updated Sat. October 5, 2024
Broadway World
March 8, 2018
Joining his team on high-risk missions around the globe is maverick former CIA agent Jack Dalton; Riley Davis, an unpredictable computer hacker with a ... MACGYVER takes on the responsibility of saving the world, armed to the teeth with resourcefulness and little more than bubble gum and a paper clip. 0Ãâà...
San Francisco Bay View
February 21, 2018
Now let's talk more about the subliminal messaging and the history of Disney. Walt Disney, who founded the company with his brother Roy, was a Nazi sympathizer, who is most famous in U.S. military history for participating in Project Paperclip, which was a CIA program that brought over 1,500 Nazi mindÃâà...
Broadway World
February 14, 2018
Joining his team on high-risk missions around the globe is maverick former CIA agent Jack Dalton; Riley Davis, an unpredictable computer hacker with a ... MACGYVER takes on the responsibility of saving the world, armed to the teeth with resourcefulness and little more than bubble gum and a paper clip. 0Ãâà...
Center for Research on Globalization
September 22, 2017
2 – Operation Paperclip — In one of the more bizarre CIA plots, the agency and other government departments employed Nazi scientists both within and .... as “more than 400 American journalists who in the past twenty‑five years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency.”.
Sputnik International
September 20, 2017
In theory, the CIA has a relatively modest purview — to gather, process, and analyze national security information from around the world. However, over the course of its seven-decade-long existence, the agency's brief has frequently extended to violence, assassination, subversion, infiltration and coupÃâà...
Sputnik International
July 20, 2017
"Project MKUltra" was the name given to an illegal program of human experimentation conducted by the US Central Intelligence Agency, which investigated mind control. The 1975 ... The origins of MKUltra lie in 1945, and Operation Paperclip — the secret transfer of top Nazi scientists to the US. Armed withÃâà...
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