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updated Thu. May 23, 2024

As "60 Minutes" prepares to air its interview with adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, conservative Christians are being accused of hypocrisy. How can so-called "values voters" continue to stand with President Trump despite revelations that he allegedly had affairs with a porn star and a Playboy model, and ...
Syndicated columnist Mark Shields and New York Times columnist David Brooks join Judy Woodruff to discuss the week's news, including President Trump choosing John Bolton for his third national security adviser, the departure of John Dowd from the president's Russia probe legal team, plus former ...

... or right, who can't seem to understand this. Marc Thiessen writes a twice-weekly column for The Washington Post on foreign and domestic policy and contributes to the PostPartisan blog. He is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and the former chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush.
Much of the discourse in recent weeks has focused on the personality of the Saudi crown prince to explain what seem to be extraordinary changes in Saudi foreign and domestic policies. But the connection between these events and George W. Bush's war is often missed. For decades, Saudi foreign policy ...
Trump's particularly warm embrace, however, is rare for a U.S. president (although George W. Bush's roots in oil provided the foundation for a close relationship, despite 9/11, as well). Trump, of course, is ... Trump, on the other hand, shows no concern with Saudi domestic policy. He shares their view on ...
... in this administration could be exacerbated by the prominence of social media, according to former George W. Bush administration official Cesar Conda. ... and makes them seem like emergencies when in fact they're not,” Conda, who was a domestic policy adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney, ...

... or right, who can't seem to understand this. – Marc Thiessen writes a twice-weekly column for The Washington Post on foreign and domestic policy and contributes to the PostPartisan blog. He is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the former chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush.
Much of the discourse in recent weeks has focused on the personality of the Saudi crown prince to explain what seem to be extraordinary changes in Saudi foreign and domestic policies. But the connection between these events and George W. Bush's war is often missed. For decades, Saudi foreign policy ...
Kaptur, a former planner in Toledo and domestic policy advisor for President Jimmy Carter, was working on a doctoral degree in urban planning development ... Kaptur has served with six presidents: Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump.
According to John P. Walters, the former Drug Czar under President George W. Bush, the president's proposal for stricter drug laws will provide an important tool for breaking up the illicit drug networks. "Across the board, it's a good idea," Waters said. Referring to capital punishment, he said, "This is precisely the right tool to ...
For Peter Wehner, who advised President George W. Bush on domestic policy, that is not good enough. Mr. McConnell and other Republican leaders must “make it clear to Trump and the White House that if he fires Mueller, that is crossing a red line, and there will be consequences,” Mr. Wehner said.
Sitting on the Domestic Policy Council, the ONAP director provides advice to the president on matters related to HIV/AIDS domestically and abroad. ... The revamping of PACHA is not unique to the Trump administration, as the Obama administration dismissed the George W. Bush administration's ...
Following the inauguration, James — a longtime conservative who served under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and later as George W. Bush's Office of Personnel Management director — said she had been excited for a possible spot in the administration. In the interview with Women ...
In 2002, President George W. Bush slapped steep tariffs on steel imports, warning about the collapse of the U.S. steel industry, then lifted them 21 months later to avoid a trade war with the European Union and Japan. Sixteen years later, President Trump is imposing steel tariffs of his own — but this time, the most powerful ...
Marc Thiessen writes a twice-weekly column for The Washington Post on foreign and domestic policy and contributes to the PostPartisan blog. He is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and the former chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush. Follow him on Twitter, @marcthiessen.
While former Presidents Obama and George W. Bush made fighting AIDS one of their administrations' top priorities, President Trump Donald John ... instead stating Trump has hired Katy Talento, a former Capitol Hill staffer with HIV/AIDS expertise, to be the health policy lead on the Domestic Policy Council.
In 2001, when President George W. Bush passed his across-the-board tax cuts, his message was simple: Every American who pays taxes will get a tax cut. ... Marc Thiessen writes a twice-weekly column for The Post on foreign and domestic policy and contributes to the PostPartisan blog. He is a fellow at ...

He joined George W. Bush for a 1985 dip in the chilly Atlantic Ocean at Kennebunkport, Maine, an unknowing and unofficial baptism for a man close to ... the country had come to have strong reservations about the Vietnam War and LBJ's role in expanding that conflict, admired Johnson's domestic policies.
At this point in their respective administrations, President Obama had filled 63 such positions and President George W Bush had filled 51, the UCS says. ... He noted that John Holdren was routinely involved with various key government bodies like the National Security Council and the Domestic Policy ...
Senate Democrats supported Trump 37 percent of the time when his position was known, the lowest score for either party since the same conference backed George W. Bush only 34 percent of the time in 2008. (By comparison, the lowest rate of support for Obama's known stances by GOP senators was 40 ...
James, who has worked on the Republican administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush, said she was looking ... “I was very looking forward to an opportunity to serve in that White House in some capacity to help maybe on domestic policy, maybe in the Office of Public ...
In 2001, when President George W. Bush passed his across-the-board tax cuts, his message was simple: Every American who pays taxes will get a tax cut. But in 2017 ... Marc Thiessen writes a syndicated column for the Washington Post on foreign and domestic policy issues. He is a fellow at the American ...
In 2001, when President George W. Bush passed his across-the-board tax cuts, his message was simple: Every American who pays taxes will get a tax cut. But in ... Marc Thiessen writes a twice-weekly column for The Washington Post on foreign and domestic policy and contributes to the PostPartisan blog.


news and opinion



         43rd george walker bush
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             guest worker program
             malpractice lawsuits
             marriage initiative
             no child left behind
             social security privatization

Bush administration:
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           bush doctrine
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           foreign policy
           military orders
           state of the union

cross-references for
domestic policy:

George W. Bush's domestic policies