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updated Mon. July 22, 2024

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – To mark Valentine's Day in a special manner, an international organization and a local school expressed their gratitude and respect for Peshmerga fighters by distributing flowers on the front lines. The European Citizen Interference Group (ECIG) along with ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – In a meeting with officials from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on Wednesday, a high-level United States delegation reiterated its support for the Kurdistan Region's Peshmerga forces. A statement released on the KRG's website said Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani ...

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – A Kurdish official on Wednesday said the US-led coalition against the Islamic State (IS) was to supervise reforms and changes to the Ministry of Peshmerga. “There are five reform packages ready to be implemented within the Ministry of Peshmerga,” Halgurd ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The Kurdistan Region's Peshmerga fighters who have been held captive by the Islamic State (IS) in the past years are now facing charges by Iraqi authorities, a Kurdish official told Kurdistan 24 on Tuesday. According to the figures by the Kurdistan Region's Ministry of Peshmerga, ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A Kurdish member of the Iraqi parliament is investigating the whereabouts of 21 Peshmerga who were taken prisoner by ISIS. Visiting Iraqi ... Jaf believes the Peshmerga have either been killed, are imprisoned in Iraq, or have been transferred to Syria by ISIS. She said she is ...
The Ministry of Peshmerga's move to reunify troops under its command after the fall of Kirkuk is indeed a positive step which needs to be followed by a gradual and incremental unification of all Peshmerga under a single central command – the standard setup for any army. However, this is easier said than ...

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The deployment of the Peshmerga to help their fellow Kurds in Afrin against Turkey's military operation will not help solve the ... the BBC that he is “deeply concerned” about the Afrin operation, but that the Peshmerga have no role to play in the conflict that began last Saturday.
The United States has sent $365 million in funding to Kurdish peshmerga fighters, according to the deputy peshmerga minister, Sarbast Lazgin, Rudaw reported Jan. 24. The money is allocated by the 2018 U.S. defense bill. The United States allocated $415 million to the peshmerga in the previous fiscal ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Two infantry divisions of Kurdish Peshmerga forces reunified in a step to unify the Peshmerga forces. The two units separated after the events in Kirkuk. Infantry Brigades 1 and 2 of the Peshmerga Ministry reunified after a 100-day separation following the events of October 16 ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The United States will provide the Peshmerga with $365 million in funding, Sarbast Lazgin, deputy Peshmerga minister, told ... for approving the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and thanks the US Congress for its continued support of Kurdistan and the Peshmerga,” ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The Ministry of Peshmerga on Wednesday moved to reunify and reorganize the Kurdish force's first and second brigades after they were affected by the Oct. 16 attack and takeover of Kirkuk by Iraqi troops and Iranian-backed Shia Hashd al-Shaabi militias. The Peshmerga Ministry ...
Family members of missing Peshmerga Hassan Mohammed Hashim hold his photograph, demanding the KRG, Iraqi government and international bodies ... ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Peshmerga soldiers taken captive by ISIS are not detained in Iraqi prisons, a member of the Iraqi parliament has stated.
Erbil ( Dozens of relatives of the Kurdish Peshmerga personnel, who were previously captivated by Islamic State members and now held by Iraqi authorities, staged demonstrations on Tuesday outside the United Nations headquarters in Erbil, against Baghdad court's verdict that sentenced ...
Rizgar is working with a Kurdish party in Sulaimani, but then is forced to leave for the mountains to join other Peshmerga fighters who were staging an armed struggle. His lover, Hanar, joins him after a while. Their love story is one that captured the imagination of the audience, and one that recalls life before ...
“We are under the command of the Joint Operations Command which is comprised of the Peshmerga and Iraqi Army, Rapid Response, Federal Police and Counter-Terrorism forces,” noted Mohammadawi. “The decision of the Peshmerga involvement lies with the commander of the Joint Operations ...
TUZ KHURMATU – Interim Mayor of Tuz Khurmatu, Lis Mahmoud, announced on Sunday (January 14) that Iraqi and Kurdish Peshmerga forces are set to cooperate in an anti-Islamic State mission in Mount Hanjira near the town. The mission comes as part of attempts to facilitate the return of the Kurdish ...
Despite the fact that Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has declared the defeat of ISIS in Iraq, remnants of the group are reemerging in Kirkuk Province where Iraqi forces have, so far, proven unable to adequately fill the vacuum left by the hasty withdraw of Kurdish Peshmerga forces in mid-October.

