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updated Sat. August 24, 2024

Afterwards, CPA Order 39 nullified the Commercial Agency Law. However, this order was revoked by the Investment Law 13/2006. Despite the pattern of boom and bust experienced with regard to commercial agencies, the Commercial Agency Law continues to apply in Iraq and the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.

In August the decomposing bodies of 71 migrants were found in an abandoned truck in Austria. In the most complete account to date, we tell the story of one of the victims, Saeed Othman Mohammed, and how he came to die. Saeed Othman Mohammed, who left Iraq for Europe seeking treatment for his ...
... who headed the Coalition Provisional Authority, through 100 separate Orders which suspended all tariffs and import fees (Order 12); immunized foreign contractors (Order 17); calls for the sale of 200 state owned enterprises through 40-year ownership licenses (Order 39); allowed foreign corporations to ...
At the end of March, building on his Order 39 of last September, Bremer passed yet another law further opening up Iraq's economy to foreign ... The CPA has also confirmed that after June 30, the $18.4bn that the US government is spending on reconstruction will be administered by its embassy in Iraq.
Afterwards, CPA Order 39 nullified the Commercial Agency Law. However, this order was revoked by the Investment Law 13/2006.
Afterwards, CPA Order 39 nullified the Commercial Agency Law. However, this order was revoked by the Investment Law 13/2006.


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CPA orders: