updated Sat. April 13, 2024
March 28, 2018
The footage is very clear. It shows a man in civilian clothes, wearing an army-issued protective vest, crouching behind a boulder. In the presence of soldiers, he shoots at Palestinian stone throwers. Minutes later he is standing near Israeli soldiers and other young Israeli men who are throwing stones at theÃâà...
February 21, 2018
Considered a bastion of the “hilltop youth,” the site was frequently on the radar of police who sought to question activists about various “price tag” attacks. Infrastructure work at the site began last June, and after several starts and stops, was finally completed last month. “It's been a difficult year for residents,”Ãâà...
December 31, 1999
Berda says there are about 250,000 Palestinians banned from Israel on security grounds. A security-related reason, she says, can include having a family member who has been wounded by Israeli forces, as this makes one suspect of wanting to seek revenge. Other reasons can be even more arbitrary.