians. These Israeli policies are possible because Western, and in particular US, opposition to them has remained purely theoretical.
In 2009, Israeli journalist Simona Weinglass investigated why the Israeli and Palestinian casualty counts of Operation Cast Lead were so divergent, especially on the breakdown of civilian and armed casualties.
For example, CNN is very unlikely to report on Palestinian casualties and difficulties but will do so extensively on small Israeli setbacks.
Last year, settler attacks in the West Bank and East Jerusalem led to 89 Palestinian casualties, a rate of nearly two per week, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
One of the most notable points was the portrayal of Israel as an offensive threat, facing zero casualties during waves of violence, which is plainly false, while outlining the number of Palestinian casualties many times over. This is an inaccurate and ...
The AGPS, which documents Palestinian casualties, has documented 3,355 cases of deaths, disappearances and imprisonment at the time of writing this report.
Almost two-thirds of the total Palestinian casualties - 1,391 people, including 526 minors - were not involved in the fighting.
"During the activity, shots were fired at the forces, wounding a soldier," army spokesman Peter Lerner said. Palestinian medical officials said they had no reports of any serious Palestinian casualties. They said a number of people suffered from ...
He got into trouble back in Ramallah during his trip to Iran in February 2016, after he welcomed an Iranian offer of Saddam-like financial support to the families of Palestinian casualties, a proposal that both Israel and Abbas separately opposed ...
Their findings, published last year, showed that in a time of war, Israeli newspapers engaged in more coverage of Israeli than of Palestinian casualties "and each injured Israeli had a face while civilian casualties were only numbers." Journalists and ...
Will this season of death ever stop? Nice, Dhaka, Istanbul, Orlando, Brussels, San Bernadino, Paris - and those are just the mass murders in cities we know.
Israel didn't just use drones to combat Hamas, but risked the lives of its troops when an incursion was made into Gaza (an effort also to minimize Palestinian casualties). As well, artillery, helicopters, tanks, planes, etc. were deployed. Not only did ...
Yet the lobbyists who target pro-Palestine journalists get angry when we mention the number of Palestinian casualties, in particular those during Protective Edge in 2014, which raised international condemnation.
He said that when such a conflict occurs, Turkey is likely to again withdraw its ambassador from Israel as soon as there are Palestinian casualties. Further, said Koplow, Turkey will be even more hard-pressed to maintain relations with Israel if any of ...
Sanders, by contrast, has called for a more "even-handed approach" that lends more consideration to Palestinian casualties. He's criticized Israel's military actions in Gaza as "disproportionate" at the expense of civilians. And he skipped the AIPAC ...


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Palestinian casualties