updated Sat. May 11, 2024
February 9, 2018
As the leader of the Iraqi National Project, a multi-sectarian political party dedicated to a unified Iraq, I have registered my party to compete in these elections. I believe in Iraq and our future, and after having fought Al-Qaeda on the battlefield during the Anbar Awakening, when I lost 80 family members, I amÃÂ ...
History News Network (HNN)
December 11, 2017
Sadly, the almost Phoenix-like ability of the Arab Sunni jihadists to arise from the ashes of their 2007-2008 US defeat at the hands of General David Petraeus' troop surge (and Sunni Anbar Awakening) would seem to indicate that the underlying tensions that created smoldering fires of Sunni resentment canÃÂ ...
War on the Rocks
November 1, 2017
In September 2006, Abu Sittar declared the birth of the Anbar Awakening to the world. While releasing the group's manifesto, he claimed 30,000 men from 25 Sunni tribes were prepared to fight against al-Qaeda. The Re-Awakening of Al Anbar Conference quickly followed Sittar's announcement andÃÂ ...
Foreign Affairs
August 15, 2017
The U.S. military has little difficulty winning battles, but once it begins to occupy territory, it gets into trouble, no matter how benign its intentions. Both Weston and Malkasian saw this phenomenon firsthand as civilians working closely with the U.S. military in Afghanistan and Iraq. Weston details hisÃÂ ...
Foreign Affairs
June 23, 2017
This movement came to be known as the Anbar Awakening. Over the course of seven months of heavy fighting, the tribes, together with U.S. forces, overcame AQI in Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar. The awakening spread to the rest of the province and then to elsewhere in Iraq. AQI was pushed backÃÂ ...
March 10, 2017
... (PMU) in the war against the Islamic State, memories of what came after the 2006 Anbar Awakening have left many in Iraq's westernmost region wary. ... Sattar Abu Risha, was targeted and killed by al-Qaeda in 2007, his brother Ahmad Abu Risha took over the leadership of the Anbar Salvation Council.
Defense One
February 3, 2014
Only disgruntled Sunni tribes can halt Iraq's descent into another sectarian hell. By James Kitfield. To defeat al-Qaeda's most dangerous offspring and stave off another civil war, Iraq's government hopes to repeat the “Anbar Miracle.” Also known as the “Sunni Awakening,” that rebellion of the Sunni tribesÃÂ ...
Foreign Policy (blog)
January 8, 2014
Academic Program – FP Premium ÷ FP Archive ÷ Buy Back Issues ÷ Privacy Policy ÷ Contact Us. Powered by WordPress.com VIP ÷ Subscribe to FP Premium for Just 99 Cents!Subscribe ÷ Sign In. Argument: A New Anbar Awakening A New Anbar Awakening... SHARE: Share on Facebook Share on Twitterà...
Christian Science Monitor
May 2, 2007
Sheikh Abu Risha is the force behind the so-called Al Anbar Salvation Council of tribes against Al Qaeda, which is now strongly backed by both the US military and Iraqi government, and it includes 17 tribes. It was Abu Risha who boasted on state TV Tuesday that his kinsmen killed the Al Qaeda in IraqÃÂ ...
December 31, 1999
One of my last actions was to go out to Ramadi to see the governor and then to take a walk with Ahmed Abu Risha, the then-head of the Awakening [Anbar Awakening Council]. Even my security guy said, “Why not?” So it had calmed stuff to that extent, meaning what we're looking at today was not inevitableÃÂ ...
Iraqi News
December 31, 1999
Anbar (Iraqinews.com) – Head of Anbar Salvation Council Sheikh Humaid al-Hayes has uncovered a desire by Islamic State (IS) members to run for the upcoming parliamentary election, slated for May. Speaking to Sputnik news agency, Hayes said, “Six to eight loyalists and former members of the IslamicÃÂ ...
Belleville News-Democrat
October 13, 2017
The fighting in Ar-Ramadi swelled, and came to be known as the Anbar Awakening, as an alliance of tribes came together to fight Al-Qaeda ...
