cross-referenced news and research resources about
CIA's Operation Condor
Plan Condor
Some history on Plan Condor (aka Operation Condor) can be found in articles in CounterPunch, Scoop, andDissidentVoice.
The United States' determination to destroy opposition to its domination in Latin America stemmed from its defeat in Vietnam. The 1972 team in Paris helping Henry Kissinger negotiate with the Vietnamese included current US ambassador to the UN John Negroponte and Vernon Walters, later a key adviser to Ronald Reagan, then Army Attache at the U.S. Embassy in Paris. In those days George Bush Sr. was ambassador to the UN.
By 1975, Bush Sr. was head of the CIA and working together with Kissinger and Vernon Walters to develop Plan Condor--a coordinated operation against opposition movements throughout Latin America.[4] Plan Condor involved using illegal covert means such as the assassination team coordinated between the Chilean DIN security service and Miami Cuban terrorists like Orlando Bosch, Guillermo Novo and Luis Posada Carriles.[5] It also meant supporting brutal government policies of mass repression in countries throughout South America. Plan Condor was an ambitious and successful attempt to coordinate that repression.
The same team helped set up in 1975 the Committee on the Present Danger, in which Paul Dundes Wolfowitz was a leading figure.
5.Hernando Calvo Ospina, "Pinochet, la CIA y los terroristas cubanos", 23 de agosto del 2003,
Plan Condor--alive and well
The progression from Chile, Argentina and Uruguay through Central America to present day Venezuela and Colombia is clear. The same actors appear time after time. Elliott Abrams, John Negroponte, Colin L. Powell, Richard Armitage, John Maisto Roger Noriega and Otto Reich all move between comfortable jobs in US government and the corporate plutocracy that dictates US government policy.
The United States and the European Union are in Latin America for the same reasons as the Spanish, Portuguese, British, French and Dutch colonialists before them--natural resources and cheap labour, compounded these days by neo-colonial extraction of forcibly contrived "debt". The methods are privatisation, dismantling of domestic agricultural economies, and open markets imposed by the IMF and World Bank through local clients to favour multinational corporations like BP-Amoco, Monsanto, Cargill and other all too familiar names.
updated Tue. August 27, 2024
New York Times
October 14, 2017
... bear the names of the intelligence chiefs of Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile who attended Operation Condor's first meeting.
teleSUR English
June 15, 2017
Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet (L) greets U.S Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (R) in 1976 as Operation Condor was in full swing. | Photo:Â ...
ChicagoNow (blog)
May 30, 2017
I'd come to see the show on the ground floor “Operation Condor”. Upstairs was a historical exhibit tracing the development and creation of the ...
teleSUR English
March 16, 2017
An Argentine federal court on Wednesday sentenced former military dictator Reynaldo Bignone to life imprisonment for his role in kidnapping, ...
teleSUR English
March 14, 2017
U.S. plans to collect intelligence on “enemies” using EMARSS resemble techniques used during Operation Condor, a Cold War-era campaign ...
BBC News
January 17, 2017
One of the Italian prosecutors, Tiziana Cugini, told the Reuters news agency the trial had thrown a clear light on Operation Condor, which he ...
teleSUR English
December 16, 2016
Nazis Trained and Supported Chile's Operation Condor Activities .... The report quotes Contreras as saying Plan Condor agents operated ...
teleSUR English
December 13, 2016
The administration of Barack Obama released Monday a declassified intelligence reports on Operation Condor, the 1970s covert efforts to rid ...
BBC News
May 27, 2016
Former Argentine junta leader Reynaldo Bignone has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for crimes committed under Operation Condor - a ...
Havana Times
September 29, 2017
They orchestrated Operation Condor, which helped dictators to capture, make disappear (murder) tens of thousands of people. In UruguayÃÂ ...
