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updated Tue. September 24, 2024

Madsen also referred to the CIA's Operation Midnight Climax, which Agency documents confirm involved hiring prostitutes to 'lure' unsuspecting citizens to CIA safe houses where they were experimented on with LSD. Madsen commented, "This operation included several contractors, including the Stanford ...

One project under MK-Ultra, Operation Midnight Climax, agents hired prostitutes to bait men to CIA “safe houses” where the CIA secretly spiked the men's drinks with LSD, watched how the drugs would affect the men's behavior through a two-way mirror and eavesdropped with recording devices masked as ...
The Reagan administration and the CIA also collaborated with Nicaraguan cocaine traffickers to support the Contras led to the “crack” epidemic of the 1980's. .... For a long time, many people have believed that African-Americans were targeted by the Central Intelligence Agency to receive the cocaine which ...
Wormwood is his new documentary miniseries on Netflix that—on its surface—is about LSD, the CIA, and the clandestine MKUltra project. ... the creators would give over several hours to describing the nightmarish Project Artichoke and Operation Midnight Climax, where brothel goers were dosed with LSD ...
When the United States first launched the “War on Drugs” nearly five decades ago, not even the cleverest conspiracy theorists could have imagined the far-reaching consequences the campaign would have around the world. From the CIA allowing drug traffickers to flourish in exchange for their assistance ...
Midnight Climax. The name is taken from “Operation Midnight Climax” which was a CIA mind control operation where they used prostitutes to give LSD to unconsenting individuals at CIA safe houses. The theme of the song is based on my interpretation of what it would've been like.
Yet from 1955 to 1965, this building was the site of “Operation Midnight Climax” — a top-secret mind-control program in which CIA agents used hookers to lure unsuspecting johns from North Beach bars to what they called “the pad,” then dosed the men with LSD and observed the X-rated goings-on through ...
In a must-read feature on newly unclassified material on the Central Intelligence Agency's covert operation, the MK-ULTRA program, which ran from 1953 to 1964, SF Weekly fully exposes the bizarre world of the CIA's unethical drug tests. The utterly-unbelievable-but-true story involved using hookers to ...
It's been over 50 years, but Wayne Ritchie says he can still remember how it felt to be dosed with acid. He was drinking bourbon and soda with other federal officers at a holiday party in 1957 at the U.S. Post Office Building on Seventh and Mission streets. They were cracking jokes and swapping stories ...


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CIA operations:
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