KIFRI, Kurdistan Region — Kurdish Peshmerga and Iraqi army met and reached an agreement following a tense day in Kifri, a Kurdish official told Rudaw, while explaining both sides agreed for the Iraqi army to withdraw to its previous positions and to confront any ISIS movements in the region jointly.
"The battle of Mosul, the cooperation between the Iraqi Security Forces and the Peshmerga, was something that was historic, something we still want to build upon even as there's tension between Baghdad and Erbil..." explained Brett McGurk, the US Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition to ...
The Iraqi Defense Ministry on Tuesday denied claims by the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG)'s main security agency that federal forces were gearing up to seize parts of northern Iraq held by Peshmerga fighters. On Monday, the Asayish, the KRG's main security agency, alleged that federal troops were ...
Ryan Dillon, Spokesman for the US-led coalition against the Islamic State (IS), affirmed on Tuesday that the US continues its work with the Peshmerga. That includes training Peshmerga, as well as an ongoing readiness to support the forces as needed, such as when IS attacked the Peshmerga on Tuesday in the Makhmour ...
DUHOK, Kurdistan Region – The Peshmerga will reopen the road between Shingal and Duhok province, but the Iraqi army is waiting for authorization before ... A checkpoint will be set up in Zummar after the road is reopened,” Babakir Zebari, supervisor of Peshmerga forces on West Dijla Front, told Rudaw.
Speaking to reporters, von der Leyen said she was in Erbil to visit Peshmerga forces and German soldiers. ... Joint Operations Command Center in Erbil, where they have worked with Iraqi and Kurdish commanders, in addition to Peshmerga units through the Kurdistan Training Coordination Center (KTTC).
Kurdish peshmerga fighters drive in convoy through Erbil after leaving a base in Kurdistan on October 28, 2014 on their way to Kobane, a city in Syrian ... The Kurdistan Region, with the approval of Turkey and the US-led anti-ISIS Coalition, deployed its Peshmerga forces to help the Rojava fighters against ...
SULAIMANI – The Ministry of Peshmerga said 62 members of the Peshmerga forces have been taken hostage during the years fighting with the Islamic State (ISIS) militants. Speaking during a press conference on Tuesday (January 16), head of the Peshmerga Ministry's Culture and Media office, Halgurd ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The Iraqi army cannot prevent the Islamic State (IS) from reemerging in the country without the help of Kurdish Peshmerga forces, especially in Kirkuk, a Kurdish member of the Iraqi Parliament recently said. Shiwan Dawudi, a member of the Iraqi Parliament from the Patriotic Union ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The father of a Peshmerga taken captive by ISIS a year and a half ago has alleged his son and eight others are now imprisoned by Iraqi security forces ... “Nine Peshmerga are imprisoned at Muthanna airport, including my son named Hassan Mohammed Hashim,” said his father.
... Despite the declaration of the defeat of ISIS in Iraq, the US-led international anti-ISIS coalition is “keenly aware” of ISIS remnants and reports of “multiple ISIS terrorists” in the Hamrin Mountains and Hawija, a city in Kirkuk Province, and reiterated the continuation of coalition training for Kurdish Peshmerga ...
KIFRI, Kurdistan Region — Kurdish Peshmerga and Iraqi army met and reached an agreement following a tense day in Kifri, a Kurdish official told Rudaw, while explaining both sides agreed for the Iraqi army to withdraw to its previous positions and to confront any ISIS movements in the region jointly.
"The battle of Mosul, the cooperation between the Iraqi Security Forces and the Peshmerga, was something that was historic, something we still want to build upon even as there's tension between Baghdad and Erbil..." explained Brett McGurk, the US Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition to ...
Ryan Dillon, Spokesman for the US-led coalition against the Islamic State (IS), affirmed on Tuesday that the US continues its work with the Peshmerga. That includes training Peshmerga, as well as an ongoing readiness to support the forces as needed, such as when IS attacked the Peshmerga on Tuesday in the Makhmour ...
DUHOK, Kurdistan Region – The Peshmerga will reopen the road between Shingal and Duhok province, but the Iraqi army is waiting for authorization before ... A checkpoint will be set up in Zummar after the road is reopened,” Babakir Zebari, supervisor of Peshmerga forces on West Dijla Front, told Rudaw.