The Inquisitr
September 10, 2017
While Operation Condor linked Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia's military dictatorships together, it was in Chile that the U.S. took theÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
August 30, 2017
Protesters alluded to the thousands of names of deceased people on a list of more than 300,000 signatures calling for the right-wing president'sÃÂ ...
August 10, 2017
Thousands of declassified CIA documents under Bill Clinton revealed that the CIA constructed and supported “Operation Condor” to overthrowÃÂ ...
New York Times
August 7, 2017
They died during Operation Condor, a campaign of political terrorism carried out by right-wing dictatorships in South America with the technicalÃÂ ...
July 28, 2017
... Bignone, and other former military officers were sentenced [JURIST report] to prison for their roles in Operation Condor in the 1970s.
teleSUR English
June 15, 2017
Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet (L) greets U.S Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (R) in 1976 as Operation Condor was in full swing. | Photo:ÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
June 15, 2017
Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet (L) greets U.S Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (R) in 1976 as Operation Condor was in full swing. | Photo:ÃÂ ...
ChicagoNow (blog)
May 30, 2017
I'd come to see the show on the ground floor “Operation Condor”. Upstairs was a historical exhibit tracing the development and creation of theÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
May 10, 2017
Protests were held in response to the "two for one" ruling, which reduces the sentence of prisoners convicted for dictatorship-era crimes.
teleSUR English
March 16, 2017
An Argentine federal court on Wednesday sentenced former military dictator Reynaldo Bignone to life imprisonment for his role in kidnapping,ÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
March 16, 2017
An Argentine federal court on Wednesday sentenced former military dictator Reynaldo Bignone to life imprisonment for his role in kidnapping,ÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
March 14, 2017
U.S. plans to collect intelligence on “enemies” using EMARSS resemble techniques used during Operation Condor, a Cold War-era campaignÃÂ ...
BBC News
January 17, 2017
One of the Italian prosecutors, Tiziana Cugini, told the Reuters news agency the trial had thrown a clear light on Operation Condor, which heÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
December 16, 2016
Nazis Trained and Supported Chile's Operation Condor Activities .... The report quotes Contreras as saying Plan Condor agents operatedÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
December 16, 2016
Nazis Trained and Supported Chile's Operation Condor Activities .... The report quotes Contreras as saying Plan Condor agents operatedÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
December 15, 2016
The latest release of previously classified documents on Operation Condor reveals that the United States characterized Latin America as aÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
December 13, 2016
The administration of Barack Obama released Monday a declassified intelligence reports on Operation Condor, the 1970s covert efforts to ridÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
December 13, 2016
According to the National Security Archive more files will be released as they are declassified even after Obama leaves office.
BBC News
May 27, 2016
Former Argentine junta leader Reynaldo Bignone has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for crimes committed under Operation Condor - aÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
March 26, 2017
It was after first being tortured in the safe house in Costa Rica, and then by the Ecuadorean military, that Cardenas speculated that the torture tactics she endured were the same used under Operation Condor - the covert but coordinated U.S.-backed ...
AMN Al-Masdar News (registration)
March 25, 2017
Plan Condor was a US-run anti-Soviet program in South America that saw political repression and state terror by the right-wing dictatorships.
teleSUR English
March 24, 2017
The Dirty War in Argentina was part of Operation Condor, a Cold War-era campaign where the U.S. backed right-wing military dictatorships and helped quash socialist movements.
Nepali times (blog)
March 22, 2017
Marjolaine Hohberger: Unfortunately Latin America has this experience it was the army and the Plan Condor killing/ disappearing the ' left', mostly students' movement and campesinos or farmers, Mexico same and to be a journalist is some kind of suicide.
Havana Times
March 22, 2017
It didn't condemn Salvador Allende's death, or the deaths of thousands of South Americans as a result of Operation Condor. Nor did it condemn the invasion of Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1989. Finally, so as not to make this post too long, the OASÃÂ ...
teleSUR English
March 16, 2017
The Dirty War was Argentina's offshoot of Operation Condor, a Cold War-era campaign of violence across Latin America. Through the campaign, which resulted in tens of thousands of activist deaths, the U.S.
