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updated Fri. May 17, 2024

Twenty -three years ago, the then PNP Government and JLP Opposition signed off on a number of constitutional reform measures. ... The Brexit vote in the United Kingdom is another example of such a referendum and its Government is now negotiating with the European Union and preparing the ...
Yet he will now enjoy a supermajority in parliament, which will allow him to amend the constitution without cooperation from the opposition. Few believe the campaign was fair. An election monitoring team sent by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe concluded that: “a pervasive overlap ...

This is why federations like the United States and Australia, as well as aspiring federations like the European Union, have adopted robust constitutional protections against internal trade barriers. The Court on Thursday undermined one of the analogous protections found in the Canadian Constitution.
She recalled that 48 deputies, mainly from the Opposition Bloc faction, applied to the Constitutional Court on this issue, which can take a decision only after two ... On September 26, Hungary's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade announced it would block Ukraine's rapprochement with the European Union ...
Having won two-thirds of the seats in the Parliament — and with it, the ability to change the Constitution — Mr. Orban has promised to introduce a ... by Mr. Orban has alarmed many members of the European Union, but the bloc has failed to stop Hungary's drift from democracy despite threats of sanctions.
The European Union Ambassador to Libya, Bettina Muscheidt, has welcomed the new road map, which was announced by the President of the High Council of ... The Media Office added that Al-Mishri stressed during the meeting on the need to adhere to the constitutional process as a result of consensus, ...

The Kremlin aims to subvert Western democracies internally, spread anti-NATO and anti-European Union sentiment, and undermine the rules-based ... the international community (the United States even slapped sanctions on Dodik) and deemed illegal by Bosnia and Herzegovina's Constitutional Court.
Greek Opposition Won't Back Deal on Name Unless Skopje Changes Constitution ... Athens and Skopje are negotiating to settle a dispute that has kept Macedonia from joining NATO and the European Union. Greece ... "A constitutional review (by Skopje) is a necessary precondition for an accord," he said.
The creation of the European Union was not happenstance! Citizens were deceived by the European Coal and Steel Community “trade” deal. By implementing one more “trade” deal at a time, formerly free countries morphed into the EU. Remember BREXIT? Brits voted to get Out of the EU. Now Americans ...
Our regional courts, as imperfect as they may be, are subject not only to the Supreme and the Constitutional Courts but also to the European Court of Human Rights. And our political institutions are overseen by the European Union, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Venice ...
The Netherlands shot down the European Constitution in 2005 and the European Union Association Agreement with Ukraine in 2016. Denmark voted against the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, and opposed joining the euro in 2000. As the Danish polls showed in 2005 that the European Constitution would ...
It would also advance Greece's security and economic interests, while affirming its leadership in NATO and the European Union. ... has a veto over NATO decisions, which are taken by consensus, it should allow FYROM to enter NATO under its new name even if its constitution has not yet been changed.
... is responsible for overseeing constitutional law, rejected the changes, however, charging that they would threaten rule of law and separation of powers. Poland's government requested an expert assessment and then promptly ignored the findings. The European Union has repeatedly called on Poland to ...
... London have yet to solve remaining differences over a preliminary EU legal agreement. For instance, the EU proposed keeping Northern Ireland — which voted against Brexit — "part of the customs territory of the [European] Union." According to May, the proposal violated the UK "constitutional integrity.".
While the Prime Minister and others have highlighted opportunities that could come from leaving the European Union (EU), Mr Russell insisted that "there is ... If no agreement is reached between the UK and the devolved administrations he warned the "constitutional crisis simply gets worse, gets deeper".
After the Brexit vote, I wrote that there could be an impact on EU registrants based in the UK. Over the past year, the UK government has been engaged in negotiations with the EU to navigate the application of Article 50 and the UK's exit from the European Union. While there has been a lot of focus on ...
This week is turning out to be a beast of a week for Brexit. We started with a speech by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn advocating remaining in the customs union and single market for the transitional period, followed by formal negotiations in Brussels and a further speech by international trade secretary ...

