updated Thu. June 13, 2024
March 4, 2018
Polish soldiers and their allies in countries where the Poles have been deployed, namely in Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Latvia, Romania, Afghanistan and Iraq, are also set to run to commemorate Poland's so-called Cursed Soldiers. In Warsaw alone, some 3,000 people took part in five- and ten-kilometreÃâà...
Center for Research on Globalization
February 20, 2018
The US cuts its forces in Iraq moving them to Afghanistan, where the situation is getting worse, and NATO is right here to fill the gap under the pretext of training and increased military aid. With military presence, which goes hand in hand with training missions, the alliance is on its way to prevent Iraq fromÃâà...
February 15, 2018
Part of a broader international effort to help rebuild Iraq as combat operations wind down, the NATO military alliance will train Iraqi soldiers as they clear unexploded remnants of war left behind by Daesh, but will not provide troops for combat. “We will go to a consistent mission in Iraq,” US Secretary ofÃâà...
News at UNG
February 14, 2018
Having served in the Polish army for 28 years, Smal is an expert in the fields of logistics and transportation systems in military and emergency operations and is the author or co-author of more than 180 scientific articles. Previously, he took part in Operation Iraqi Freedom and was a visiting scholar at theÃâà...
Business Insider
February 8, 2018
US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis sent a letter to NATO headquarters in January calling for a formal NATO mission to Iraq with a semi-permanent or permanent command to train Iraqi forces, according to five senior NATO diplomats. After a three-year war with Islamic State, Washington wants to ensure theÃâà...