updated Sat. October 5, 2024
March 29, 2018
(ANSA) - Rome, March 29 - President Sergio Mattarella's government-formation consultations will start at 10:30 on April 4 with Senate Speaker Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, sources said Thursday. They will continue with Lower House Speaker Roberto Fico, and former president Giorgio Napolitano, theÃâà...
The Guardian
March 6, 2018
The previous longtime Italian president, Giorgio Napolitano, was known – sometimes controversially – for playing kingmaker, and creating coalitions, such as one between the PD and Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia that seemed designed to keep populist parties such as the M5S at bay. In Brussels, theÃâà...
TRT World
December 31, 1999
Former Italy's President Giorgio Napolitano (R) congratulates Forza Italia (Go Italy) senator Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati after she was elected Senate President during the second session at the Senate in Rome on March 24, 2018. (AFP Archive). With Italy still in political deadlock following the generalÃâà...
Radio Popolare
December 31, 1999
“Il voto ha bocciato l'auto esaltazione dei governi” ha scandito il presidente emerito mentre Renzi, in silenzio, lo ascoltava seduto sul suo nuovo scranno da senatore. Io ti ho creato, io ti distruggo, si potrebbe interpretare, visto che fu Napolitano al Quirinale a favorire l'ascesa di Renzi a Palazzo Chigi e ilÃâà...
December 31, 1999
... March 23 - Premier Paolo Gentiloni addressed the stalemate over parliamentary Speakers in Italy Friday saying "I believe that not only for what he represented but for the role he still plays we owe the utmost consideration to the words of (former president and life Senator Giorgio) Napolitano, and after thatÃâà...
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