Under the European arrest warrant used in the European Union, Germany is required to transfer Mr. Puigdemont to Spain within 60 days. But the warrant requires that the Spanish ... The Spanish government is fully within its rights to defend its unity and its constitution. And European states are right to give ...
June 2004 - The member countries approve the text of the EU Constitution. It is signed by all the members in October 2004. May 29, 2005 - The people of France (and its territories) vote against the European Union constitution in a referendum. (No = 54.87%/Yes = 45.13%). June 1, 2005 - The Netherlands ...
KATHMANDU: The Government of Nepal on Wednesday has drawn its attention to EU over controversial remarks made by European Union's Election ... said the recommendations and comments made by the EUEOM directly challenged the provision of the Constitution of Nepal which was promulgated in ...
... have finally arrived in the form of import tariffs that will impose higher costs on friends, like the European Union, than on adversaries such as China. ... has always been a highly politicized issue in the United States, which is the only country to have trade policy featured in the first article of its constitution.
The so-called “extra-territorial applicability” of GDPR means data must be held in or accessible from the European Union. ... is upheld in both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 8), but is not explicitly mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.
The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill is currently going through the House of Lords and Lady Hale told peers that the wording of the legislation could put the judiciary in a difficult position. Giving evidence to the Constitution Committee, she said: "The current draft we find very unhelpful because in the first ...
The final report published by the European Union Election Observation Mission has made it clear that it is against Khas-Arya quota in Nepal. This issue has already been settled under the Constitution of Nepal, and such defamatory comment only exposes European Union's real interest in Nepal. It wants to ...
May had earlier insisted that no British prime minister could agree to a pact that includes a proposition threatening “the constitutional integrity of the UK by creating a customs and regulatory border down the Irish Sea”. Britain's Brexit Secretary David Davis said both the UK and the European Union were ...
Even assuming that the constitutional obstacles could be overcome, it is difficult to see how any serious move against the euro or its associated constraints could be made without provoking reactions in the financial markets so severe as to make it impossible to service the public debt. But there is equally ...
The European Union's constitutional Treaty of Lisbon, signed in 2007, stipulated a maximum and minimum number of seats for each member state—96 and six, respectively—and also imposed a ceiling on the total number, 751. But how to assign seats to individual countries within those limits is up to the ...
The European Union (E.U.) must start being tough with the Ethiopian regime especially given the current political climate, a Member of the European ... it should be as limited in time as possible and respectful of human rights and fundamental freedoms, notably those enshrined in the Ethiopian Constitution.
Jacob Rees-Mogg has accused Ireland and the European Union of risking a “no deal” Brexit with their “absurd” suggestion that Northern Ireland should be ... Theresa May has already rejected the EU's demand, arguing it would threaten the constitutional and territorial integrity of the UK by keeping Northern ...
Brexit: All you need to know about Britain's divorce with European Union. Here's an ... She said Britain would never allow the EU to “undermine” its constitutional integrity, and all eyes will be on her Friday speech when she unveils her own plans to avoid both this and a hard border on the island. Post-Brexit ...
Britain chose to join the European Union by referendum and now it has chosen to leave. This is ... Brexit is a constitutional decision. ... UK politicians often express pride in our unwritten constitution - the organic compromise between monarchy and democracy, the peculiar and uneven unity, of our four very ...
OPINION: Unlike most democracies we like to compare ourselves with - Australia, Canada, the European Union (with notable exception of the UK) and the US - New Zealand doesn't have a constitution to protect fundamental human rights and spell out clearly the limits on governmental powers. That such is ...
Governments in Wales and Scotland appear to be heading towards a possible constitutional clash with the UK given the messy departure debate from the European Union. On Tuesday (27 February), the two governments issued emergency measures or so-called "continuity bills" that would broadly prevent ...
BRUSSELS -- Concerned that time is fast running out, the European Union moved Wednesday to force Britain's hand in Brexit negotiations by ... British Prime Minister Theresa May immediately branded part of the 120-page document unacceptable and a likely threat to her country's constitutional order.
Today in Brussels, the European Union published its draft of how Brexit should work out, and it's not quite what politicians in London say they had envisioned. The biggest issue is shaping up to be the U.K.-Irish border. There are questions about trade and movement of people across that border after the ...
Athens want Skopje to change its constitution to rid it of any references that could lead to irredentist claims to the province of Macedonia in northern Greece. ... Skopje wants a solution so that it can pave the way for accession talks with the European Union and begin the process for NATO membership.
Prime Minister Theresa May warned on Wednesday that Britain would never allow the EU to “undermine” its constitutional integrity, as she rejected a draft divorce treaty unveiled by the bloc's chief negotiator Michel Barnier. “The draft legal text will, if implemented, undermine the UK common market and ...
The European Commission has today published the draft Withdrawal Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom. ... UK by October 2018 to allow for the timely ratification by the European Parliament, the Council (Article 50) and the UK, according to its own constitutional requirements.
Privacy is enshrined as a fundamental right in Europe. Both the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union recognize a "right to the protection of personal data." The U.S. Constitution contains no such corresponding right. The concept of ...
Zaev said FYROM amended its constitution in 1993 “because of the feelings of our Greek friends,” adding that any agreement will be “for international use… ... We believe that it must be a solution which will endure over time and be fair,” Kotzias said after a meeting of European Union foreign ministers in ...
Whatever the ECB asked for has been done except changing the Constitution. "The European Union asked for these changes seven years ago and seven years later we see what they produced: a disaster, a desert in the Italian economy. This agenda is wrong because it keeps the State from having those ...
It is important that all actors respect the Kenyan constitution and the rule of law. It also means the respect of freedoms of assembly, media and speech and implies lifting any ban on media operating within the law/EU. By SIMON NDONGA, NAIROBI, Kenya, Feb 2 – The European Union and the US have ...
Our political order – parliament, the political parties whose representatives currently make up its sitting membership, and the executive drawn from the tenuous coalition supporting it – is faced with a momentous challenge. This challenge is not that of exiting the European Union and coping with the shock to ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina's constitution remains in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights, as per the Sejdić-Finci and related cases. ... some progress and remained at an early stage in achieving the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the European Union.
His ambitious plans for reforms to the European Union and the eurozone have been confronted with German hesitation and new anxieties over the stability of Italy, which is still to form a government after elections that favored populist parties. But Mr. Macron was clearly offering more Europe anyway.
Still, Hungary is a member of the European Union and deeply reliant on the funds the bloc provides, especially for projects like building roads, bridges and other critical infrastructure. As Mr. Orban systematically co-opted the tools of the state — from the courts to the schools to the electoral system itself ...
Argentina's constitution, for instance, states that "environmental damage shall bring about the obligation to repair." In the Nepal charter, a victim of environmental damage is enitled to compensation as part of fundamental rights and duties. The European Union and 6 states in the United States have ...
Over the decades, the European Union's leaps forward have been the results of inter-governmental compromise and technocratic decision-making, which often disregarded popular calls for a different integration model (such as the 2005 French “no” to the European Constitution), and molded a union that ...
The PM said the European Union should not underestimate Nepal's social harmony, constitutional provisions and achievements. EUEOM unveiled its final report on the House of Representatives and Provincial Assembly elections on March 20. “The government has asked the EU to correct its report, but it ...
The Treaty of Lisbon amends the Treaty on European Union to explicitly recognize for the first time the member states' right to withdraw from the union. (Article 50, amended TEU)- Any member state may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.- A member ...



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