updated Tue. July 30, 2024
Consortium News
March 12, 2018
When the anticipated “cakewalk” turned rather bloody, with no WMD to be found, Haas quit in July 2003 and became President of the Council on Foreign ... before the U.S./UK attack on Iraq: “It is a lie just as the vial with the white substance that allegedly proved that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction,Ãâà...
UConn Today
March 12, 2018
Saddam did not see himself as unbalanced, and he knew that he did not have weapons of mass destruction. And U.S.-Iraq relations had been excellent under President Reagan, Saddam recalled. The United States had tilted toward his side during the Iran-Iraq war. Things started to deteriorate only underÃâà...
Portage Daily Register
March 12, 2018
“Bring the troops home,” he said, pointing out that our involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and other Mideastern trouble spots is what's causing the ... then the invasion of Iraq, which was based on phony intelligence that told of weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist, we've poured $7 trillion down aÃâà...
March 12, 2018
He was credibly accused of manipulating US intelligence on weapons of mass destruction prior to the Iraq war and of abusive treatment of his subordinates. He once “joked” about knocking 10 stories off the UN building in New York. And now he seems poised to become President Donald Trump's nextÃâà...
March 12, 2018
You may recall when the war occurred in Iraq, there was a lot of discussion about weapons of mass destruction. There are so many Americans that believe Bush lied, and people died. You've heard that claim." London continues: "They were talking about nuclear weapons – but they overlooked the fact SyriaÃâà...
San Francisco Chronicle
March 11, 2018
Saddam did not see himself as unbalanced, and he knew that he did not have weapons of mass destruction. And U.S.-Iraq relations had been excellent under President Reagan, Saddam recalled. The United States had tilted toward his side during the Iran-Iraq war. Things started to deteriorate only underÃâà...
The Providence Journal
March 10, 2018
We questioned existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, urged United Nations inspections and diplomacy, and predicted that if the U.S. invaded Iraq without justification or provocation we would not only violate international law and set dangerous a precedent but risk catastrophic destabilization inÃâà...
Walla Walla Union-Bulletin
February 25, 2018
The International Association of Chiefs of Police supports a ban on assault weapons. So do numerous other police organizations and combat veterans. We invaded Iraq because we feared its nonexistent weapons of mass destruction. Why don't we fear our own? The National Rifle Association estimates weÃâà...
World Socialist Web Site
February 19, 2018
War against Iraq, the WSWS wrote, was not about “weapons of mass destruction.” Rather ... In the countless articles and media commentary along this vein, nowhere can one find a serious analysis of the Mueller indictment of the Russians itself, let alone an examination of the real motivations behind the USÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Iraq never had the weapons of mass destruction that the neocons used to frighten Americans into supporting the war. ... skeptical about launching new wars, so it takes a steady media bombardment about the alleged depravities of any targeted regime before public opinion begins to shift in favor of war.