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updated Fri. July 12, 2024

As per the standard procedure followed by state's own recruitment agencies, J&K service selection board and Public Service Commission only 20 marks are to ... Meanwhile a separate selection list issued by social welfare department's for the posts of Health and Nutrition Mobilizes has triggered massive ...
Social Justice Day was a day before Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba delivered the budget speech this week. It was the launch of our country's Social Justice M-Plan by social partners including the Thuma Foundation, Khulisa Social Solutions, Constitution Hill and Stellenbosch University. The budget came ...

GroundUp contacted the Zimbabwe Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare. An employee who refused to give a name, said, “We have a new minister. She heard the story for the first time on 19 February when GroundUp spoke to her aide. Unfortunately, she travelled to Swaziland in the ...
ONE OF THE top officials in the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) faced a barrage of questions regarding the Public Services ... Regarding the legal basis for the card and its expansion to services other than its initial welfare remit (the latest of which is its requirement when ...
Later this year, people will need a PSC to get a drivers licence or passport, as well as social welfare payments. Solicitor Simon McGarr from Data Compliance Europe says the state could be liable for a big payout. "If it is the case that the Public Services Card's database, the single customer view database, ...
While the Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform cites economic benefits to the PSC, including the prevention of welfare fraud, the Office of ... Indeed, the PSC has now been made the only acceptable form of identity verification for services including social welfare payments, child benefit, ...

GOVERNMENT will this week release a framework on how the payment of civil servants' 2017 bonuses will be staggered. The Government in December last year assured civil servants that they will be paid their 2017 bonuses, with $176 million set aside for their 13th cheques and other national ...
The civil service used to be under the ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, which has since been reconfigured to the ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. Government pronounced on Monday that it will announce the dates shortly. Secretary for Finance and Economic Planning ministry ...
The civil service used to be under the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, which has since been reconfigured to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, with the civil service now falling under the OPC. Minister Chinamasa last year, assured civil servants that they would be paid their ...
Ms. Smita Nagaraj took the oath of office and secrecy as Member, Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), here today. ... She served as Executive Director of the Central Social Welfare Board, Director in the Department of Personnel & Training, Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Defence and prior to her ...
In June 1941, Beveridge, then working on wartime manpower requirements for the Ministry of Labour, was asked to head up a committee of inquiry to undertake a survey of the existing national schemes of social insurance and allied services and “to make recommendations”. Many in Churchill's wartime ...
The Minister of State with Responsibility for the Defence Forces Paul Kehoe has said that the Public Service Pay Commission is assessing pay levels for the public service including members of the Defence Forces. PDFORRA has said that poor pay and working conditions has led to almost 4,000 enlisted ...
July Moyo, a top Mnangagwa ally in the ruling Zanu PF party, was appointed local government, public works and national housing minister, while Supa Mandiwanzira retained the information communication technology ministry, but with cyber security added to it. The labour and social welfare ministry went ...
He is now the Minister of Information Communication Technology and Cyber Security. Former National University of Science and Technology (NUST) pro-vice chancellor Professor Clever Nyathi is the new Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, and Dr Joram Gumbo remains Transport and Infrastructural ...
Even the uninspiring title of “Social Insurance and Allied Services” could not prevent William Beveridge's highly technical, often turgid 300-page report from becoming an instant best-seller. ... In the UK Prime Minister Attlee created the welfare state - using the Beveridge Report as the catalyst for doing so.
The Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) has introduced the Community Kin Service pilot project where social workers with voluntary welfare organisations (VWOs) may apply to the Family Justice Courts for powers to manage the finances of seniors under their care. The courts will then ...
At least four ministers, including Mugabe's nephew, Patrick Zhuwao, the former minister of public service, labour and social welfare, have fled the country. An army spokesperson, Colonel Overson Mugwisi, said some government officials are still in military custody, but said details of their detention will be ...

Social-welfare increases and the restoration of public-service pension payments are set to be delayed as well. ... The chairwoman of the Oireachtas committee on abortion, Senator Catherine Noone, said that if Minister for Health Simon Harris did not have legislation ready by mid-February “there's no way ...
Earlier, Children's Minister and unaligned Independent TD ... claims that section 263 of the 2005 Social Welfare Act allows the card to be ...
The Irish Government's Public Services Card is a data protection controversy that ... stripe to enable social welfare payments to be collected at post offices. ... to the Department of Social Protection and in a number of other fora, ...
It's not clear if the Department of Social Protection ever legislated or ... card for public services, and the other, a payment card, for social welfare.
Social welfare Bill promotes use of public services card as ID ... of advising Revenue and the Department of Social Protection of tax deductions ...
The Department of Social Protection has been told by the State's data ... to outline how social welfare legislation provides a “robust legal basis” for the ... The card scheme, and associated data sharing in the public sector, have ...
A group of academics specialising in privacy and data protection law ... in receipt of social welfare payments to register for the public services ...
He said his reading of section 247c of the Social Welfare Consolidation Act ... It has no purpose in relation to the public services card,” he said. ... The department later said it “does not and has no plans to collect fingerprints”.
No 'lawful basis' for compulsory public services card, expert says ... designed for the purpose of safely, securely and efficiently providing public services. ... The department has said sections of the Social Welfare Consolidation ...


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