Washington Examiner
October 3, 2017
Book discussion on “Illusions of Victory: The Anbar Awakening and the Rise of the Islamic State” with author Carter Malkasian. csis.org.
September 22, 2017
... with a troop surge in 2007 that, with the assistance of Sunni Arab tribes in the Anbar Awakening, turned the tide against radical violence.
Foreign Affairs
August 15, 2017
The Mirror Test: America at War in Iraq and Afghanistan; Illusions of Victory: The Anbar Awakening and the Rise of the Islamic State; War and ...
Foreign Affairs
June 23, 2017
This movement came to be known as the Anbar Awakening. Over the course of seven months of heavy fighting, the tribes, together with U.S. ...
March 10, 2017
... Anbar Awakening have left many in Iraq's westernmost region wary. ... Abu Risha took over the leadership of the Anbar Salvation Council.
Defense One
February 3, 2014
Only disgruntled Sunni tribes can halt Iraq's descent into another sectarian hell. By James Kitfield. To defeat al-Qaeda's most dangerous ...
Foreign Policy (blog)
January 8, 2014
A New Anbar Awakening. Do tribal warriors in Fallujah and Ramadi have what it takes to rout al Qaeda? By Jane Arraf. | January 8, 2014, 9:15Â ...
August 25, 2017
He was later a commander of the Anbar Awakening in Rutba, where he lived for an extended period, but also did not attend a military academy.
Washington Examiner
August 3, 2017
Along with the Anbar-awakening, that surge dramatically reduced the violence. It also created space for political coalescence in Baghdad,ÃÂ ...
Sand Hills Express
July 28, 2017
... provinces, he was a key military player in what became known as the Anbar Awakening, which temporarily reduced sectarian violence.
The Diplomat
July 28, 2017
... on the Anbar Awakening and the Sons of Soil movement. These dejected groups later joined ISIS and transformed it into a force majeure.
July 28, 2017
... provinces, he was a key military player in what became known as the Anbar Awakening, which temporarily reduced sectarian violence.
Foreign Affairs
June 23, 2017
This movement came to be known as the Anbar Awakening. Over the course of seven months of heavy fighting, the tribes, together with U.S.ÃÂ ...
March 10, 2017
... Anbar Awakening have left many in Iraq's westernmost region wary. ... Abu Risha took over the leadership of the Anbar Salvation Council.
March 9, 2017
... Anbar Awakening have left many in Iraq's westernmost region wary. ... Abu Risha took over the leadership of the Anbar Salvation Council.
Defense One
February 3, 2014
Only disgruntled Sunni tribes can halt Iraq's descent into another sectarian hell. By James Kitfield. To defeat al-Qaeda's most dangerousÃÂ ...
Foreign Policy (blog)
January 8, 2014
A New Anbar Awakening. Do tribal warriors in Fallujah and Ramadi have what it takes to rout al Qaeda? By Jane ArrafJane Arraf has coveredÃÂ ...
Christian Science Monitor
May 2, 2007
Sheikh Abu Risha is the force behind the so-called Al Anbar Salvation Council of tribes against Al Qaeda, which is now strongly backed by bothÃÂ ...
Foreign Affairs
December 31, 1999
The Mirror Test: America at War in Iraq and Afghanistan; Illusions of Victory: The Anbar Awakening and the Rise of the Islamic State; War andÃÂ ...
March 9, 2017
ERBIL, Iraq - Though Sunni tribal fighters work alongside the Shiite-dominant Population Mobilization Units (PMU) in the war against the Islamic State, memories of what came after the 2006 Anbar Awakening have left many in Iraq's westernmost region ...
The Federalist
February 17, 2017
As the surge began to gain momentum, many Sunni tribes decided to ally with the United States against al-Qaeda, in what was called the "Anbar Awakening." This alliance was crucial to crushing al-Qaeda's power and influence in Iraq. The Sunni populationÃÂ ...
February 16, 2017
When announcing the Anbar Awakening, Sheikh Sattar told the Americans that as long as the U.S. brigade helped locals become card-carrying security forces and be permitted to work in their areas, the U.S.
January 12, 2017
He is a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy Reserves, completed his Ph.D. in Political Science in 2012, and is the co-author with BGen William F. Mullen III of Fallujah Redux: The Anbar Awakening and the Struggle with al-Qaeda. His next book is ...
December 12, 2016
During his deployment in 2008 to Iraq's Anbar and western Nineveh provinces, he was a key military player in what became known as the Anbar Awakening, which temporarily reduced sectarian violence. Kelly commanded Marine Forces Reserves andÃÂ ...
ABC News
December 8, 2016
During his deployment in 2008 to Iraq's Anbar and western Nineveh provinces, he was a key military player in what became known as the Anbar Awakening, which temporarily reduced sectarian violence. Kelly commanded Marine Forces Reserves andÃÂ ...
December 5, 2016
He shared his experiences as a tribal/political engagement officer in 2007 Fallujah, Iraq, as detailed in his book, "Fallujah Redux: The Anbar Awakening and the Struggle with Al-Qaeda" which he co-authored with Brig. Gen. William F. Mullen, IIII USMC.
December 2, 2016
"A very major part of the Anbar Awakening was not war, it was economics," Woolsey said. "They did a great deal to get the local Sunnis back into a world of being able to be employed and making money.
Daily Nation (blog)
November 3, 2016
The group has become notorious for its cold and clinical nature, including mass killings, abductions and beheadings. IS, though, has attracted support elsewhere in the Muslim world.
October 12, 2016
Americans troops were deployed and helped support the Anbar Awakening, the rise of Sunni Arabs in the Anbar province of Iraq.
October 6, 2016
Embed coalition advisors and trainers for control and transparency. The successful Anbar Awakening model is appropriate. 3. Use the thousands of police who previously served in Mosul as the cadre and leadership of the force to secure the rear areas ...
New York Times
September 26, 2016
From 2006 to 2008, Sunni Arabs fought and defeated Al Qaeda in Iraq in a movement, spearheaded by local tribal leaders and working in coordination with American forces, known as the Anbar Awakening. The Awakening became so central to stabilizingÃÂ ...
Socialist Alternative
September 4, 2016
Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) was also declared finished following the "Anbar awakening" movement in 2007, when Sunni Arab tribes armed by the US army joined forces with the occupier to quell AQI in the Western Anbar Province.
Gazette Review
August 12, 2016
These holds on territory would soon be lost to a gathering of 30 Sunni Arab tribes who found the strict dogmatism of the group too much to bear.
Ya Libnan
August 2, 2016
"We're seeing a replay of what happened during the Anbar Awakening," Tollast says. "ISIS brutality has forced a lot of Anbar's Sunnis into an alliance with Hashd, just as, back in 2006, Al Qaeda's brutality forced the Sunnis into the arms of the Americans.
August 1, 2016
"We're seeing a replay of what happened during the Anbar Awakening," Tollast says. "ISIS brutality has forced a lot of Anbar's Sunnis into an alliance with Hashd, just as, back in 2006, Al Qaeda's brutality forced the Sunnis into the arms of the Americans.
Asharq Al-awsat English
July 31, 2016
The Anbar Salvation Council had reported a whole series of violations and sectarian-fueled assaults, such as the deliberate arson of mosques and civilian homes and the break-in during the Fallujah-liberation offensive, most of which were staged by PMFÃÂ ...
Asharq Al-awsat English
July 20, 2016
Vice President to the Anbar Salvation Council and head of the governorate security committee Faleh al-Issawi had told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that eye witnesses informed the council of several crimes and violations PMF militants staged against aÃÂ ...
July 17, 2016
At one point he evoked one of the darkest chapters in the Islamic State";s history, when the group - then known as the Islamic State of Iraq - was all but destroyed in 2008 by a combination of forces, including the US troop surge and the 'Anbar ...