Peshmerga forces affiliated with northern Iraq's Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) have withdrawn from some 95 per cent of all territories disputed between the KRG and Baghdad, Nasreddin Said, the KRG's minister for disputed territories, said today. Speaking to the Anadolu Agency, Said noted that the ...
The brave forces such as the army, police, security forces, Hashd al-Shaabi, counter-terrorism forces, air force, pilots, and the Peshmerga forces and all the divisions of the armed forces who supported us, including engineer and medical teams and our supporters from the tribal forces and people in the ...
Germany briefly halted its training and support of Peshmerga following the conflict with the Iranian-backed Shia Hashd al-Shaabi militias in Kirkuk in October, but regular support promptly resumed. The German government also voted by a clear majority to extend the reconnaissance and refueling of planes in Jordan in the ...
“Unfortunately, Mr. Abadi, once again failed to act as the prime minister and sidelined the role of the brave of Peshmerga while the whole world witnessed that the Peshmerga, before all the armed forces of Iraq whom were named by Abadi, managed to defeat the myth of ISIS,” the Peshmerga Ministry ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi delivered a televised address to the nation after Iraqi forces took the last ISIS positions in Saturday. He congratulated the Iraqi forces on the victory against the terrorist group, but conspicuously omitted the Peshmerga in a speech that had high ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – Over 100 soldiers from The Royal Regiment of Scotland have been deployed to the Kurdistan Region to train the Peshmerga, an official revealed on Tuesday. For six month, more than 100 servicemen and women will be based in the Kurdistan Region to provide “first-class training” ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) Acting Minister of Peshmerga on Monday met with commanders and representatives of the Global Coalition against the Islamic State (IS) to discuss reforms in the Peshmerga Ministry. Karim Sinjari, the KRG's Acting Minister of ...
Sheikh Saeed Sileman, who was in charge of the financial department of the command but is now in Germany, stated on his Facebook page that there were 8,250 Yezidi Peshmerga on their payroll before the October 16 events, costing the ministry more than $2 million a month. Each fighter received $300 ...
Sulaimaniya ( The Kurdish Peshmerga Ministry has said that the Iraqi federal and paramilitary troops are rallying in south of Sulaimaniya, describing the step as dangerous one that does not helping de-escalation. In press remarks on Monday, Halgurd Hikmat said, “the recent deployment by ...
Diyala ( Two bodies of Kurdish Peshmerga fighters were found after one day of their disappearance in northeast of Diyala, an informed source from the province said on Sunday. Speaking to Alghad Press, the source said, “two Peshmerga personnel, from northeastern Diyala regions, went ...
WASHINGTON DC, United States (Kurdistan 24) – In an interview with Kurdistan 24, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R, California) explained why he felt strongly that the US must support the Kurds. “I am totally dismayed that there's been any talk whatsoever about reducing our arms support for the Kurdish ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The Iraqi government on Saturday deployed army near the Peshmerga frontlines in Garmiyan area in Sulaimani province, Kurdistan 24 correspondent reported. Harem Jaff, Kurdistan 24 correspondent in Kalar district, the center of Garmiyan Administration, said the ...
SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region – The families of Peshmerga who were killed in clashes with Iraqi forces in Kirkuk held a memorial in Sulaimani, where they ... He said the Peshmerga commanders who were stationed in Kirkuk should be held accountable, referring to one commander who he claimed made ...
Kurdish Peshmerga soldier aim their weapons during a military training session held ... the US Congress has agreed on continued support for the Peshmerga.
Instead, advisory report language accompanying the bill addresses recent clashes between Iraqi security forces and Kurdish peshmerga forces ...
A Peshmerga stands watch. The deputy minister said the Peshmerga will not initiate a war with Iraq, but are ready to defend. File photo: Rudaw.
File photo shows a British military adviser instructs Kurdish Peshmerga fighters during a training session in Arbil. Photo: AFP/Getty Images.
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Iraqi military has accused the Kurdish Peshmerga of “withdrawing” from a draft agreement reached between ...


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