Nepali times (blog)
March 15, 2017
Marjolaine Hohberger: Unfortunately Latin America has this experience it was the army and the Plan Condor killing/ disappearing the ' left', mostly students' movement and campesinos or farmers, Mexico same and to be a journalist is some kind of suicide.
teleSUR English
March 14, 2017
In 2015, migrants and refugees seeking asylum in Europe reached the record number of 1.8 million. | Photo: AFP. Previous; Next. Published 14 March 2017.
teleSUR English
March 14, 2017
U.S. plans to collect intelligence on "enemies" using EMARSS resemble techniques used during Operation Condor, a Cold War-era campaign of violence across Latin America.
Indiana Daily Student
March 5, 2017
All of this is occurring amidst what my home stay sister calls a "new Operation Condor." For those unfamiliar with Operation Condor, it was the installing of national security dictatorships across Latin America in the 60s and 70s. To crush dissent and ...
Buenos Aires Herald
March 3, 2017
Of the few victories that human rights organisations and victims have had in the past year, a ruling made in January by an Italian court investigating the infamous Operation Condor campaign has drawn the most attention. The Italian judicial authoritiesÃÂ ...
Nepali times (blog)
March 1, 2017
Marjolaine Hohberger: Unfortunately Latin America has this experience it was the army and the Plan Condor killing/ disappearing the ' left', mostly students' movement and campesinos or farmers, Mexico same and to be a journalist is some kind of suicide.
Flickering Myth (blog)
March 1, 2017
I saw Rumble in the Bronx and Operation Condor in a theater. I guess that was around early high school. I really loved it. Nothing really was happening during that time period, and come 2000 or so, I called up my friend who was also a Hong Kong movie ...
teleSUR English
February 27, 2017
Agosto Pinochet staged a coup against Chilean President Salvador Allende with the support of the U.S. as part of Plan Condor. | Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Previous; Next. Published 27 February 2017. 0. Comments. AddThis Sharing Buttons. Share toÃÂ ... News Portal
February 11, 2017
Dalam satu perjanjian yang diberi nama Plan Condor, penguasa di Argentina, Cile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brasil, serta Bolivia saling bertukar informasi tentang orang-orang yang dicari dan diburu untuk dibunuh.
TRT World
February 4, 2017
Other documents dated 1978 confirm US knowledge of Argentina's torture and forced disappearance of political prisoners as part of Operation Condor. A document from the US Department of State refers to "a human rights source contact in the medicalÃÂ ...
World Socialist Web Site
January 31, 2017
These 23 victims were among the tens of thousands of opponents of Latin America's fascist-military regimes who were murdered, tortured and illegally imprisoned under a US-backed campaign of repression known as Operation Condor in the 1970s andÃÂ ...
Tuscia Web
January 29, 2017
Gli imputati avrebbero anche implementato il famigerato Plan Condor, un sistema di intelligence tra organismi politici, militari, di polizia o di informazione, che consentiva ai servizi segreti dei paesi aderenti "operazioni" anche fuori dai confini ...
January 27, 2017
Indeed, throughout the rest of the twentieth century, the US was a collaborator in Operation Condor, a plan of mutual cooperation among the authoritarian regimes of Latin America.
Miami New Times
January 26, 2017
One of those redacted reports details plans for a base to support activities related to Operation Condor, the codename for an "international consortium" of South American intelligence agencies founded in 1976 and secretly backed by the U.S.
WhoWhatWhy / RealNewsProject (blog)
January 25, 2017
This bloody "success" would inspire the like-minded dictators in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile to extend their internal "dirty wars" against subversion up and down the hemisphere, the talons of Operation Condor reaching out to assassinate and ...
news and opinion
plan condor
CIA operations:
plan condor